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Improved task manager

An SPA application designed to help people on managing daily tasks. It works like a plain todo list, but with some advanced functionality.

General view

In general a task has it's text desсription, a priority and a folder. You can chose between 3 priority values: low, normal and high. You can create folders to organize your tasks.



Statistics show how many tasks you have and have not completed for the last period, and some other stuff like today's progress diagramm



The calendar helps you to track your future tasks, filter them and add new ones calendar

Changes manager

All the changes you've done are stored in the changes manager before you confirm/reject them. You can update you tasks many times in a row, and then rollback to the last saved point


Technologies used

  • Vue.js
  • Snap.svg
  • jQuery
  • Lodash
  • Express.js
  • Mongoose.js
  • Webpack
  • Babel.js
  • Stylus