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A video-capture record/playback system for automated testing of set-top boxes


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A video-capture record/playback system for automated testing of set-top boxes

Copyright: Copyright (C) 2012 YouView TV Ltd. and others
License:LGPL v2.1 or (at your option) any later version (see LICENSE file in the source distribution for details)
Version: @VERSION@
Manual section:1
Manual group:stb-tester


stbt record [options]

stbt run [options] [script]


stbt record will record a test case by listening for remote-control keypresses, taking screenshots from the set-top box as it goes.

You then (manually) crop the screenshots to the region of interest.

(Optionally) you manually edit the generated test script, which will look something like this:

wait_for_match("BBC One.png")

stbt run will play back the given test script, returning an exit status of success or failure for easy integration with your existing test reporting system.


Global options


A remote control to use for controlling the set top box. uri can be:

A hardware infrared emitter controlled by the lirc (Linux Infrared Remote Control) daemon. lircd_socket defaults to /var/run/lirc/lircd. remote_control_name is the name of a remote-control specification in lircd.conf.
RedRat irNetBox-III network-controlled infrared emitter hardware. hostname is the hostname or IP address of the irNetBox-III device. output is the infrared output to use, a number between 1 and 16 (inclusive). config_file is the configuration file that describes the infrared protocol to use; it can be created with RedRat's (Windows-only) "IR Signal Database Utility".
A "virtual remote" that communicates with the set-top box over TCP. Requires a virtual remote listener (which we haven't released yet) running on the stb.
Ignores key press commands.
Used by the selftests to change the input video stream. Only works with --source-pipeline=videotestsrc. A script like press("18") will change videotestsrc's pattern property (see gst-inspect videotestsrc).

A gstreamer pipeline providing a video stream to use as video output from the set-top box under test. For the Hauppauge HD PVR use:

v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! mpegtsdemux ! video/x-h264 ! decodebin2
 A gstreamer pipeline to use for video output, like xvimagesink.
-v, --verbose

Enable debug output.

With stbt run, specify -v twice to enable GStreamer element dumps to ./stbt-debug directory. Note that this will dump a lot of files -- several images per frame processed. To group the images by frame, sort the files by timestamp. This is intended for debugging the GStreamer elements; it isn't intended for end users.

Additional options to stbt record


The source of remote control presses. uri can be:

A hardware infrared receiver controlled by the lirc (Linux Infrared Remote Control) daemon. lircd_socket and remote_control_name are as for --control.
Listens on the socket <hostname>:<port> for a connection and reads a "virtual remote" stream (which we haven't documented yet, but we'll probably change it soon to be compatible with LIRC's protocol).
Reads remote control keypresses from a newline-separated list of key names. For example, file:///dev/stdin to use the keyboard as the remote control input.
-o <filename>, --output-filename=<filename>
 The file to write the generated test script to.


All parameters that can be passed to the stbt tools can also be specified in configuration files. Configuration is searched for in the following files (with later files taking precedence):

  1. /etc/stbt/stbt.conf
  2. ~/.config/stbt/stbt.conf

These files are simple ini files with the form:


Each key corresponds to a command line option with hyphens replaced with underscores. Configuration items in the 'global' section will be passed to all tools; this can be overridden in the sections corresponding to each of the individual tools.


The test rig consists of a Linux server, with:

  • A video-capture card (for capturing the output from the system under test)
  • An infrared receiver (for recording test cases)
  • An infrared emitter (for controlling the system under test)

Video capture card

You'll need a capture card with drivers supporting the V4L2 API (Video-for-Linux 2). We recommend a capture card with mature open-source drivers, preferably drivers already present in recent versions of the Linux kernel.

The Hauppauge HD PVR works well (and works out of the box on recent versions of Fedora), though it doesn't support 1080p. If you need an HDCP stripper, try the HD Fury III.

Infra-red emitter and receiver

An IR emitter+receiver such as the RedRat3, plus a LIRC configuration file with the key codes for your set-top box's remote control.

Using software components instead

If you don't mind instrumenting the system under test, you don't even need the above hardware components.

stb-tester uses gstreamer, an open source multimedia framework. Instead of a video-capture card you can use any gstreamer video-source element. For example:

  • If you run tests against a VM running the set-top box software instead of a physical set-top box, you could use the ximagesrc gstreamer element to capture video from the VM's X Window.
  • If your set-top box uses DirectFB, you could install the (not yet written) DirectFBSource gstreamer element on the set-top box to stream video to a tcpclientsrc or tcpserversrc gstreamer element on the test rig.

Instead of a hardware infra-red receiver + emitter, you can use a software equivalent (for example a server running on the set-top box that listens on a TCP socket instead of listening for infra-red signals, and your own application for emulating remote-control keypresses). Using a software remote control avoids all issues of IR interference in rigs testing multiple set-top boxes at once.

Linux server

An 8-core machine will be able to drive 4 set-top boxes simultaneously with at least 1 frame per second per set-top box. (Note that stbt currently doesn't support multiple infra-red emitters on the same PC, but this is relatively trivial to fix and will be addressed in the near future.)


  • A Unixy operating system (we have only tested on Linux; gstreamer and OpenCV allegedly work on BSD, Mac OS X, and possibly Windows with MingW/MSys).
  • Drivers for any required hardware components
  • gstreamer 0.10 (multimedia framework) + gst-plugins-base + gst-plugins-good.
  • python (we have tested with 2.6 and 2.7; on <2.7 you will also need to install the python-argparse package) + pygst + docutils (for building the documentation) + nose (for the self-tests).
  • OpenCV (image processing library) version >= 2.0.0.
  • For the Hauppauge video capture device you'll need the gstreamer-ffmpeg package (e.g. from the rpmfusion-free repository) for H.264 decoding.


Run "make install" from the stb-tester source directory.

Requires python-docutils (for building the documentation).


Use "gst-inspect stbt-templatematch" to check that gstreamer can find the templatematch element. You may need to set GST_PLUGIN_PATH to point where you installed

Run tests/ to verify that your gstreamer + OpenCV installation is working correctly.

If you plan to use real infrared emitters/receivers, use lirc's irsend(1) and ircat(1), respectively, to test your lirc setup before integrating with stb-tester.


The test scripts produced and run by stbt record and stbt run, respectively, are actually python scripts, so you can use the full power of python. Don't get too carried away, though; aim for simplicity, readability, and maintainability.

The following functions are available:


Send the specified key-press to the system under test.

The mechanism used to send the key-press depends on what you've configured with --control.

key is a string. The allowed values depend on the control you're using: If that's lirc, then key is a key name from your lirc config file.

wait_for_match(image, timeout_secs=10, consecutive_matches=1, noise_threshold=0.16)

Search for image in the source video stream.

Returns MatchResult when image is found. Raises MatchTimeout if no match is found after timeout_secs seconds.

consecutive_matches forces this function to wait for several consecutive frames with a match found at the same x,y position.

Increase noise_threshold to avoid false negatives, at the risk of increasing false positives (a value of 1.0 will report a match every time); increase consecutive_matches to avoid false positives due to noise. But please let us know if you are having trouble with image matches, so that we can improve the matching algorithm.

press_until_match(key, image, interval_secs=3, noise_threshold=0.16, max_presses=10)

Calls press as many times as necessary to find the specified image.

Returns MatchResult when image is found. Raises MatchTimeout if no match is found after max_presses times.

interval_secs is the number of seconds to wait for a match before pressing again.

wait_for_motion(timeout_secs=10, consecutive_frames=10, noise_threshold=0.84, mask=None)

Search for motion in the source video stream.

Returns MotionResult when motion is detected. Raises MotionTimeout if no motion is detected after timeout_secs seconds.

Considers the video stream to have motion if there were differences between 10 consecutive frames (or the number specified with consecutive_frames).

Increase noise_threshold to avoid false negatives, at the risk of increasing false positives (a value of 0.0 will never report motion). This is particularly useful with noisy analogue video sources.

mask is a black and white image that specifies which part of the image to search for motion. White pixels select the area to search; black pixels the area to ignore.

detect_match(image, timeout_secs=10, noise_threshold=0.16)

Generator that yields a sequence of one MatchResult for each frame processed from the source video stream.

Returns after timeout_secs seconds. (Note that the caller can also choose to stop iterating over this function's results at any time.)

noise_threshold is a parameter used by the templatematch algorithm. Increase noise_threshold to avoid false negatives, at the risk of increasing false positives (a value of 1.0 will report a match every time).

detect_motion(timeout_secs=10, noise_threshold=0.84, mask=None)

Generator that yields a sequence of one MotionResult for each frame processed from the source video stream.

Returns after timeout_secs seconds. (Note that the caller can also choose to stop iterating over this function's results at any time.)

noise_threshold is a parameter used by the motiondetect algorithm. Increase noise_threshold to avoid false negatives, at the risk of increasing false positives (a value of 0.0 will never report motion). This is particularly useful with noisy analogue video sources.

mask is a black and white image that specifies which part of the image to search for motion. White pixels select the area to search; black pixels the area to ignore.

save_frame(buf, filename)

Save a GStreamer buffer to the specified file in png format.

Takes a buffer buf obtained from get_frame or from the screenshot property of MatchTimeout or MotionTimeout.

Get a GStreamer buffer containing the current video frame.
Print the given string to stderr if stbt run --verbose was given.
class MatchResult
  • timestamp: Video stream timestamp.
  • match: Boolean result.
  • position: Position of the match.
  • first_pass_result: Value between 0 (poor) and 1.0 (excellent match) from the first pass of the two-pass templatematch algorithm.
class Position
  • x and y: Integer coordinates from the top left corner of the video frame.
class MotionResult
  • timestamp: Video stream timestamp.
  • motion: Boolean result.
class MatchTimeout(UITestFailure)
  • screenshot: A GStreamer frame from the source video when the search for the expected image timed out.
  • expected: Filename of the image that was being searched for.
  • timeout_secs: Number of seconds that the image was searched for.
class MotionTimeout(UITestFailure)
  • screenshot: A GStreamer frame from the source video when the search for motion timed out.
  • mask: Filename of the mask that was used (see wait_for_motion).
  • timeout_secs: Number of seconds that motion was searched for.
class UITestFailure(Exception)
The test failed because the system under test didn't behave as expected.
class UITestError(Exception)
The test script had an unrecoverable error.


  • When cropping images to be matched by a test case, you must select a region that will not be present when the test case fails, and that does not contain any elements that might be absent when the test case succeeds. For example, you must not include any part of a live TV stream (which will be different each time the test case is run), nor translucent menu overlays with live TV showing through.
  • Crop template images as tightly as possible. For example if you're looking for a button, don't include the background outside of the button. (This is particularly important if your system-under-test is still under development and minor aesthetic changes to the UI are common.)
  • Always follow a press with a wait_for_match -- don't assume that the press worked.
  • Use press_until_match instead of assuming that the position of a menu item will never change within that menu.
  • Use the timeout_secs parameter of wait_for_match and wait_for_motion instead of using time.sleep.
  • Rename the template images captured by stbt record to a name that explains the contents of the image.
  • Extract common navigation patterns into separate python functions. It is useful to start each test script by calling a function that brings the system-under-test to a known state.



Original templatematch GStreamer element written by:


A video-capture record/playback system for automated testing of set-top boxes







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  • Python 39.5%
  • C 35.5%
  • Shell 25.0%