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3.2.3. Calculation of results

Ed Nieuwenhuys edited this page Jun 17, 2024 · 2 revisions

Select the "Logit" tab. image

Press the button “Get ELISA data” to copy the data from the Datasheet to the logit sheet and start the logit regression image

The "Logit" button calculates the regression parameters for the logit curve using points from the calibration line.

The "Sort on name" button arranges the worksheet data by the concentrations column, then by the sample name, and lastly by the dilution.

The "Calc Average" button computes the average result for each sample name.

A result is highlighted in green if it meets the established criteria for an acceptable duplicate. image

A result is highlighted in red if the coefficient of variation exceeds the threshold specified in "Max deviation for bad average." This coefficient is the standard deviation of the individual values divided by their average (CV% = SD / average), with the default limit set at 15%. image

Erase bad results To erase bad results, outliers can be removed from the Results list. After selecting "Calc average," a new average is computed, and the removed result is placed in the column next to the results.

Deleting points from the calibration line To delete points from the calibration line, simply italicize or bold the response of a measurement point and click "Logit." The highlighted point will be excluded from the regression and will be marked yellow/red in the graph.


After pressing "Logit", "Sort of name" and "Calc average" buttons, results will be calculated based on the measured responses, the dilution per measurement and averaged per sample name.
