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Travis Coverage Status

Is a JavaScript library for financial calculations designed to be used with functional programing paradigm.

It uses Ramda.

Why finlambda?

Build your custom calculator for taxes and compose it easily using ramda.

finlambda allows write your business rules easy to understand, easy to change and without side effects.


npm install finlambda ramda@0.26.0


Import all functions

const FinLambda = require('finlambda')

or individually

const { rateAt } = require('finlambda')

ES2015 or typescript

import { rateAt } from 'finlambda'


<script src="path/to/yourCopyOf/ramda.js></script>
<script src="path/to/yourCopyOf/finlambda.js></script>


create a complex tax

const bracket15 = taxBracket(rateAt(0.15), forInterval(0, 38120))
const bracket28 = taxBracket(rateAt(0.28), forInterval(38121))
const brackets = [bracket15, bracket28]
const corpTax = tax(brackets);
const afterCorpTax = netAfter(corpTax)
// calculate your tax
corpTax(100000)        //=> 23045
// calculate net amount after tax
afterCorpTax(100000)   //=> 76955

chain taxes

const flatTax = rateAt(0.30)
const afterFlatTax = netAfter(flatTax)

const withFlatTax = R.pipe(afterCorpTax, afterFlatTax)

withFlatTax(100000) //=> 53868.5

tax value in each bracket

const coprTaxDetailed = taxDetail(brackets)
corpTaxDetailed(100000) //=> [ 5718, 11726.12 ]

calculate net or gross price adding or deducting VAT

const vat20 = rateAt(0.2)
const grossAmount = grossOf(vat20, 1000) //=> 1200

const netAmount = netOf(0.2, 1200) //=> 1000

Read all documentation here