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Updated Installation Instructions for Crouton

CroutonIsFun edited this page May 26, 2024 · 5 revisions

The sudo command can no longer be executed in the crosh shell. It is now necessary to install crouton in VT-2 (ctrl-alt-f2). Login as chronos and type the following commands after downloading crouton (you may wish to printout this page, as you cannot copy and paste to/from VT-2):

  1. Make crouton executable: sudo install -Dt /usr/local/bin -m 755 ~/Downloads/crouton
  2. Make the security folder writable: sudo mount -o remount,rw /sys/kernel/security/ (This must be done after each reboot)
  3. Install some distro, for example: sudo CROUTON_BRANCH=silence crouton -r focal -t xfce (the silence branch must always be used, as we lost the ability to compile cras. Also, xenial no longer works correctly.)
  4. Login to your chroot: sudo enter-chroot
  5. One-time install: sudo apt install ssh
  6. Launch ssh: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start (This must be done each time you enter your chroot after logging out)
  7. Go back to ChromeOS with ctrl-alt-f1. Press ctrl-alt-t to open the crosh shell, then type shell and Enter.
  8. ssh into your chroot: ssh foo@localhost (Note: foo is the username for your chroot. The first time, you'll be asked to accept the password.)
  9. Launch your desktop, for example: sudo startxfce4
  10. To exit your chroot, use your desktop menu, which brings you back to the crosh shell, then press ctrl-d. Finally, flip back over to VT-2 and press ctrl-d again.

A few of these steps can be simplified or automated with tweaks to your chroot or .bashrc file, but the above, hopefully, we get you through the day.

For a completely different approach (experimental), please see the following:

Fixing Crouton Using Chromebrew

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