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Northcoders News API

    Project Overview

Tech: JavaScript, Express.js, Node.js, PostGresSQL

Forming the backend of a full stack web project, this API provides full CRUD capabilties using Express Router to modularise endpoints and bolster the clean, concise MVC architecture.

Although its original design has been for use with a news website, it has the versatility to be adapted to other projects such as blogs, forums and social media platforms. Within this repository is a demonstration of my proficiency in developing and implementing a user-centred API for content management and creation.

The API will also form the backend of a frontend project built in React. Its functionality covers managing news articles, users and comments. The user is able to post, update and delete articles and comments - as well as vote/downvote on articles and comments as seen on sites such as Reddit.

    API Endpoints

Users are able to access and interact with news data using the following endpoints:

GET all available endpoints

GET a list of topics

POST a new topic

Construct a post request body: { slug: "Topic name here, description: "Topic description here" }

GET a list of users

GET a single user by username

GET all articles, ordered, filtered by topic, sorted by a specified field and with pagination

POST a new article

Construct a post request body: {
                              author: "author name here",
                              title: "title of article here",
                              body: "body of post here",
                              topic: "topic name here",
                              article_img_url: "<< img url here >>"

GET & DELETE a specific article

GET an article's comments, with pagination

PATCH an article to vote on it

Construct a request body: { inc_votes: 1 } or { inc_votes: -1 }

POST a new comment to a specific article

Construct a request body: {
                         username: "username here",
                         body: "body of comment goes here"

PATCH a comment to vote on it

Construct a request body: { inc_votes: 1 } or { inc_votes: -1 }

DELETE a comment

Hosted Version

Here is a live version of this app, hosted with Render.


Follow the below instructions to get yourself started.

Installation and Minimum Requirements:

  • Node.js: 19.0.0 or later
  • PostgreSQL: 12.12 or later

Cloning the repository:

In your terminal, create a directory to clone the repository into:

$ mkdir <your new directory name>

Change directory:

$ cd <your new directory name>

Clone the repository:

$ git clone


Run the below code in your terminal to install all required dependencies:

$ npm install

Dev & Test Environments:

Create two .env files:

$ touch .env.development
$ touch .env.test

Your .env.development file must contain the following line:


Your .env.test file must contain the following line:


Database setup and seeding

To setup both your development and test databases, run the following scripts:

Database Setup:

$ npm run setup-dbs


$ npm run seed


The jest test suite is utilised for this app. Tests can be run with the following script:

$ npm test

    Full List of Dependencies

The following Node.js packages are required for this project:

Production Dependencies

Package Version Usage
dotenv ^16.0.0 Handles environment variable files
express ^4.18.2 Routes API requests
pg ^8.7.3 Queries PostgreSQL database
pg-format ^1.0.4 Formats PostgreSQL to prevent SQL injection

Developer Dependencies

Package Version Usage
husky ^8.0.2 Validates commit by running tests before committing
jest ^27.5.1 Provides framework for testing functionality
jest-extended ^2.0.0 Adds additional jest testing identifiers
jest-sorted ^1.0.14 Adds sort testing for jest
supertest ^6.3.3 Adds simplified web request testing