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A Discord bot providing some ManiaPlanet integrations, playing music and doing other stuff. Pretty cute, too.


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A Discord bot providing multiple integrations for Nadeo games in ManiaPlanet platform, capable of playing some music and doing other useless stuff. Sometimes behaves extremely impolitely, but that's just her nature.


All available commands of the GalaxyBot. Default command prefix is !.

Reference: command <mandatory attribute> [optional attribute].


Command Description
about Shows some details about the GalaxyBot.
help [command] List the available GalaxyBot commands or sends the description of the given command.
git Sends a link to the GitHub repository with source code of the GalaxyBot.
invite Sends a link, which allows the user to add GalaxyBot to their server.
guilds The number of guilds GalaxyBot is active in. Full list featuring guilds names is available only to the bot owner, through a direct message.
avatar [name] Sends you direct link to your or someone's avatar.
user [name] Display some information about your profile or the profile of a specific user.
playing <game> Current number of users seen by the GalaxyBot, which are playing the given game.
oldest Generate a Markdown file, containing a table listing all members of the server in order of the join time.
8ball <question> Ask the GalaxyBot a yes or no question, she knows the answer to everything.
time Current time of the machine GalaxyBot is running on.
emoji <emoji> Shows detailed information about an emoji exising in the server.
reorder [#] The most pointless command, which shuffles the order of all words in the previously sent message, because reasons.


Command Description
settings <name> [value] Manage the GalaxyBot settings in the server. Anyone can view the bot settings, however only the GalaxyBot managers can edit them. See the settings list below for more information.
purge <count> [user] Removes up to 100 messages in current text channel. Requires both the sender and GalaxyBot to have Manage messages permissions in the channel. user can be specified to delete messages of a specific user.
rename <name> Changes the name of GalaxyBot in the server.


Command Description
channel <sm|tm> See what's currently being played on channels. Use sm for ShootMania channel and tm for TrackMania channel.
server <login|query> Find a ManiaPlanet server by its login or name and show its current status.
servers <id|code> [page] Listing up to 10 most populated servers of a specific ManiaPlanet title. By adding page, you can navigate through the list.
title <id|code> Shows information about the given title from the ManiaPlanet website.
map <uid> Shows information about the given map from ManiaPlanet website.
mx <tm|sm> <id|query> Search for a Mania Exchange map by its ID or the map name.
addserver <login|query> Add a ManiaPlanet server status to the statuses channel. Up to 10 servers will be detected and updated.

Bot automatically reacts to ManiaPlanet titles and maps links, as well as Mania Exchange maps links. This can be turned off via guild settings.

Instead of using title id in commands, you can just search for a title by its name.

Music player

Note: Supported platforms are YouTube, Facebook and Streamable.

Command Description
play <url|query> [now|next] Connects to a voice channel and plays audio from the given link. You can request videos from SoundCloud, Mixcloud, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Facebook and Streamable, send direct link to a file or a YouTube playlist. If an invalid URL is given, GalaxyBot will search the phrase in YouTube and play the first playable result. now and next allow GalaxyBot managers to play the track instantly or insert it at the beginning of the queue. If an audio file is attached to the message, GalaxyBot will attempt to play it.
playattachment [#] [channel] Puts the latest audio file attachment sent in the channel in the queue. # can be used to determine which attachment should be played. Adding the channel parameter will search for an attachment in this particular channel.
yt <query> Search for a YouTube video or playlist and add it to the music player queue.
sc <query> Search for a SoundCloud track and add it to the music player queue.
undo [quantity|all] Removes the latest track you've requested. Specify quantity to remove a certain number of tracks, or all to remove all your requests.
now Shows what is currently being played.
next [me|order] Shows details of the next request in the queue. me shows your first upcoming request. order can tell which request is at specific position in the queue.
queue [me|page] Lists up to 10 upcoming entries in the music player queue. Specify page to browse a certain page of the queue. me can be used to list your upcoming requests.
skip Skips the currently played song. GalaxyBot managers can skip any song, while other users may skip it only if it's been requested by them.
stop Allows GalaxyBot managers to stop music playback and clear the queue.
pause Pauses the current track playback. The same command will resume the playback.
limit-access Shortcut to toggle the limit-access setting, which restricts the music player access to the GalaxyBot managers only.

Owner commands

These commands are available only for the bot owner in special situations.

Command Description
reloadconfig Reloads GalaxyBot configuration from the config.yml file.
reloadcmds Reloads commands from the ./commands/ direcotry.
relog Relog the GalaxyBot to (other) Discord account.
logs Shortcut to toggle the limit-access setting, which restricts the music player access to the GalaxyBot managers only.
settalk Set the channel used to talk as the bot.
talk Talk as the GalaxyBot in previously set channel.


Available GalaxyBot settings, which server administrators can tweak to customize the bot behavior.

Setting Type Default Description
prefix char ! Character used to indicate commands.
roles snowflake[] [] Roles with permissions to manage the GalaxyBot settings and music player.
embed-mx bool true Detect and send Mania Exchange maps.
embed-titles bool true Detect and send ManiaPlanet titles.
embed-maps bool true Detect and send ManiaPlanet maps.
embed-forum bool true Detect and send ManiaPlanet Forum posts.
music-cmd-ch slowflake[] [] The only channels, where music player commands are accepted.
max-duration int 1800 Maximum duration (in seconds) of music tracks users without full permissions can play. 0 = no limit.
limit-access bool false Disable music player commands for users without enough rights.
stalk-edits bool false Mock members for editing their messages.
enable-filter bool true Enable or disable the words filtering feature of the GalaxyBot. Requires GalaxyBot to have the Manage messages permission in text channels for messages and roles filtering, as well as Manage nicknames for nicknames filtering.
filtered-words string[] [] Remove messages, reactions and nicknames containing one (or more) of following words.
filter-admins bool false Whether the word filter should work on messages sent by administrators and GalaxyBot managers.
text-responses bool true Let GalaxyBot react with some preprogrammed responses to messages.
mocking-joy bool true Make fun of people, who tend to overuse the 😂 joy emoji.
servers-status snowflake null Text channel, where GalaxyBot will post and update statuses of selected ManiaPlanet servers, added using the addserver command. Up to 10 latest messages sent in the channel will show a status below them.
ignored-users snowflake[] [] Members to be completely ignored by the bot. GalaxyBot managers bypass this restriction.

Settings with array type require add and remove keywords, for example !setings music-cmd-ch add #music-bot.


Storm title card Music player TrackMania channel Mania Exchange map Servers status


A Discord bot providing some ManiaPlanet integrations, playing music and doing other stuff. Pretty cute, too.








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