For this hackathon, we designed a system to evaluate the performance of students in the MIT Media Lab class How To Grow Almost Anything ( The students were given a task to design mutants of the lysis protein in the MS2 bacteriophage. Our system tells Claude 3 Opus about the problem, and then gives it the students work. It then gives a detailed evaluation of the work as if it were at the graduate student level.
All of the results are preprocessed and in the corresponding out-{student-name}.txt file.
To regenerate the results, please run the script on each student work. To do this try:
for i in data/students/protein-design-part-2/* ; p $i | tee out-$i:t
To regenerate the design part, please run:
python3 all-protein-design.txt| tee all-protein-design-out.txt