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Phantom difference from Java, C and C#

Dmitry Zavalishin edited this page Oct 13, 2017 · 3 revisions

Phantom language differences from Java, C# and C++

For those who don't want to read too much.

No difference between integer and object.

Everything is object.

Operator == compares value (calls .equals()). To compare references use :== and :!=

x = map.get(“apple”);
if( x :== null ) ...
if( x == “macintosh” ) ...

dynamically typed new operator

Accepts not only type name, but also a class object to create instance of. Such as

x = new *(expression-giving-class-object)(c'tor params);

Var definitions are Pascalish.

Sorry about that, will return to c/java style soon.

var i : int;var container :;

Operator .= is value assignment.

Not really implemented.

Type names are either absolute (start with '.') or relevant to package.

Possibly will change and relevant names will be searched in imported packages as well.

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