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Simplifying the comparison of existing tools for mining android sandboxes.



Due to the popularization of Android and the full range of applications targeting this platform, many security issues have emerged, attracting researchers and practitioners' attention. As such, many techniques for addressing security Android issues have emerged, including approaches for mining sandboxes using dynamic analysis tools (i.e., automated testing tools).

Undoubtedly, the resulting sandboxes' efficiency depends on the test case generation tools used in the mining procedures; and previous research studies have compared Android test case generation tools for this specific goal.

However, it's difficult to increment the research in this field because reproducing these previous empirical studies is a challenging and time-consuming task. This difficulty occurs because it's necessary to integrate test generation tools that often require different and conflicting versions of the Android platform, programming languages (e.g., Python 2 and Python 3), and software libraries.

To mitigate this issue, we present our droidxp/benchmark, a software infrastructure that allows researchers (and tools developers) to integrate and compare test case generation tools for mining sandboxes.

We evaluated droidxp/benchmark through a reproduction study of previous research work, though considering additional test case generation tools. Our experiment suggests that droidxp/benchmark simplifies the comparison of existing tools for mining sandboxes.



This project depends on:

  • Java 7
  • Android SDK 23+
  • Python 2 or 3
  • Pixel 2 android emulator

It's assumed that some commands are in your PATH environment variable: adb, java, jarsigner, emulator and aapt.

Instalation Scripts

Installation scripts can be found in droidxp/benchmark-vm. Each folder contains a script that will install this project's dependencies on the OS identified by the respective folder's name.

How to run

To install the project dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To run the benchmark, execute the following command:


How to run with arguments

The benchmark controll arguments follows:

usage: python [-h] [--list-tools] [-tools TOOLS [TOOLS ...]] [-t T [T ...]]
       [-r R] [--list-outputs] [--output OUTPUT] [--debug] [--version]

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--list-tools          list available tools
-tools TOOLS [TOOLS ...]
                      List of test tools used in the experiment
-t T [T ...]          (-t -time) Threshold of the execution time in the experiment (in seconds)
-r R                  (-r, -repetitions) Number of repetitions used in the experiment
--list-outputs        List available output formats
--output OUTPUT       OUTPUT FORMAT that will be used to show results (default: basic)
--debug               Run in DEBUG mode (default: false)
--version             Print the benchmark version   

Here is a sample on how to use the benchmark arguments:

python -tools monkey droidbot -t 60 -r 3

How to download the apps

All apps used in this research are listed in LargeI.csv and SmallE.csv files. They can be downloaded using the Python script

These apps come from the Androzoo repository, so it is necessary to acquire an access key and configure it in the Python script:

key="Insert here your key"

These apps MUST be stored in the benchmark/data/input/ folder.

We recommend using the script to download the apps because it formats the name of the files to organize in malign and benign apps.

How to add your tool

  1. Create a new package with your tool name
   mkdir tools/bananadroid
   touch tools/bananadroid/\_\_init\_\
   touch tools/bananadroid/
  1. Create ToolSpec class, as AbstractTool child, and execute_tool_specific_logic function
from ..tool_spec import AbstractTool

class ToolSpec(AbstractTool):
   AbstractTool.__init__(self, name, description, process_pattern)
      name(str): The name of the tool 
      description(str): The tool's description (such as test case genration, and so on) 
      process_pattern(str): A string with the pattern of the processes to be killed after execution
   def __init__(self):
      super(ToolSpec, self).__init__('bananadroid', 'Bananadroid tool description', 'org.bananadroid')
   This is our hook method, an extention point that every tool developer 
   must provide an implementation. 
   def execute_tool_specific_logic(self, file_name, timeout):
      # Bananadroid tool specific initialization method
  1. All set, you can test if the benchmark is able to recognize your tool with command
   >>> python --list-tools
   INFO:root: [Listing available tools] 

    [bananadroid] Bananadroid tool description


Tool Specific Dependencies


To run the benchmark with the droidbot tool, the following dependencies must be satisfied.

  • Python (both 2 and 3 are supported)
  • Java
  • Android SDK
  • Android SDK 18+
  • Add platform_tools directory in Android SDK to PATH
  • (Optional) OpenCV-Python if you want to run DroidBot in cv mode.

Clone the droidbot fork at and install it with pip:

git clone
cd droidbot/
pip install -e .

If successfully installed, you should be able to execute droidbot -h.

More info at the from the fork


To run the benchmark with the droidmate tool, the following dependencies must be satisfied.

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 8
  • Android SDK
  • gnuplot 5.0+
    • On Mac OS X, must install with pdf terminal: brew install gnuplot --with-cairo
  • SDK Manager packages:
    • Tools / Android SDK Platform-tools 27.0.3
    • Tools / Android SDK Build-tools
    • Android 6.0 (API 23) / SDK Platform
    • Android 7.1 (API 25) / SDK Platform
    • Extras / Android Support Repository
    • Extras / Google Play services
    • Extras / Google USB Driver (if your OS requires it)
    • Extras / Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM Installer) (if you want to use emulator on Windows)
  • Environment Variables
    • gnuplot in PATH

More info in the wiki


Clone To run the benchmark with the Humanoid tool, the following dependencies must be satisfied:

  • Python 3.x
  • Tensorflow
  • DroidBot
  • PyFlann (one may need to make it work under Python 3 according to its README)


Clone To run the benchmark with the Sapienz tool, the following dependencies must be satisfied

  • Linux: sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python-dev python-tk
    • Or Mac OS: brew install coreutils for gtimeout
  • Install project Sapienz dependencies by running sudo pip install -r requirements.txt at Sapienz root folder.
  • Android SDK 19+

It is also necessary to add the project folder in SAPIENZ_HOME environment variable. Something like:

export SAPIENZ_HOME=~/workspace-droidxp/sapienz/

Note: The environment variable SAPIENZ_HOME needs to end with a '/' character.