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Cameron edited this page Jan 28, 2017 · 1 revision

title: CMS permalink: /CMS/

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Content Management System

This is a basic terminology for what is in effect a pre-coded website. These systems give you features (such as forums, polls and user management) which are all linked together by a common framework API. These CMS are often powered by PHP.

CMS systems are one of the most popular ways to deliver conent. Since it has the ability to be expanded and edited easily, the site can be adapted to any use.

CMSs are often used in community websites. City sites, Gaming Sites, etc. Find the CMS to be the most ideal way to deliver what is needed. Those kinds to sites depend on delivering news, information, and content. Using a CMS, it is very easy to create and deliver.

Flexible and expandable

Since most of these CMS's are free, you can change them as much as you want. Many users found that the features included are sometimes not enough. Like e107, many systems can install mods. They often have a 1-click-install. Mods are a good way to expand on the options. Mods can vary from each other. You can find mods like media player, or new options for user management. Virtually anything can be found for your needs.


A CMS system works on PHP. Because of this, instead of containing the template file inside of itself, it can rely on a .css file. A .css file in a common style sheet used in most languages (No in HTML). This .css file points out how images are layed out, how wide borders are, were bodies of texts are located, etc. Because it relys on a separate file, the user can select a skin. The site can switch the .css file that it is being pointed at, and in result it will change the theme.


Almost all CMS systems have an install script. It will ask the installer to fill out the necessary information, and then will create all the database tables, and file changes for the user.

*See Also*: [HOWTO:Install e107](/HOWTO:Install_e107 "wikilink")

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