A Google OAuth Plugin for Verdaccio – https://www.verdaccio.org
This is a Verdaccio plugin that offers Google OAuth integration for both the browser and the command line.
Thanks to https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui for most of the original work on this!
- The Verdaccio login button redirects you to Google instead of showing a login form. Logout works, too.
- The usage info is updated for use with Google OAuth.
- A built-in command-line tool helps you configure npm.
- Verdaccio 5
- Node 14, 16
- Chrome, Firefox, Firefox ESR, Edge, Safari
$ npm install verdaccio-google-oauth
- Create a developer project at https://console.developers.google.com
- Configure the OAuth consent screen and create a set of OAuth credentials
- The callback URL should be
Merge the below options with your existing Verdaccio config:
enabled: true
domain: DOMAIN
The plugin options can be actual values or the names of environment variables containing the values.
For example, either of the below will work:
client-id: abc
and set an environment variableGOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=abc
The environment variable names can be freely chosen. The above is just an example.
These values can be obtained from the Google Credentials page at https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials.
Only Users with this domain will be able to authenticate. i.e. "gmail.com" or "your-domain.com"
All others will be denied access.
If you are behind a proxy server, the plugin needs to know the proxy server to make Google requests.
Configure the below environment variable.
See the global-agent docs for detailed configuration instrcutions.
- Click the login button and get redirected to Google.
- Authorize the registry to access your Google user. You only need to do this once.
- Once completed, you'll be redirected back to Verdaccio.
- You are now logged in 🎉.
The easiest way to configure npm is to use this short command:
$ npx verdaccio-google-oauth --registry http://localhost:4873
- Verdaccio 5:
Open the "Register Info" dialog and click "Copy to clipboard":
- Run the copied commands on your terminal:
$ npm config set //localhost:4873:_authToken "SECRET_TOKEN"
$ npm config set //localhost:4873:always-auth true
- Verify npm is set up correctly by running the
command. Example:
$ npm whoami --registry http://localhost:4873
If you see your Google username, you are ready to start installing and publishing packages.
Click the Logout button as per usual.
Unless OAuth access is revoked in the Google settings, the token is valid indefinitely.