GoWebApp is a simple framework for writing web applications in Go.
You simply need to implement the URLHandler interface and register a route to which that URLHandler responds. The simplest implementation is the NullApp in the examples directory which just uses the DefaultHandler to serve everything and respond with a 405 Method Not Allowed error.
func main() {
handle := URLHandler.DefaultHandler{}
URLHandler.RegisterHandler(handle, "/")
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
That's not terribly useful, so the SimpleGetApp example extends that a little by implementing the Get method on a new type
// Implement a new type which inherits the DefaultHandler
// behaviour
type SimpleGetPage struct {
// Override Get to return some text for the root page, and
// a 404 error for any other request
func (r SimpleGetPage) Get(req *http.Request, params map[string]interface{}) (string, error) {
if req.URL.Path == "/" {
return "I am a page", nil
return "Page not found", URLHandler.NotFoundError{}
A more complicated example is in the ListApp example in the examples folder, which implements a simple application that implements both Get and Post to store/retrieve a list from an SQLite database.
It demonstrates the usage of the params parameter to both pass arbitrary data to the Get/Post methods (both an SQL driver pointer, and a sample list title).