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Martin Albrecht edited this page Jul 27, 2016 · 10 revisions


June 20 — 24 (Monday — Friday)


ENS Lyon, Lyon, France


The idea of fplll days is inspired by and might follow the format of Sage Days which are semi-regularly organised by the SageMath community. The idea is simply to get a bunch of motivated developers in a room to work on code. Judging from experience in the SageMath community, lots of interesting projects get started and completed.

We intend to combine the coding sprint with the lattice meeting (to be confirmed), so we’d be looking at 3 days of coding plus 2 days of regular lattice meeting. We might organise one talk per coding day, to give people a reason to gather at a given time of the day, but the focus would be very much on working on fplll together.

Coding Projects

  • BKZ 2.0
  • Enumeration
  • Self-Dual BKZ
  • Sieving


  • Monday, 20. June, 9:30: planning meeting
  • Tuesday, 21. June, 9:30: Michael on DBKZ
  • Wednesday, 22. June, 9:30: Gilles on HPLLL, Martin on fpylll
  • Thursday, 23. June, 9:30: Marc on enumeration
  • Friday, 24. June, 9:30: TBC

Confirmed Attendees

  • Martin Albrecht
  • Shi Bai
  • Léo Ducas
  • Damien Stéhle
  • Marc Stevens
  • Gilles Villard
  • Michael Walter

If you'd like to attend, please send an e-mail to one of the maintainers of fplll.