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Cameron edited this page Jan 28, 2017 · 1 revision

title: Install troubleshoot permalink: /Install_troubleshoot/

Troubleshooting an Install of E107

...when it doesn't all go smoothly.

This is divided into four main areas:

  1. A 'clean' install
  2. An upgrade from 0.617
  3. Some host and platform-specific problems.
  4. Problems specific to a particular release of E107

Some of the likely problems and fixes may fit in more than one category, so its worth checking the whole of this page.

If your particular problem isn't covered here, it's also worth checking the post-install troubleshooting page

Troubleshooting a clean install

Symptom Possible cause Likely fix
File 'e107_config.php' missing Downloaded upgrade pack rather than 'fresh install' pack simply create a blank file in a text editor and save it in the root of your e107 installation with the name [e107_config.php](/E107_config.php "wikilink") .
At Stage 3 I get an error message: *MySQL Reported Error: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client* Host has provided **mySQLi** rather than mySQL Ask your host to provide mySQL
Blank screen after install Corrupted language files Re-upload language files; if not installing in English, use the English files to confirm that this is the problem
Blank screen after install Corrupted or missing files Run the [File Inspector](/File_Inspector "wikilink") to check that all files are present; in particular in the e107_themes directory the lamb and jayya (reline in later versions) themes, and the templates subdirectory.
I am told to 'reset core' or a similar message Database empty or corrupted Usually simplest to make sure the database is empty, make sure that [e107_config.php](/E107_config.php "wikilink") is empty, and re-start the install
I cannot log in - I get an error which says 'The XML page cannot be displayed...' install.php still present Delete install.php
I cannot access some plugins admin pages Incorrect security settings May be as simple as file permissions, but more likely Apache's mod_security set up incorrectly
I see words such as 'LAN_NEWS_43' where I would expect to see normal text messages Corrupt or missing language file Identify the relevant language file and ensure there is a good copy in the right place on the server. For core software they are in e107_languages/yourlanguage, and for administration tasks they are in e107_languages/yourlanguage/admin. For plugins they are usually in a similar directory off the plugin directory.
I get lines beginning 'Notice:' PHP set to detailed error reporting These messages can be ignored
I get an error involving mime_magic when doing tasks involving sending email Server set up incorrectly Resolve with your host
I get 'Error 404' - File not found errors File access rights incorrect The requirements vary dependent on host setup. Other than those files and directories which the install document says to set to '777', access rights of '644' should be OK for most files. Sometimes '744' or '755' is required. If the server is running phpsuexec, '600' will probably be enough.
When running certain plugins I see messages like this: vti_encoding:SR|utf8-nl vti_author:SR|fabcsher vti_modifiedby:SR|fabcsher You used FrontPage to upload your files (or for other things on the site). Delete the relevant plugins, and upload again with a proper [FTP](/What_is_FTP%3F "wikilink") client such as CuteFTP, Filezilla or many others.
When I try to run 'install.php' I see a lot of text PHP not running Install PHP
Names of some files and/or directories seem to change as I upload [FTP](/What_is_FTP%3F "wikilink") Client This problem has been attributed to TotalCommander - try another [FTP](/What_is_FTP%3F "wikilink") client
When I try to run 'install.php' I see a lot of text [FTP](/What_is_FTP%3F "wikilink") Client corrupting files This problem has been attributed to TotalCommander - try another [FTP](/What_is_FTP%3F "wikilink") client
### Troubleshooting an upgrade
Symptom Possible cause Likely fix
Only part of 'user' screen displays after upgrade Menus enabled which are not in 0.7, or old plugin versions Disable the relevant menus (often 'articles' or 'reviews') uninstall any non-core plugins
Can't log in after upgrade Database not upgraded Login through yoursite/e107_admin/admin.php and go straight to the database utility to upgrade the database
Can't log in after upgrade Database not upgraded If the previous suggestion doesn't work, try an upgrade to 0.7.0 then to 0.7.4 or later. Also check that your host is compatible with the newer software.
Blank admin screenafter upgrade Incompatible non-core theme Temporarily rename the directory of the theme used for admin, so that E107 can't find it and uses the default theme instead. Then select another admin theme, or resolve the problem with the preferred theme.
Can't log in after upgrade Database not upgraded If the previous suggestion doesn't work, try an upgrade to 0.7.0 then to 0.7.4 or later. Also check that your host is compatible with the newer software.
Nothing works, or some functions do not work Some files not updated properly Run the [File Inspector](/File_Inspector "wikilink") to make sure that *all* updated files, including those in subdirectories, were uploaded. (Note: Some [FTP](/What_is_FTP%3F "wikilink") clients have an 'update if newer' function which may get confused - on many servers it is not possible to retain the original file date when uploading, so files may appear to be newer than they are)
- Using a language pack written in UTF8. - Upgrading from a v0.6x to a v0.7x. - Accentuated characters do not appear properly. Database content coded in ANSI (v0.6x) instead of UTF8 (v0.7x)
You need to translate your database content into the unicode format. Follow this link for a step by step procedure : [Upgrading database content to UTF8](/Upgrading_database_content_to_UTF8 "wikilink")

### Host and platform-specific information

Anything in this section is likely to change with time, as hosts update their systems and so on. Hence the 'last date confirmed' column. The absence of a host from the list simply indicates that nothing has been entered about them!

And some hosts appear to have different setups dependent on which server you get, so a host may work for some, but not for others.

Host/Platform Last confirmed Problem Solution
Awardspace 24.10.06 Cannot access site after install - get 'Page not found' Host has blocked use of 'realpath'. See below (its absence increases the security risk)
Awardspace 24.10.06 Cannot upload certain file types, including zip, pdf and many video and audio files Host has blocked upload of many popular file types; see [this forum thread](
Yahoo 15.05.06 Cannot connect to database at stage 3 of install 'Host name' for the database has to be 'mysql' rather than the more normal 'localhost'
godaddy 04.07.06 Cannot connect to database at stage 3 of install 'Host name' for the database is the name of a specific server (which your host will have to tell you), rather than the more normal 'localhost'
Lycos 31.07.06 Various warning messages caused by 'safe mode' being set Try deleting the first while-loop from class2.php (at the beginning):

while (list($global) = each($GLOBALS)){

if (!preg_match('/^(_POST|...|HTTP.*|_REQUEST)$/', $global)){




unset($global); 07.07.06 Cannot even complete an upload Host has blocked too much - cannot even upload a complete set of files for E107, much less install them
Any with open_basedir in use 17.05.06 Error messages relating to open_basedir Uncertain at this point whether this is down to incorrect configuration by specific hosts, or whether it is a problem on any host implementing open_basedir. Problem is that relative paths which evaluate to a permitted directory are disallowed. Requires lots of system-specific file editing to resolve.
Any with the realpath() function disabled (e.g. Awardspace) 28.05.06 Cannot access site after install - get 'Page not found' Realpath() is used as a major security check (as well as for other purposes). For example, it's used to prevent request.php allowing the download of any file in the filesystem - for example - e107_config.php. In the future it may even be used more with the threat from arbitary file inclusion being what it is, both local and remote. The security benefits of using a function like realpath() are too great to ignore. Thus the decision is that we do not support hosts that disable the realpath() function whatsoever. 04.06.06 Successful install reported. Previously reported problems presumed fixed
Tripod 05.05.06 Lots of error messages and warnings So many things blocked in the name of 'security' that its unlikely E107 would work without a major rewrite.
X10hosting 04.06.06 24.05.06 24.05.06 Blank page when attempting to run installer, or error messages relating to ob_start() 0.7.5 does not run on X10hosting, for no apparent reason. In earlier versions of E107, problem was down to handling of buffer-related functions such as ob_start(), ob_path_clean(). In file install.php, comment out line 148 which says: while (@ob_end_clean()); Also comment out similar line very near to beginning of class2.php, and another similar one about half-way down comment.php. (Note that these 'fixes' are for 0.7.5, and may vary from version to version.
EasyCGI 06.07.06 Error message related to mime_magic E107 installs OK, but error message of the form: Fatal error: mime_magic could not be initialized, magic file c:\\php4\\magic.mime is not available in c:\\websites\\heroicfew2\\\\e107_handlers\\mail.php when attempting certain functions which send mail. Its a server configuration issue.
Webmania 04.11.06 'Permission denied' error accessing usersettings, prefs Mod_security problem Open up your .htaccess file (or create one if it doesnt exist) and insert the following: <IfModule mod_security.c> SecFilterRemove 300015 </IfModule> May need further mods by host to make stats logging work 25.06.06 Blank page when attempting to run installer Some free packages appear to have the same problem as X10hosting (see above), while others have successfully installed E107 without modification.
IIS 5.x and IIS 6.x various Varied Various issues - info from those who have installed successfully please One problem is 'undefined $DOCUMENT_ROOT' errors. This is a server config issue:

To solve this set the DOCUMENT_ROOT variable in the environment on your server (ControlPanel >> System >> Advanced >> Environment variables...). Set this variable in the System variables part and after a reboot the variable is accessible through PHP. 27.06.06 27.06.06 None These sites should 'just work'
### Problems specific to Release 0.7.5
  1. PHP timeouts (or site running very slowly). Often cured by disabling the newforumposts menu. Sometimes occurs when viewing specific forum threads. Cause is a bug in the bbcode handler: e107_handlers/bbcode_handler.php - replace with version 1.41 (and no other) from CVS, or upgrade to a later released version of E107.

Problems specific to Release 0.7.4

  1. After upgrade from 0.6xx, cannot log in, even from e107_admin/admin.php. A later version of class2.php (V1.281 or later) will address this - obtain from CVS or a later released package.

Problems specific to Release 0.7.2

  1. Problems with the stats logging could cause excessive CPU use and creation of very large files in the logs directory. Usually manifested as php execution timeouts; can also be just make site appear slow. Solution: Delete the large log files; either disable stats logging, or update the relevant files to a newer version.

  2. Occasional errors involving a shortcode file, typically when trying to access the admin screen. This is due to a corrupted shortcode file -e107_files/shortcode/ (for no apparent reason). Solution: delete the offending file; re-upload. (Note: Just overwriting without deleting appears not to work).

Other notes

Dependent on the theme, you may see either a blank screen or a partial display. If some admin functions are not accessible, its probably one or more corrupted language files.

BOM - Byte Order Mark

Language files must not have anything in the file prior to the '

- [BOM](/How_can_I_translate_e107_into_my_own_language%3F#Troubleshooting_translations_files "wikilink") in language files - Edit the language files to remove the BOM. - *You cannot use Notepad for this.* - Instead use web compatible editor see [Developer Tools and Tips for e107](/Developer_Tools_and_Tips_for_e107 "wikilink") #### suPHP If your server runs suPHP for protection, it will throw up an "Internal server error (error 500)" error if you have any php_flags in your .htaccess file ( for magic quotes and error levels etc ). You have to remove these entries and use suPHP_ConfigPath plus a php.ini instead. Try also to chmod your folders 755 and your files 644. #### Plugin Manager Rights Plugin manager doesn't always expand files with suitable access rights. **Solution:** change manually after upload, or edit e107_admin/plugin.php to assign suitable rights. #### Path Names In 0.6xx, the predefined directory names end with the name of the directory. In 0.7xx the file paths have a trailing '/'. This can affect the way in which file names are specified anywhere these names are used. [Category:HOWTOs](/Category:HOWTOs "wikilink") [Category:Admin](/Category:Admin "wikilink") [Category:Install](/Category:Install "wikilink") [Category:Troubleshooting](/Category:Troubleshooting "wikilink")
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