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nanojit OpCodes

In Nanojit, LIR is the source language for compilation to machine code. LIR stands for low-level intermediate representation.  It is a typed assembly language. The LIR instruction set is best learnt by reading nanojit/LIRopcode.tbl.  Code for manipulating LIR is in nanojit/LIR.h.

LIR OpCodes

Opcodes use type-indicators suffixes that are loosely based on C type names:

    • 'c': "char", ie. 8-bit integer
    • 's': "short", ie. 16-bit integer
    • 'i': "int", ie. 32-bit integer
    • 'q': "quad", ie. 64-bit integer
    • 'u': "unsigned", is used as a prefix on integer type-indicators when necessary
    • 'f': "float", ie. 32-bit floating point value
  • -'f4': "float4", ie. 128-bit SIMD value containing 4 single-precision floating point values
    • 'd': "double", ie. 64-bit floating point value
    • 'p': "pointer", ie. an int on 32-bit machines, a quad on 64-bit machines

'p' opcodes are all aliases of int and quad opcodes, they're given in LIR.h and chosen according to the platform pointer size.

Certain opcodes aren't supported on all platforms

Miscellaneous operations

Opcode Todo Return Type Featured Description
start Op0 V start of a fragment
regfence Op0 V A register fence causes no code to be generated, but it affects register allocation so that no registers are live when it is reached.
unreachable Op0 V indicate that this location cannot be reached (no live regs here)
skip Sk V links code chunks
parami P I 32-bit load an int parameter (register or stack location)
paramq P Q 64-bit load a quad parameter (register or stack location)
allocp IorF P allocate stack space (result is an address)
reti Op1 V return an int
retq Op1 V 64-bit return a quad
retd Op1 V return a double
retf Op1 V return a float
retf4 Op1 V return a float4
livei Op1 V extend live range of an int
liveq Op1 V 64-bit extend live range of a quad
lived Op1 V extend live range of a double
livef Op1 V extend live range of a float
livef4 Op1 V extend live range of a float4
file Op1 V [VTune] source filename for debug symbols
line Op1 V [VTune] source line number for debug symbols
pc Op1 V [Shark] record the machine address of this instruction
comment Op1 V a comment shown, on its own line, in LIR dumps
safe Safe V deoptimization safepoint
endsafe Safe V deoptimization safepoint

Loads and stores

Opcode Todo Return Type Featured Description
ldc2i Ld I load char and sign-extend to an int
lds2i Ld I load short and sign-extend to an int
lduc2ui Ld I load unsigned char and zero-extend to an unsigned int
ldus2ui Ld I load unsigned short and zero-extend to an unsigned int
ldi Ld I load int
ldq Ld Q 64-bit load quad
ldd Ld D load double
ldf Ld F load float
ldf2d Ld D load float and extend to a double
ldf4 Ld F4 load float4 (SIMD, 4 floats)
sti2c St V store int truncated to char
sti2s St V store int truncated to short
sti St V store int
stq St V 64-bit store quad
std St V store double
std2f St V
stf St V
stf4 St V


Opcode Todo Return Type Featured Description
callv C V call subroutine that returns void
calli C I call subroutine that returns an int
callq C Q 64-bit call subroutine that returns a quad
calld C D call subroutine that returns a double
callf C F call subroutine that returns a float
callf4 C F4 call subroutine that returns a float4

Branches and labels

'jt' and 'jf' must be adjacent so that (op ^ 1) gives the opposite one. Static assertions in LIR.h check this requirement.

Opcode Todo Return Type Featured Description
j Op2 V jump always
jt Op2 V jump if true
jf Op2 V jump if false
jtbl Jtbl V jump to address in table
label Op0 V a jump target (no machine code is emitted for this)


'xt' and 'xf' must be adjacent so that (op ^ 1) gives the opposite one. Static assertions in LIR.h check this requirement.

OP_UN (align_guards)

Opcode Todo Return Type Featured Description
x Op2 V exit always
xt Op2 V exit if true
xf Op2 V exit if false
xbarrier Op2 V A LIR_xbarrier cause no code to be generated, but it acts like a never-taken guard in that it inhibits certain optimisations, such as dead stack store elimination.


Opcode Todo Return Type Featured Description
immi IorF I int immediate
immq QorD Q 64-bit quad immediate
immd QorD D double immediate
immf IorF F float immediate
immf4 F4 F4 float4 immediate


All comparisons return an int: 0 on failure and 1 on success. Within each type group, order must be preserved so that, except for eq*, (op ^ 1) gives the opposite one (eg. lt ^ 1 == gt). eq* must have odd numbers for this to work. They must also remain contiguous so that opcode range checking works correctly. Static assertions in LIR.h check these requirements.

OP_UN (align_eqi)

Opcode Todo Return Type Featured Description
eqi Op2 I int equality
lti Op2 I signed int less-than
gti Op2 I signed int greater-than
lei Op2 I signed int less-than-or-equal
gei Op2 I signed int greater-than-or-equal
ltui Op2 I unsigned int less-than
gtui Op2 I unsigned int greater-than
leui Op2 I unsigned int less-than-or-equal
geui Op2 I unsigned int greater-than-or-equal


Opcode Todo Return Type Featured Description
eqq Op2 I 64-bit quad equality
ltq Op2 I 64-bit signed quad less-than
gtq Op2 I 64-bit signed quad greater-than
leq Op2 I 64-bit signed quad less-than-or-equal
geq Op2 I 64-bit signed quad greater-than-or-equal
ltuq Op2 I 64-bit unsigned quad less-than
gtuq Op2 I 64-bit unsigned quad greater-than
leuq Op2 I 64-bit unsigned quad less-than-or-equal
geuq Op2 I 64-bit unsigned quad greater-than-or-equal


Opcode Todo Return Type Featured Description
eqd Op2 I double equality
ltd Op2 I double less-than
gtd Op2 I double greater-than
led Op2 I double less-than-or-equal
ged Op2 I double greater-than-or-equal

OP_UN (align_eqf)

Opcode Todo Return Type Featured Description
eqf Op2 I float equality
ltf Op2 I float less-than
gtf Op2 I float greater-than
lef Op2 I float less-than-or-equal
gef Op2 I float greater-than-or-equal
eqf4 Op2 I float4 equality

Note: we don't do lt/gt/le/ge comparisons on float4 values


Opcode Todo Return Type Featured Description
negi Op1 I negate int
addi Op2 I add int
subi Op2 I subtract int
muli Op2 I multiply int
divi Op2 I 32-bit X86 divide int
modi Op1 I 32-bit X86 modulo int. LIR_modi is a hack. It's only used on i386/X64. The operand is the result of a LIR_divi because on i386/X64 div and mod results are computed by the same instruction.
noti Op1 I bitwise-NOT int
andi Op2 I bitwise-AND int
ori Op2 I bitwise-OR int
xori Op2 I bitwise-XOR int
lshi Op2 I left shift int. For all three integer shift operations, only the bottom five bits of the second operand are used, and they are treated as unsigned. This matches x86 semantics.
rshi Op2 I right shift int (>>)
rshui Op2 I right shift unsigned int (>>>)
addq Op2 Q 64-bit add quad
subq Op2 Q 64-bit subtract quad
mulq Op2 Q 64-bit X86 multiply quad
divq Op2 Q 64-bit X86 divide quad
modq Op1 Q 64-bit X86 modulo quad. LIR_modq is a hack. It's only used on i386/X64. The operand is the result of a LIR_divq because on i386/X64 div and mod results are computed by the same instruction.
andq Op2 Q 64-bit bitwise-AND quad
orq Op2 Q 64-bit bitwise-OR quad
xorq Op2 Q 64-bit bitwise-XOR quad
lshq Op2 Q 64-bit left shift quad; 2nd operand is an int. For all three quad shift operations, only the bottom six bits of the second operand are used, and they are treated as unsigned. This matches x86-64 semantics.
rshq Op2 Q 64-bit right shift quad; 2nd operand is an int
rshuq Op2 Q 64-bit right shift unsigned quad; 2nd operand is an int
negd Op1 D negate double
absd Op1 D absolute value of double
sqrtd Op1 D sqrt double
addd Op2 D add double
subd Op2 D subtract double
muld Op2 D multiply double
divd Op2 D divide double
modd Op2 D modulo double. LIR_modd is just a place-holder opcode, ie. the back-ends cannot generate code for it. It's used in TraceMonkey briefly but is always demoted to a LIR_modl or converted to a function call before Nanojit has to do anything serious with it.
negf Op1 F negate float
absf Op1 F absolute value of float
sqrtf Op1 F sqrt float
addf Op2 F add float
subf Op2 F subtract float
mulf Op2 F multiply float
divf Op2 F divide float
negf4 Op1 F4 negate float4
absf4 Op1 F4 absolute value of float4
sqrtf4 Op1 F4 sqrt float4
addf4 Op2 F4 add float4
subf4 Op2 F4 subtract float4
mulf4 Op2 F4 multiply float4
divf4 Op2 F4 divide float4
recipf Op1 F float reciprocal
rsqrtf Op1 F float reciprocal square root
minf Op2 F float min
maxf Op2 F float max
cmpgtf4 Op2 F4 float4.isGreater
cmpltf4 Op2 F4 float4.isLess
cmpgef4 Op2 F4 float4.isGreaterOrEqual
cmplef4 Op2 F4 float4.isLessOrEqual
cmpeqf4 Op2 F4 float4.isEqual
cmpnef4 Op2 F4 float4.isNotEqual
recipf4 Op1 F4 float4 reciprocal
rsqrtf4 Op1 F4 float4 reciprocal square root
minf4 Op2 F4 float4 min
maxf4 Op2 F4 float4 max
dotf4 Op2 F 4-component dot product
dotf3 Op2 F 3-component dot product
dotf2 Op2 F 2-component dot product
cmovi Op3 I conditional move int
cmovq Op3 Q 64-bit conditional move quad
cmovd Op3 D conditional move double
cmovf Op3 F conditional move float
cmovf4 Op3 F4 conditional move float4


rounding behavior of LIR_d2f is platform-specific

Platform Asm code Behavior
x86 w/ x87 FST32 uses current FP control word (default is rounding)
x86 w/ SSE cvtsd2ss according to MXCSR register (default is round to nearest)
x64 (SSE) cvtsd2ss according to MXCSR register (default is round to nearest)
others not implemented yet

The rounding behavior of LIR_d2i is platform specific.

Platform Asm code Behavior
x86 w/ x87 fist uses current FP control word (default is rounding)
x86 w/ SSE cvttsd2si performs round to zero (truncate)
x64 (SSE) cvttsd2si performs round to zero (truncate)
PowerPC unsupported
ARM ftosid round to nearest
MIPS trunc.w.d performs round to zero (truncate)
SH4 frtc performs round to zero (truncate)
SPARC fdtoi performs round to zero (truncate)
  • round to zero examples: 1.9 -> 1, 1.1 -> 1, -1.1 -> -1, -1.9 -> -1
  • round to nearest examples: 1.9 -> 2, 1.1 -> 1, -1.1 -> -1, -1.9 -> -2
Opcode Todo Return Type Featured Description
i2q Op1 Q 64-bit sign-extend int to quad
ui2uq Op1 Q 64-bit zero-extend unsigned int to unsigned quad
q2i Op1 I 64-bit truncate quad to int (removes the high 32 bits)
q2d Op1 D 64-bit convert quad to double
i2d Op1 D convert int to double
i2f Op1 F convert int to float
ui2d Op1 D convert unsigned int to double
ui2f Op1 F convert unsigned int to float
f2d Op1 D convert float to double
d2f Op1 F convert double to float (no exceptions raised)
d2i Op1 I convert double to int (no exceptions raised)
d2q Op1 Q 64-bit X86 convert double to quad (no exceptions raised?)
f2i Op1 I convert float to int (no exceptions raised)
f2f4 Op1 F4 convert float to float4 (no exceptions raised) - essentially copies the float across all elements
ffff2f4 Op4 F4 convert float to float4 (no exceptions raised) - essentially copies the float across all elements
f4x Op1 F extract first float from a float4
f4y Op1 F extract second float from a float4
f4z Op1 F extract third float from a float4
f4w Op1 F extract fourth float from a float4
swzf4 Op1b F4 swizzle float4 according to 8-bit selector
dasq Op1 Q 64-bit interpret the bits of a double as a quad
qasd Op1 D 64-bit interpret the bits of a quad as a double

Overflow arithmetic

These all exit if overflow occurred. The result is valid on either path.

Opcode Todo Return Type Featured Description
addxovi Op3 I add int and exit on overflow
subxovi Op3 I subtract int and exit on overflow
mulxovi Op3 I multiply int and exit on overflow

These all branch if overflow occurred. The result is valid on either path.

Opcode Todo Return Type Featured Description
addjovi Op3 I add int and branch on overflow
subjovi Op3 I subtract int and branch on overflow
muljovi Op3 I multiply int and branch on overflow
addjovq Op3 Q 64-bit add quad and branch on overflow
subjovq Op3 Q 64-bit subtract quad and branch on overflow


Opcode Todo Return Type Featured Description
dlo2i Op1 I SF get the low 32 bits of a double as an int
dhi2i Op1 I SF get the high 32 bits of a double as an int
ii2d Op2 D SF join two ints (1st arg is low bits, 2nd is high)
hcalli Op1 I SF LIR_hcalli is a hack that's only used on 32-bit platforms that use SoftFloat. Its operand is always a LIR_calli, but one that specifies a function that returns a double. It indicates that the double result is returned via two 32-bit integer registers. The result is always used as the second operand of a LIR_ii2d.

Safepoint Polling

Opcode Todo Return Type Featured Description
memfence Op0 V
brsavpc Op2 V branch and save pc
restorepc Op0 V
pushstate Op0 V
popstate Op0 V