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Compiler Breaking Changes - post

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130 lines (104 loc) · 10.5 KB

Changes since VS2017 (C# 7)

  • #17089 In C# 7, the compiler accepted a pattern of the form dynamic identifier, e.g. if (e is dynamic x). This was accepted only if the expression e was statically of type dynamic. The compiler now rejects the use of the type dynamic for a pattern variable declaration, as no object's runtime type is dynamic.

  • #17674 In C# 7, the compiler accepted an assignment statement of the form _ = M(); where M is a void method. The compiler now rejects that.

  • #17173 Before C# 7.1, csc would accept leading zeroes in the /langversion option. Now it should reject it. Example: csc.exe source.cs /langversion:07.

  • dotnet/csharplang#415 In C# 7.0, elements in tuple literals can be named explicitly, but in C# 7.1, elements that aren't named explicitly will get an inferred named. This uses the same rules as members in anonymous types which aren't named explicitly. For instance, var t = (a, b.c, this.d); will produce a tuple with element names "a", "c" and "d". As a result, an invocation on a tuple member may result in a different result than it did in C# 7.0. Consider the case where the type of a is System.Func<bool> and you write var local = t.a();. This will now find the first element of the tuple and invoke it, whereas previously it could only mean "invoke an extension method named 'a'".

  • #16870 In C# 7.0 and before C# 7.1, the compiler accepted self-assignments in deconstruction-assignment. The compiler now produces a warning for that. For instance, in (x, y) = (x, 2);.

  • #19151 The compiler is now more precise in detecting erroneous pattern-matching operations because the expression could not possibly match the pattern. The following situations now cause an error:

    1. bool M(int? i) => i is long l; // error CS8121: An expression of type 'int?' cannot be handled by a pattern of type 'long'.
    2. and other cases where the integral types are not the same
    3. the same error can occur in other pattern-matching contexts (i.e. switch)
  • #17963 In C# 7.0 and before C# 7.1, the compiler used to consider tuple element name differences and dynamic-ness differences as significant when using the "as" operator with a nullable tuple type. For instance, (1, 1) as (int, int x)? and (1, new object()) as (int, dynamic)? would always be considered null. The compiler now produces the correct value, instead of null, and no "always null" warning.

  • #20208 In C# 7.0 and before C# 7.2, the compiler considered a local declared with a var type and a tuple literal value to be used. So it would not report a warning if that local was not used. The compiler now produces a diagnostic. For example, var unused = (1, 2);.

  • #20873 In Roslyn 2.3, the includePrivateMembers parameter of the EmitOptions constructor was changed to use true as its default value. This is a binary compatibility break. So clients using this API may have to re-compile, to pick up the new default value. An update will include a mitigation (ignoring the old default value when trying to emit a full assembly).

  • #21582 In C# 7.1, when the default literal was introduced, it was accepted on the left-hand-side of a null-coalescing operator. For instance, in default ?? 1. In C# 7.2, this compiler bug was fixed to match the specification, and an error is produced instead ("Operator '??' cannot be applied to operand 'default'").

  • #21979 In C# 7.1 and previous, the compiler permitted converting a method group, in which the receiver is of type System.TypedReference, to a delegate type. Such code would throw System.InvalidProgramException at runtime. In C# 7.2 this is a compile-time error. For example, the line with the comment, below, would cause the compiler to report an error:

static Func<int> M(__arglist)
    ArgIterator ai = new ArgIterator(__arglist);
    while (ai.GetRemainingCount() > 0)
        TypedReference tr = ai.GetNextArg();
        return tr.GetHashCode; // delegate conversion causes a subsequent System.InvalidProgramException

    return null;
  • #21485 In Roslyn 2.0, the unsafe modifier could be used on a local function without using the /unsafe flag on the compilation. In Roslyn 2.6 (Visual Studio 2017 verion 15.5) the compiler requires the /unsafe compilation flag, and produces a diagnostic if the flag is not used.

  • #20210 In C# 7.2, there are some uses of the new pattern switch construct, in which the switch expression is a constant, for which the compiler will produce warnings or errors not previously produced.

    switch (default(object))
      case bool _:
      case true:  // new error: case subsumed by previous cases
      case false: // new error: case subsumed by previous cases

    switch (1)
      case 1 when true:
        break; // new warning: unreachable code
  • #20103 In C# 7.2, when testing a constant null expression against a declaration pattern in which the type is not inferred, the compiler will now warn that the expression is never of the provided type.
const object o = null;
if (o is object res) { // warning CS0184: The given expression is never of the provided ('object') type
  • #22578 In C# 7.1, the compiler would compute the wrong default value for an optional parameter of nullable type declared with the default literal. For instance, void M(int? x = default) would use 0 for the default parameter value, instead of null. In C# 7.2 (Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5), the proper default parameter value (null) is computed in such cases.

  • #21979 In C# 7.2 (Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5) and previous it was allowed to convert to a delegate an instance method of a ref-like type such as TypedReference. Such operation invariable resulted in code that could not possibly run. The reason is that such conversion requires the receiver be boxed, which ref-like types cannot do. In Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6 such conversions will be explicitly disallowed by the compiler and cause compile time errors. Example: Func<int> f = default(TypedReference).GetHashCode; // new error CS0123: No overload for 'GetHashCode' matches delegate 'Func<int>'

  • #23416 Before Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6 (Roslyn version 2.8) the compiler accepted __arglist(...) expressions with void-typed arguments. For instance, __arglist(Console.WriteLine()). But such program would fail at runtime. In Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6, this causes a compile-time error.

  • #24023 In Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6, Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax.CrefParameterSyntax constructor and Update(), the parameter refOrOutKeyword was renamed to refKindKeyword (source breaking change if you're using named arguments).

  • Visual Studio 2017 15.0-15.5 shipped with a bug around definite assignment of local functions that did not produce definite assignment errors when an uncalled local function contains a nested lambda which captures a variable. For example:

    void Method()
        void Local()
            Action a = () =>
                int x;
                x++; // No error in 15.0 - 15.5

    This is changed in 15.6 to now produce an error that the variable is not definitely assigned.

  • Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7: #19792 C# compiler will now reject [IsReadOnly] symbols that should have an [InAttribute] modreq, but don't.

  • Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7: #25131 C# compiler will now check stackalloc T [count] expressions to see if T matches constraints of Span<T>.

  • #24806 In C# 7.2 and previous versions, it could be possible to observe cases when an RValue expression is reduced to a variable that can be passed by reference in the process of compiling. For example (x + 0) becomes x. If such change happens in a context that allows both RValues and passing via direct reference (receiver of a struct call or an in parameter), then it could change the meaning of the code. C# 7.3 will preserve the behavior of the rvalue where the value must always be passed via a copy. Example:

    static int x = 123;
    static string Test1()
        // cannot replace value of "x + 0" with a reference to "x"
        // since that would make the method see the mutations in M1();
        return (x + 0).ToString(M1());
    static string M1()
        x = 42;
        return "";
  • Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7: #25450 We added new restrictions on the use of the default expression in preparation for the planned addition of further pattern-matching features in C# 8.0:

    • If you write e is default, you will get the new error error CS8363: A default literal 'default' is not valid as a pattern. Use another literal (e.g. '0' or 'null') as appropriate. To match everything, use a discard pattern 'var _'.
    • If you write case default:, you will get the new error error CS8313: A default literal 'default' is not valid as a case constant. Use another literal (e.g. '0' or 'null') as appropriate. If you intended to write the default label, use 'default:' without 'case'.
  • Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7: #25399 C# compiler will now produce errors if partial methods parameters have different ref-kinds in implementation vs definition.

  • Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7: #23525 C# compiler will now produce errors if there was an invalid pdbpath supplied to an embedded pdb, instead of just writing it to the binary.

  • Visual Studio 2017 version 15.8: #22455 C# compiler will now produce errors if there was an "in" or an "out" argument to an "__arglist" call. "out" was always allowed, and "in" was introduced in 15.5.