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Doug P edited this page Feb 21, 2023 · 14 revisions

dnGREP is a "grep" utility for Windows.
dnGREP searches files for lines matching a given regular expression, text, or XPath pattern and returns the match in the results tree.

Light Theme


  • Start from Windows File Explorer
  • Search for files in archives - ZIP, 7z, RAR, JAR, and many more
  • Plain text/Regular expression/XPath search (including case-insensitive search)
  • Phonetic search (using Bitap and Needleman-Wunch algorithms)
  • Search for byte sequences in binary or text files
  • File move/copy/delete actions
  • Search MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents
  • Search PDF documents
  • Replace in plain text files - does not replace in binary file formats such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, ebooks, files in archives, images, audio files, or executable files
  • Undo functionality
  • Optional integration with text editor (like Notepad++, GVim or VS Code)
  • Optional integration with file diff tool (like WinMerge or Beyond Compare)
  • Optional integration with Everything search tool
  • Bookmarks (ability to save file filters and search options for the future)
  • Test form for regular expression patterns
  • Search result highlighting
  • Search result preview with syntax highlighting
  • Save search results
  • Light and dark themes
  • Translations in several languages
  • and more…

Dark Theme

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