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Main shortcuts

Eugene Katrukha edited this page Mar 25, 2024 · 6 revisions

ROI manager/Tracing

  • F adds a new point to the ROI selected in the ROI Manager list. If no ROI is selected, it creates a new ROI with one point. If you want to make a new ROI, first use deselect shortcut (see below).
  • G removes/deletes the last point added to ROI.
  • H deselects ROI (or stops tracing).
  • E selects the ROI closest to the clicked point.
  • Y reverses the order of points (first becomes last and vice versa). Flips ends for curve ROIs.
  • T in semi-auto trace mode moves TraceBox, so it is positioned around the last added point.
  • R in semi-auto trace mode connects two points with a straight line, rather than a trace.
  • V in semi-auto trace mode starts a new trace at the clicked location.


  • S - BDV dialog brighness/contrast and LUTs of sources
  • P - Cards version of BDV dialog brighness/contrast and visibility and grouping of sources
  • D - zoom in to a local volume
  • C - zoom out and fit dataset to screen
  • X - reset clipping
  • O - toggle render method
  • 1 - zoom out and align to XY plane
  • 2 - zoom out and align to YZ plane
  • 3 - zoom out and align to YZ plane
  • M or > - move one time point forward
  • N or < - move one time point backwards
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