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Charlie Martin edited this page Aug 17, 2017 · 4 revisions

Forward UDP Messages to a CHORDS Portal

The udp_forwarder is running on, and translates the datagrams to http: GETs, which are sent to The process is managed by systemd.

Systemd Configuration

chords_udp_forwarder is configured in /var/lib/chords/udp_forwarder.service (the following are comments from bin/udp_forwarder/chords_udp_forwarder.service):

# Systemd unit description for managing the CHORDS udp_forwarder as a service.
# Assume: The udp_forwarder service description (this file), the udp_forwarder.rb application, and
# the udp_forwarder.rb configuration (.json) are all located in /var/lib/chords/
# *** Note. If a security key is needed for CHORDS ingest:
#     Edit this file once you have installed it, and add the security key parameter (-s xxxx) to the
#     ExecStart command. This way you can keep the udp_forwarder configuration file (e.g. ncar_wx.json) on github,
#     without keeping a security key in it. 
# To install:
# Install udp_forwarder.rb
#  sudo curl -L > /var/lib/chords/udp_forwarder.rb
#  sudo chmod a+x /var/lib/chords/udp_forwarder.rb
#  sudo curl -L > /var/lib/chords/udp_forwarder.service
# Fetch the service definition
#  sudo curl -L > /var/lib/chords/udp_forwarder.service
# If you are making a fresh configuration, create the configuration file for for udp_forwarder.rb 
# (Don't do this if you have an existing configuration. And note that the configuration file name
#  must match what is specified in ExecStart below. Feel free to change both of these)
#  sudo curl -L > /var/lib/chords/ncar_wx.json
# Enable the service. (You will get complaints about [Install] missing)
#  sudo systemctl enable /var/lib/chords/udp_forwarder.service
# When you make a change to a service file:
#  sudo systemctl daemon-reload
# To start udp_forwarder:
#  sudo systemctl start  udp_forwarder
# To stop chords:
#  sudo systemctl stop    udp_forwarder
# To restart chords:
#  sudo systemctl restart udp_forwarder
# Here's how to see your log files:
#  since the last boot:
#    sudo journalctl -b -u udp_forwarder.service
#  To "follow" the log messages add a -f  (like tail -f):
#    sudo journalctl -f -u udp_forwarder.service
Description=CHORDS UDP Forwarder

ExecStart=/var/lib/chords/udp_forwarder.rb -v -c /var/lib/chords/ncar_wx.json

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