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The curated list of awesome libraries incorporated into a project, ready to form the core for projects of any scale and can be deployed to production right after pulling the code.


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Django Awesome

The curated list of awesome libraries incorporated into a project, ready to form the core for projects of any scale and can be deployed to production right after pulling the code.

Scrutinizer Code Quality Code Coverage Build Status Code Intelligence Status status

Built with Cookiecutter Django Black code style

License: MIT

Release Features

For a complete listing of all improvements, see Django Awesome


  • django-grappelli - A jazzy skin for the admin.
  • Apply Oswald override Grappelli template
  • Custom admin menu inherited from django-admin-tools
  • Custom admin dashboard for index, app index page, autodiscover dashboard from app


  • drf-spectacular - Sane and flexible OpenAPI 3 schema generation for Django REST framework.


  • django-extensions - Custom management extensions, notably runserver_plus and shell_plus.


  • environs - Simplified environment variable parsing that comes with a Django helper that installs additional packages.



  • django-guid - Inject a GUID (Correlation-ID) into every log message in a Django request.

Model Fields

Static Assets

  • whitenoise - Simplified static file serving for Python websites.

Task Queues

  • django-redis - Full-featured Redis cache backend for Django.
  • celery - Robust and broker-agnostic task queues for bigger, performance-focused projects.
  • flower - Flower is a web-based tool for monitoring and administrating Celery clusters.
  • django-celery-beat - A periodic task scheduler with database configured by Django's Admin Panel.




  • Comes with custom user model ready to go
  • django-allauth - Improved user registration including social auth.

Python Packages

A short list of Python packages that implement support project.

  • Integration with black - Uncompromising Python code formatter.
  • Integration with pillow - Python Imaging Library.
  • Integration with pytest - Testing framework.
  • Integration with Mailpit for local email testing
  • Integration with Sentry for error logging


  • Custom static build using Gulp
  • Apply Oswald - Free HTML template from Keen Themes


Support this Project!

This project is an open source project run by volunteers. You can sponsor us via GitHub Sponsors:

Bin Nguyễn, Project Lead (GitHub): expertise in Django.

Special Thanks!

Thank you to KeenThemes for granting us a custom license to use their amazing Template Oswald for Django-Awesome UI

KeenThemes HTML/CSS/JS components are allowed for use only within the Django-Awesome product
and restricted to be used in a resealable HTML template that can compete with KeenThemes products anyhow.

The Django-Awesome UI (HTML, CSS and JS components) based on this theme is allowed for use only within the Django-Awesome product
and therefore cannot be used in derivative works/products without an explicit grant from the Riso Tech Team.


The curated list of awesome libraries incorporated into a project, ready to form the core for projects of any scale and can be deployed to production right after pulling the code.






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