libgui is the free library written in Harbour programming language. It allows you faster creating console user interface. It also implements some functionalities not connected to its main target like swap function or sophisticated exception system. These functionalities are either used in libgui or (and mostly) are planned to use in future.
This document and all other parts of libgui are distributed in the hope they will be useful, but there is NO GUARANTEE that they are complete, accurate, non-infringing or usable for any purpose whatsoever. Contributors are NOT LIABLE for any damages that result from using Harbour in any ways. For more legal details, see LICENSE.
The information this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent any future commitment by the participants of the project.
There are several ways to help making libgui better:
You can give feedback/suggestions to developers on available channels, see Harbour Links.
Submit a change:
- Fork libgui
- Create a branch:
git checkout -b my_mod
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am "Added my feature"
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my_mod
- Open a Pull Request
To get and install Harbour, see Harbour
You'll need Git version control software installed on your system and issue this command:
git clone
You can get subsequent updates using this command:
git pull
At now libgui isn't prepared to build and install on other systems than Linux.
To build:
$ ./
To test it, type:
$ cd tests/yesno
$ hbmk2 yesno_test.prg
$ .
$ ./yesno_test
You have to setup paths like in tests/yesno/hbmk.hbm and tests/yesno/
- Homepage
- Users' Mailing List (English language)
- Development Mailing List (English language)
- Source code
- Localization
- Issues
- Documents:
- hbmk2 documentation
- hbrun documentation
- ChangeLog
- Comparing Harbour to xHarbour
- CA-Cl*pper 5.3 online documentation
- Harbour online documentation
- Harbour internal documents
- Wikipedia
This document is based on this, which was made by Viktor Szakats (