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dradovic edited this page Dec 8, 2015 · 6 revisions

There are two ways of using Mig#. You can use it as a full-blown light-weight database migration library and/or – if you prefer writing DDL statements in C# – just as a schema modification library. This Quickstart covers both modes.

Schema Modifications Without Versioning (or How to Write DDL statements in C#)

In order to change the schema of a database, you simply create a instance of DbSchema and call the Alter method on it. Using the fluent interface of Mig#, altering the schema becomes easy and readable. For example:

   var schema = new DbSchema(ConnectionString, DbName);
   schema.Alter(db => db.Tables["Customer"].Rename("Customers"));

renames the “Customer” table to “Customers”.

Migration Library

First, you want to write a migration. You do this by implementing the IMigration interface and applying the MigrationExportAttribute. For example:

  internal class Migration1 : IMigration
      public void Up(IDatabase db)
              .WithPrimaryKeyColumn(ColumnNames[0], DbType.Int32);

Note that the timestamp of the migration is inferred by its post-fix. In the example above, this is 1.

The actual execution of migrations on a specific database is performed using the Migrator type. In order to instantiate it, you need to provide the connection string and the name of the database provider:

var migrator = new Migrator(connectionString, ProviderNames.SqlServer);

To update the database to the latest version, simply call MigrateAll and pass-in the assembly where you have defined the migration(s). For example:


This was a super-fast quick-intro for the caffeine drinkers amongst you. For more details, see the Manual.

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