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Dale Whinham edited this page Jan 13, 2021 · 1 revision

mt32-pi is a free and open-source project, and always will be. I work on it in my spare time as a hobby, because I enjoy writing software and I love music-related projects!

The difference between this project and my other work is that this one requires hardware for testing existing functionality and developing new features - hardware that must be purchased. Sometimes, this hardware fails or gets worn out and must be replaced. Therefore, mt32-pi requires time and money to keep moving forward.

I also often spend a lot of time helping users, responding to messages, and writing documentation.

There is no obligation whatsoever to donate to this project, but if you do enjoy using mt32-pi and want to support continued development, you can find some donation links in the sidebar on the right.

Thankyou for your consideration, and a huge thankyou to all those who have already donated. This is my first reasonably-successful software project, and your support means a lot to me! ❀

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