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Brian Sweeney edited this page Dec 21, 2022 · 44 revisions


dompdf supports the following CSS selector syntaxes. dompdf also supports elements with multiple class attributes (e.g. <p class="red bold">foo</p> matches and p.bold).

Note that the CSS selectors are case sensitive in dompdf (e.g. .foo will not match <div class="FOO">bar</div>)

Selector Supported Version Added Notes
* yes
E yes
E F yes
E > F yes
E.class yes
E#myid yes
E:root yes 2.0.2
E:first-child yes
E:last-child yes 0.6.0
E:only-child yes 2.0.2
E:first-of-type partial 0.6.0
E:last-of-type partial 0.6.0
E:only-of-type partial 2.0.2
E:nth-child yes 0.6.0
E:nth-last-child yes 0.6.0 Parsed as nth-child until 0.8.0
E:nth-of-type partial 0.6.0
E:nth-last-of-type partial 0.6.0 Parsed as nth-of-type until 0.8.0
E:empty yes
E:link yes
E:any-link yes 2.0.2
E:visited N/A
E:active N/A
E:hover N/A
E:focus N/A
E:lang(c) no
E + F yes Behaved as E ~ F until 1.1.0
E ~ F yes 1.1.0
E[foo] yes
E[foo="warning"] yes
E[foo~="warning"] yes
E[foo$="warning"] yes 0.6.0
E[foo^="warning"] yes 0.6.0
E[foo*="warning"] yes 0.6.0
E[lang|="en"] yes

Page Selectors

Page Selectors Supported Version Added Notes
@page yes
@page :left yes 0.6.0 only margins are applied
@page :right yes 0.6.0 only margins are applied
@page :odd yes 0.6.0 only margins are applied
@page :even yes 0.6.0 only margins are applied
@page :first yes 0.6.0 only margins are applied

Pseudo Elements

Property Supported Version Added Notes
E::first-line no
E::first-letter no
E::before yes Only on block and inline elements
E::after yes Only on block and inline elements


dompdf supports the majority of CSS 2.1 properties and some CSS 3 properties. Some notable properties are not supported however. See the following table for details on which properties are supported.

Property Supported Version Added Notes
background-attachment N/A
background-color yes
background-image yes
background-position yes
background-repeat yes
background-size yes 0.8.6
background yes Supports setting background-position and background-size since 1.2.0
border-collapse yes
border-color yes
border-radius yes 0.6.0 Supported on inline elements since 2.0.0. Only supports single radius value per corner
border-spacing yes
border-style yes
border-top yes
border-top-color yes
border-top-style yes
border-top-width yes
border-width yes
border yes
bottom yes Supported for relative positioning since 1.1.0
box-shadow no
box-sizing no
caption-side no Caption elements are moved before the table, as block elements
clear partial 0.6.0 In 0.6.x DOMPDF_ENABLE_CSS_FLOAT must be true
clip no
color yes
content yes
counter-increment yes
counter-reset yes multiple counters supported with 1.2.0
cursor N/A
direction no
display partial display type run-in is not supported
empty-cells yes 0.6.0
float partial 0.6.0 In 0.6.x DOMPDF_ENABLE_CSS_FLOAT must be true
font-family yes
font-size yes
font-stretch no
font-style yes
font-variant no
font-weight yes Numeric font weights supported since 0.8.4. bolder and lighter keywords treated as bold and normal resp.
font yes
height yes
inset yes 2.0.0
left yes
letter-spacing yes Not supported when using the GD backend
line-height yes
list-style-image yes
list-style-position yes
list-style-type yes
list-style yes
margin-right yes
margin-top yes
margin yes
max-height partial
max-width yes Supported on table cells since 1.1.0 (only absolute values)
min-height partial
min-width yes Supported on table cells since 1.1.0 (only absolute values)
opacity yes Supports percentage values since 2.0.0. Not supported when using the GD backend
orphans yes
outline-color yes
outline-offset yes 1.1.0
outline-style yes
outline-width yes
outline yes Takes border radius into account since 1.1.0. Supported on inline elements since 2.0.0
overflow partial
overflow-wrap yes 1.1.0
padding-top yes
padding yes
page-break-after yes Supported on table rows since 1.1.0. Not supported on table row groups
page-break-before yes Supported on table rows since 1.1.0. Not supported on table row groups
page-break-inside yes Not supported on table row groups
position yes
quotes yes
right yes Supported for relative positioning since 1.1.0
size yes for @page
src partial for @font-face
table-layout yes 0.6.0
text-align yes
text-decoration yes
text-indent yes
text-shadow no
text-transform yes
transform yes Except for 3D transformations
top yes
unicode-bidi no
unicode-range no for @font-face
vertical-align yes
visibility yes
white-space yes
widows no
width yes auto support added in 0.7.1
word-break no Supports the deprecated break-word keyword only since 2.0.0
word-spacing yes Not supported when using the GD backend
word-wrap yes 0.6.0 Alias of overflow-wrap since 1.1.0
z-index yes

General Keywords

Keyword Supported Version Added Notes
initial yes 1.2.0
inherit yes
unset yes 1.2.0
revert no

CSS Units

Unit Supported Version Added Notes
px yes
pt yes
% yes
rem yes 0.6.0
em yes
cm yes
mm yes
ex yes Equals to em/2
in yes
pc yes
rad yes 0.6.0 for 2D transforms
deg yes 0.6.0 for 2D transforms


Color Supported Version Added Notes
transparent yes
currentcolor yes 1.2.0
Basic color keywords yes
Extended color keywords yes
Numerical color values yes
CMYK color values yes 0.8.0
RGBA color values yes 0.7.0 transparency was ignored prior to 0.7.1; space-separated syntax supported with 1.2.0
HSL color values no
HSLA color values no
CSS2 system colors no
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