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Dale Whinham edited this page Dec 14, 2021 · 4 revisions

For the Raspberry Pi to be able to receive data from hardware featuring a MIDI port (usually a 5-pin DIN connector), it needs a MIDI interface. The simplest way to add one to your Raspberry Pi to connect an off-the-shelf USB MIDI interface to one of its USB ports. More advanced users or electronics enthusiasts may wish to build a GPIO MIDI interface.

Here are some typical connection examples:

[ Pi ] --> [ USB/GPIO MIDI ] <===> [ USB MIDI ] <-- [ Modern PC ]
[ Pi ] --> [ USB/GPIO MIDI ] <===> [ Gameport MIDI cable ] <-- [ Vintage PC ]
[ Pi ] --> [ USB/GPIO MIDI ] <===> [ Atari ST or other machine with built-in MIDI ]
[ Pi ] --> [ USB/GPIO MIDI ] <===> [ Synthesizer keyboard or controller ]

Depending on what kind of hardware you want to use with mt32-pi, you may also want to consider other supported alternatives:

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