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Developer Telecon 12 12 2014

Mike Dye edited this page Jan 4, 2017 · 1 revision

Developer Telecon 12/12/2014


  1. Developer institutions and roles
  2. Github usage
  3. Initial experimentation putting together a CHORDS appliance (AWS, Vagrant, ...)
  4. Other

Developer Roles


Design and specification, communication protocols, OGC-SWE standards.

  1. Manil Maskey
  2. Ken Keiser


Design and specification, web services prototyping.

  1. Mike Dye
  2. Charlie Martin


Design and specification, end user demonstration.

  1. Branko Kerkez


Design and specification, end user demonstration.

  1. Joe Hardin


Design and specification.

  1. Frank Vernon

Notes taken by Ken.

Charlie Martin, Joe Hardin, Chandra, me

Mike Dye away for emergency

  • Charlie explaining the plan with the tech group to push ahead with implementation.
  • hope to demonstrate one or more of the science use cases
    • Chandra has asked Joe to start their functionality and the passing it along
  • Charlie mentioned they will be developing a prototype appliance
    • they are not currently planning to use the UAH architecture, but rather develop a new system from the ground up
    • might consider starting with UAH system to get started
  • GitHub - NCAR account
    • Mike Dye to send out invitations to the account
    • use of GitHub for collaboration
      • anyone can create documents/discussions - design, etc
      • suggested to make it open in general to the CHORDS group
    • asked UAH to provide a wiki page on best practices - brief suggestions
  • Amazon account
    • vagrant 2 virtual machine
    • ruby on rails
    • database web system
    • Joe asked what language is being considered for implementation
      • interested on ruby on rails or django
    • looking for the most ease of configuration and use
    • will document amazon access information in GitHub
  • Question about how best to communicate between developers
    • combination of wiki and issue tracker can probably cover most needs
    • an occasional telecon for more in-depth discussions
  • (Chandra) It would be good to have a scenario/story about what we expect to see from this system.
    • Maybe Branko’s example is the best use case since it might be close to what we will wind up with.
      • expecting there to be a CHORDS “appliance” that users can download (or "fetch") and run on their system
    • Asked Charlie to write-up a use case/story on the wiki that everyone can review and comment on
  • (Chanda) speculating how the CHILL system can integrate with this - concerned that CHILL is too big of a system that can’t be driven by the CHORDS implementation, and may have too big of requirements to be meant by CHORDS - not sure how it fits.
    • Charlie mentioned LDM - as an analogy of CHORDS as an LDM-lite
    • pointed out that LDM does not provide data management, only transport


Action items were entered as issues in the issue tracker.

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