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Lab Wiki Backend

NTU NLP lab wiki backend by express

Getting Start


Download/install nodejs from nvm, then execute

npm install


Open a development webserver in localhost:

npm run data-init-dev
npm run dev

Depoly a production webserver in server:

npm run data-init
npm run start

Open with arguments:

npm run {dev|start} -- [arguments] ...

Open with specified port:

npm run {dev|start} -- --port 23456


url = localhost:3000             (development)
    =      (production)

View http://url/api/ for example

Login Logout

Method URL                       Description                 Parameter              
POST   http://url/api/login       Login with id_token       {id\_token: '...', ...}
POST   http://url/api/logout     Logout                                              


Method URL                       Description               Parameter          
GET   http://url/api/seminar     Get all seminar                                
POST   http://url/api/seminar     Create new seminar           {topic: '...', ...}
POST   http://url/api/seminar/:id Update seminar with id=:id {topic: '...', ...}
DELETE http://url/api/seminar/:id Delete seminar with id=:id                    

It's same for all data (seminar, news, contactList, ...)

Other Informations

Method URL                       Description               Parameter          
GET   http://url/api/workstations Get info of workstations (gpu ...)                    
GET   http://url/api/takeOutGarbage Get garbage                    
GET   http://url/api/user       Get current user info                           
GET   http://url/api/conference/search Search conference on wikicfp {q: ...}


Apis below by POST are all admin only.

Method URL                       Description               Parameter          
POST   http://url/api/seminar/postpone Postpone the future seminars {id: ...}
POST   http://url/api/seminar/weekday Change future seminars' weekday {weekday: 0~6}
POST http://url/api/seminar/swap Swap two auto-gen seminars {id1: ..., id2: ...}
POST http://url/api/seminar/schedule Re-schedule future seminars {idList: ..., date: ...}
POST http://url/api/garbage/schedule Schedule garbage order {idList: ..., date: ...}
GET http://url/api/system Get the system variables                    
POST http://url/api/system Set the system variables (not recommend) {seminarWeekday: ..., ...}


- index.js         Code entry
- package.json
- config.js        Backend config
- client_secret.json Client secret for google apis
- data/            Old wiki data for database initialize
- static/          Front end single page app
- templates/       Templates for email ... etc
- src/
    - server.js       Start the server
    - config.js       Config loader
    - models/         Models scheme
        - contactList.js
        - news.js
        - seminar.js
        - slide.js
        - system.js
        - conference.js
        - email.js
    - routers/         Route defination
        - index.js         Route defination
        - settings/        Settings for express
        - model.js         Function: DB/model relative things
        - login.js         Function: login/user/google-login relative things
        - gpu-usage.js     Function: get workstation gpu/cpu usage
        - take-out-garbage.js ction: godlike auto take out the garbage by ContactList
        - manage.js        Function: manage backend (scheduling ...)
        - cfp-search.js    Function: search conference on 
        - fake-fe.js       Function: fake front-end for testing
    - services/
        - index.js         Loads all services
        - mail.js          Mail service: Scan email in DB periodically to send
        - seminar.js       Seminar service: Weekly add new seminar and send reminder email
        - conference.js    Conference service: Update conference information periodically
        - gapi-test.js     Kanna tell you taking out the garbage
        - google-api.js    Function: google api things, like getting token in backend
        - weekly.js        Function: Weekly run services
    - utils/           Utilities for code
    - tools/           Tools
        - data-parser.js   Parse json data into DB
    - test/            Unit test


  • Data
    • More data
    • Record validation
  • User role
  • File server
  • Security
    • Session: store session in mongo (production)
    • Session: httpOnly
    • https
    • random jwt key (in 'router/login.js')
  • Service
    • Mail service
    • Call for paper service
    • Seminar scheduling
    • Take out the garbage scheduling
  • delete 權限 (admin/owner only)
  • API route
  • dev/product environment
  • static folder for front-end