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AWS Portal Migrations 2017 09 27

Charlie Martin edited this page Sep 28, 2017 · 3 revisions

We used this opportunity to install chords_control on the AWS instances. In the future, the CloudFormation template will be modified to use chords_control right off the bat.

  • Preparations:

    • On AWS, create an ec2 snapshot of the instance volume.
    • ssh into the portal, exec into chords_influxdb, and dump the influxdb database to a file. Use the command copied from bin/influxdb/ Exit chords_influxdb. Use docker cp ... to copy the dump file to ~ec2-user/. Then copy this file off of the AWS instance. (This process can be done from the portal configure interface, if the database is small enough).
    • From the portal website configure page, export the portal configuration.
  • ssh into the portal, and become root. We will be working in /chords.

sudo -i
  • Save and display the existing environment.
cp .env
cat .env
  • Fetch chords_control.
curl -O -k
  • Create a new configuration, inserting values from .env where appropriate. (Use openssl rand -hex 32 to generate a SECRET_KEY_BASE if necessary). Be sure to set the database retention to something reasonable. Choose a numbered version, rather than latest.
python chords_control --config
  • Update the portal.
python chords_control --update
  • Stop the portal.
service docker-compose-chords stop
  • Restart the docker engine (for good measure).
service docker restart
  • Start chords. Might get a complaint like Service "grafana" is using volume "/var/log/grafana" from the previous container.. In that case, just stop and start the chords service again.
service docker-compose-chords start
  • Make sure that all 5 containers are running. Browse to the portal and check all functions.
docker ps
  • Check disk space, then remove unneeded images. Prune docker containers and volumes. Check disk space. In normal circumstances, the system should be using about 4.8G.
df -h
docker images
docker rmi <id1> ... <idn>
docker system prune
docker volume prune
df -h
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