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Ed Nieuwenhuys edited this page Jun 17, 2024 · 2 revisions

Button “Open Abs file” (Alt + O)


Various lay-outs of ASCII file, that are created by ELISA readers, can be read by the program. The program removes all lines that are shorter than 50 characters and only read lines that start with A, B, C, D, E, F, G or H.

The imported absorbances are placed in the "Data sheet" in the "Absorbance matrix".

The absorbances in the file can be separated by a space, a comma or a semicolon.

This absorbance-“delimiter” can be specified in the separator field. Separator 0 = Space, 1 = Comma, 2 = Semicolon

If a path\filename is typed after “Abs file”, this file is automatically imported after pressing the “Open Abs file” button. If the field is left blank, the program asks for a file name.

If a path with filename is typed after “Export file”, an export file is created with all entered data and calculated results.


Button “Get ELISA data” (Alt + E)


If the Datasheet is filled with absorbances , sample names, calibration line concentrations and dilutions, the calculation can be started with the “Get ELISA data” button.

The sample names as text or as a number in the "Concentration matrix" are copied in column "A Name" is d font is not bold. The bold concentrations from the "Concentration matrix" are placed in column "B Conc". These are the concentrations of the calibration points.

The measured responses (absorbances, counts etc.) are placed in column "C Resp".The corresponding dilutions are placed in the “D Dil” column.

The program calculates the logit curve and calculates the results for each sample.

The data has not yet been sorted. For this, the "Sort on name" button must be pressed.

Button “Logit” (Alt + L)


If points in the calibration line are invalidated by making the Response italic or bold, the calculation can / must be made again using the “Logit” button.

Button “Sort on name” button (Alt + E)


With this button the data in the sheet "Logit" is sorted by column "B conc", then on "A Name" and then by "D Dil". After this sort the samples are then sorted together by sample name and the average can be calculated with the "Calc average" button.

Button “Calc Average” (Alt + A)


This button calculates the average of all sorted sample names in column A. First press “Sort on Name” to sort the sample names together.

Button “Clean Datasheet” (Alt + D)


This red button erases all data from all sheets. The worksheet sheet is completely clean. It can be used when developing a test. It is recommended to start with an empty original template when entering a new test.

Button “Template Clean” (Alt + C)


This green button erases all data from the sheets except the data from the "Concentration matrix" and "Dilution matrix" from the "Datasheet".

It is recommended that you create a template with the entered “Concentration matrix” and “Dilution matrix”, validate it and save it to Read-only.

Then use this validated template file to read in the absorbances and enter sample names and calculate the test.

Button “Export File” (Alt+X)


After pressing this button, an Export file named LogitExport.txt is written to the default Windows folder "My documents" or "Documents" or to the location where the worksheet is stored. It depends on your windows settings.

If a file name is entered in the Export file field, the file with this name will be saved. If a path \ file name is entered, the file will be saved in that folder with that name.

Example of an Export file. All columns A to K are written in one; separated ASCII file.

Name;Conc;Resp;Dil;Result;Average;Del Result;ELISA-Logit regression V01Jul2018;"";"";"" "";0;303;1;<0.000513;"";"";Correlation;0.98716;15%;Max deviation for bad average "";0;301;1;<0.000513;"";"";Slope;1.64142;0;Extrapolate (0=no, 1=yes, 2=between blank and highest dose, 2=spline) "";0.00085;325;1;<0.000513;"";"";Intercept;7.34956;0;Matrix? (0=no, 1 = yes) "";0.00085;340;1;0.000699;"";"";Blank;302;0;Linear between blank and lowest dose (0=No, 1=yes) "";0.0017;573;1;0.00241;"";"";Bmax;4037.5;3;significant digits "";0.0017;543;1;0.00223;"";"";[1/2Bmax];0.01136;1;> or < result displayed (0=no, 1=yes) "";0.0034;911;1;0.00419;"";"";Iterations;39;Separator;0 "";0.0034;891;1;0.00409;"";"";"";"";Export;"" "";0.0068;1478;1;0.00707;"";"";"";"";Abs filename;"" "";0.0068;1570;1;0.00757;"";"";"";"";"";"" "";0.0136;2264;1;0.0121;"";"";"";"";"";"" "";0.0136;2205;1;0.0116;"";"";"";"";"";"" "";0.0272;3061;1;0.0214;"";"";"";"";"";"" "";0.0272;3202;1;0.0242;"";"";"";"";"";"" "";0.0544;3794;1;0.0575;"";"";"";"";"";"" "";0.0544;3815;1;>0.061;"";"";"";"";"";"" 758416;"";4803;50;>3.05;"";"";"";"";"";"" 758416;"";4985;100;>6.1;"";"";"";"";"";"" 758416;"";4985;200;>12.2;"";"";"";"";"";"" 758416;"";4985;400;>24.4;"";"";"";"";"";"" 758416;"";4487;800;>48.8;"";"";"";"";"";"" 758416;"";3772;1600;87;"";"";"";"";"";"" 758416;"";2526;3200;46;"";"";"";"";"";"" 758416;"";1427;6400;43.5;"";"";"";"";"";"" 758416;"";776;12800;44.9;"";"";"";"";"";"" 758416;"";459;25600;43.3;52.9;"";"";"";"";""