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Releases: dots-tb/rePatch-reDux0

rePatch reDux0 v3.0

18 Nov 20:46
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  • Compat pack compatibility [thanks to CelesteBlue and TheFlow (for 3.68 H-encore)]
    NOTE: When eboot modding, be sure to include the self_auth.bin, this contains very important information.
  • Manual (with additional pages) and Changeinfo Support
  • No need for rePatch AIDS
  • Support for "ux0:", "uma0:", "imc0:", "grw0:", "xmc0:" (Note: it will only load files from one device PER GAME, and this is the priority order. So if no ux0:rePatch/titleid, it will load uma0:rePatch/titleid. A ux0:rePatch/titleid will prevent uma0:rePatch/titleid)
  • Now uses the Sony overlay system, you may now create files that don't exist in both patch and app, however, the game must support this.
  • Mods such as SBXE ( now take less time to load (1:10 vs 1:16)

Addresses: #5 #10 #13 #15 #17 #18 #24 #28

Please note that while the crashes are fixed when using DLC in above games, decrypted DLC may not load. This does not prevent OFFICIAL or NoNpDRM DLC from loading.

NOTE: DECRYPTED DLC loads for 99% of games.

Special thanks to: @AluProductions @froid_san @RealYoti and @waterflame321 for extreme testing!

rePatch reDux0 2.71 (ALPHA)

24 Jul 19:39
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Made compatible with compatible packs.

Made with the help of @CelesteBlue123

Please report any errors. Source will be available soon.

rePatch reDux0 2.61 + 0.09

16 Jul 05:02
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fixed suspend issue for 3.68/3.67.
Special thanks to @juliosueiras for lending his time and 3.68 vita!

rePatch reDux0 2.61 + 0.08 C HOTFIX ADDED

18 Apr 22:55
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Fixed problem with "PCSG00842" (forward slashes error), only update if you want to play this game. Compatibility may have improved also.


Added what it was currently reading
Made it read from reAddcont folder, instead of rePatch folder

New path for path issue:

ux0:reAddcont/<GAME ID>/<DLC ID>

Deemo DLC fix, it might fix other games.


rePatch reDux0 2.68

11 Apr 01:19
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Added DLC support along with the creation of rePatch Addcont Injection Deficiency Supplement. The following is an excerpt from the readme.
NOTE: For some games, this allows the possibility of custom DLC!

rePatch Addcont Injection Deficiency Supplement:

This program is for the maintenance of rePatch. It will allow the DECRYPTED + ENCRYPTED mode to work and will help delete no longer used rePatch game directories.

How to use (DLC USE):

  1. Within a game's rePatch folder, create a folder named "addcont". Ex: ux0:rePatch/<TITLE ID>/addcont
  2. Place DECRYPTED content within this folder relating to DLC. This may include: DLC mods (similar to normal rePatch mods) or DLC decrypted/dumped by a pre-taihen dumper or Motoharu's tools.
  3. Please continue to the following sections pertaining to the subject you want.

DLC Decrypted Only

  1. Make sure that ux0:addcont/<TITLE ID> does not exist. This will make the game load from the rePatch addcont folder instead.
  2. Place completely decrypted content in:
 ux0:rePatch/<TITLE ID>/addcont/<DLC ID>

NOTE: You now may mod the DLC directly as you could with MAIDUMP or VITAMIN.

DLC Encrypted Only (Modding)

  1. Make sure that ux0:addcont/<TITLE ID> does exist and that you have encrypted DLC. This includes officially downloaded DLC along with NoNpDRM DLC.
  2. Place completely decrypted content in corresponding folder:
ux0:rePatch/<TITLE ID>/addcont/<DLC ID>
  1. You may delete overlapping files within the original addcont folder to save space. This works exactly like a rePatch patch.

DLC Encrypted + Decrypted

  1. Make sure that ux0:addcont/<TITLE ID> does exist and that you have encrypted DLC. This includes officially downloaded DLC along with NoNpDRM DLC.
  2. Place completely decrypted content in corresponding folder:
ux0:rePatch/<TITLE ID>/addcont/<DLC ID>
  1. Run the rePatch Addcont Injection Deficiency Supplement program.
    NOTE: Modding still works in this mode.

rePatch reDux0 1.0

25 Mar 08:33
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Fix suspend issue and made more efficient.