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Source code for 4 principal types of charts/graphs, drawed by fragment and vertex shaders. +Examples


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Source code for 4 principal types of graphs, drawed by fragment and vertex shaders.

  • Technology: Qt widgets, inherits QOpenGLWidget (Qt>=5) or QGLWidget (Qt<5) class.
  • Shaders: generated as source code and compiled after initializeGl stage on first show.
  • Compatibility: tested on qt4.8, qt5.5, qt5.12, qt5.14(win/linux), qt6.3(linux). GLSL version 1.30+
  • Features: fast, cross-platform, universal.
  • Note: main define called BSGLSLVER prepends each shader with string "#version %BSGLSLVER%". All shaders in bsdraw are compatible with glsl 130, but by default BSGLSLVER is not set. So if you have any issues, add DEFINES+=BSGLSLVER=130 in your .pro file. All examples are taken from the project "example".


DrawIntensity class allows you to create rectangular 2D draws. Inherits DrawQWidget


This example is supplemented with overpattern feature - shader posteffect over drawed data.

Mechanics: 2d data converts into 2d texture, palette converts into 2d texture; Palette texture applies to data texture, shader overpattern applies to result

Code snippet (see end of the page for includes)

LINES = 14;

overpattern_t dpms[] = {  
// row 1
overpattern_thrs_minus(OP_CONTOUR, 0.5f, 0.0f, 3),
overpattern_any(OP_CONTOUR, 0.0f, 3),

// row 2
overpattern_any(OP_LINELEFTBOTTOM, 0.0f),
overpattern_any(OP_DOTLEFTBOTTOM, 1.0f, 3),
overpattern_any(OP_LINELEFTBOTTOM, 0.4f, 2),

// row 3
overpattern_any(OP_LINEBOTTOM, 0.0f, 7),
overpattern_any(OP_SQUARES, 0.0f),
overpattern_any(OP_DOTCONTOUR, 0.0f, 3),

// row 4
overpattern_any(OP_CIRCLEBORDERED2, 0.0f, -20),
overpattern_any(OP_CIRCLESMOOTH, 0.0f, 4),
overpattern_thrs_plus(OP_CIRCLESMOOTH, 0.9f, 0.0f),

// row 5
overpattern_thrs_plus(OP_FILL, 0.8f, 0.0f),
overpattern_any(OP_DOT, 0.0f, 4),
overpattern_thrs_minus(OP_SHTRICHL, 0.3f, color3f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f), 1),

// row 6
overpattern_any(OP_CONTOUR, color3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),1),
overpattern_any(OP_CONTOUR, color3f(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f),1),
overpattern_any(OP_CONTOUR, color3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f),1)

const int countROWS = 6, countCOLUMNS = 3;
DrawQWidget* pdraws[countROWS][countCOLUMNS];
for (unsigned int r=0; r<countROWS; r++)
  for (unsigned int c=0; c<countCOLUMNS; c++)
    pdraws[r][c] = new DrawIntensity(SAMPLES, LINES, PORTIONS);
    pdraws[r][c]->setOverpattern(dpms[r*countCOLUMNS + c]);
    pdraws[r][c]->setScalingLimitsSynced(10); // 1 point now is 10x10 pixels (minimum)
// adding text as overlay for first draw
pdraws[0][0]->ovlPushBack(new OTextColored("Original", CR_XABS_YREL_NOSCALED, 5.0f, 0.9f, 12, 0x00000000, 0x11FFFFFF, 0x00000000));

for (int c=0; c<countCOLUMN; c++)
  QVBoxLayout* layV = new QVBoxLayout;
  for (int r=0; r<countROW; r++)

const float* data = someGeneratedData; // at least [LINES x SAMPLES x PORTIONS] of floats
for (int c=0; c<countCOLUMN; c++)
  for (int r=0; r<countROW; r++)

DrawDomain class allows you to create rectangular 2D draws with regions of different size. One value on setData() method fills one region. Inherits DrawQWidget


All draws above have different regions but takes similar data.

Mechanics: full 2d field with region markup converts into 2d texture, region data converts into 1d texture, palette converts into 2d texture; Palette texture applies to region data texture, which applies to field texture

Code snippet (see end of the page for includes)

LINES = 200;
SAMPLES = 200;

const int countROWS = 2, countCOLUMNS = 2;
DrawQWidget* pdraws[countROWS][countCOLUMNS];
// 1st row, domain 1: little crosses
  DrawDomain* dd = new DrawDomain(SAMPLES, LINES, PORTIONS, false, OR_LRBT, true);
  DIDomain& ddm = *dd->domain();
  const int crossRows = SAMPLES/10;
  const int crossColumns = LINES/10;
  for (int i=0; i<crossRows; i++)
    for (int j=0; j<crossColumns; j++)
      int r = LINES/crossRows/2 + i*LINES/crossRows;
      int c = int(SAMPLES/crossColumns/2 + j*SAMPLES/crossColumns);
      ddm.includePixel(r-1, c);
      ddm.includePixel(r, c);
      ddm.includePixel(r+1, c);
      ddm.includePixel(r, c+1);
      ddm.includePixel(r, c-1);
  pdraws[0][0] = dd;
  pdraws[0][0]->setScalingLimitsSynced(2); // 1 point now is 2x2 pixels (minimum)
// 1st row, domain 2: chessboard
  DrawDomain* dd = new DrawDomain(SAMPLES, LINES, PORTIONS, false, OR_LRBT, true);
  DIDomain& ddm = *dd->domain();
  const int cc = 20;
  for (int r2=0; r2<LINES/cc/2; r2++)
    for (int j=0; j<SAMPLES; j+=cc)
      int r0 = r2*2*cc + ((j / cc) % 2)*cc;
      int rs[] = { r0, r0, r0+cc/2, r0+cc/2 };
      int cs[] = { j, j+cc/2, j, j+cc/2 };
      for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
        for (int r=rs[i]; r<rs[i]+cc/2; r++)
          for (int c=cs[i]; c<cs[i]+cc/2; c++)
            ddm.includePixel(r, c);
  pdraws[0][1] = dd;
  pdraws[0][1]->setScalingLimitsSynced(2); // 1 point now is 2x2 pixels (minimum)
// 2nd row, domain 1: spiral
  DrawDomain* dd = new DrawDomain(SAMPLES, LINES, PORTIONS, false, OR_LRBT, true);
  DIDomain& ddm = *dd->domain();
  const int maxspiral = SAMPLES*6;
  const unsigned int outsider = 18500;
  const double wc = 0.15/(2.0*M_PI);
  for (int i=0; i<maxspiral; i++)
    int y = qRound(LINES/2.0 + outsider*sin((i+1)*wc)/(i+1));
    int x = qRound(SAMPLES/2.0 + outsider*cos((i+1)*wc)/(i+1));
    if (y >= 0 && y < LINES && x >= 0 && x < SAMPLES)
        ddm.includePixelFree(y, x);
  pdraws[1][0] = dd;
  pdraws[1][0]->setScalingLimitsSynced(2); // 1 point now is 2x2 pixels (minimum)
// 2nd row, domain 2: multispiral
  DrawDomain* dd = new DrawDomain(SAMPLES, LINES, PORTIONS, false, OR_LRBT, true);
  DIDomain& ddm = *dd->domain();
  const int maxspiral = 600;
  const unsigned int outsider = 9000;
  const double wc = 5.0/(2.0*M_PI);
  for (int i=0; i<maxspiral; i++)
    int y = qRound(LINES/2.0 + outsider*sin((i+1)*wc)/(i+1)), x = qRound(SAMPLES/2.0 + outsider*cos((i+1)*wc)/(i+1));
    if (y >= 0 && y < LINES && x >= 0 && x < SAMPLES && ddm.isFree(y, x))
        ddm.includePixel(y, x);
  pdraws[1][1] = dd;
  pdraws[1][1]->setScalingLimitsSynced(2); // 1 point now is 2x2 pixels (minimum)

for (int c=0; c<countCOLUMN; c++)
  QVBoxLayout* layV = new QVBoxLayout;
  for (int r=0; r<countROW; r++)

const float* data = someGeneratedData; // at least [LINES x SAMPLES x PORTIONS] of floats
for (int c=0; c<countCOLUMN; c++)
  for (int r=0; r<countROW; r++)

Portions its about how many draws/graphs painted in one draw. 2 or more portions in 2D draw means colormeshing (mixing) data in each pixel


At the bottom of picture DrawRecorder class allows you to create 2D draws from 1D data. Each setData() call appends 1D data array to current 2D image as new line. Inherits DrawQWidget

Code snippet (see end of the page for includes)

LINES = 120;
SAMPLES = 400;

const int countDraws= 3;
DrawQWidget* pdraws[countDraws];
pdraws[1] = new DrawIntensity(SAMPLES, LINES, PORTIONS);
pdraws[2] = new DrawRecorder(SAMPLES, LINES, 1000, PORTIONS);

for (int i=0; i<countDraws; i++)

const float* data = someGeneratedData; // at least [LINES x SAMPLES x PORTIONS] of floats
for (int i=0; i<countDraws; i++)

DrawGraph class allows you to create 1D graphs and histograms. Inherits DrawQWidget

Histograms with 3 portions displayed below


histograms above differ in the ordering of data draw. Histogram bar separation created by overpattern

Code snippet (see end of the page for includes)


const int countDraws = 4;
DrawQWidget* pdraws[countDraws];

pdraws[0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogram(PR_VALUEAROUND));
pdraws[0]->setOverpattern(overpattern_thrs_plus(OP_LINELEFTTOP, 0.0f, color3f(0.3f,0.3f,0.3f)));
pdraws[0]->setScalingLimitsSynced(10); // 1 point now is 10x10 pixels (minimum)

pdraws[1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogramCrossMin(PR_VALUEAROUND));
pdraws[1]->setOverpattern(overpattern_thrs_plus(OP_LINELEFTTOP, 0.0f, color3f(0.3f,0.3f,0.3f)));
pdraws[1]->setScalingLimitsSynced(10); // 1 point now is 10x10 pixels (minimum)

pdraws[2] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogramCrossMax(PR_VALUEAROUND));
pdraws[2]->setOverpattern(overpattern_thrs_plus(OP_LINELEFTTOP, 0.0f, color3f(0.3f,0.3f,0.3f)));
pdraws[2]->setScalingLimitsSynced(10); // 1 point now is 10x10 pixels (minimum)

pdraws[3] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogramMesh(PR_VALUEAROUND));
pdraws[3]->setOverpattern(overpattern_thrs_plus(OP_LINELEFTTOP, 0.0f, color3f(0.3f,0.3f,0.3f)));
pdraws[3]->setScalingLimitsSynced(10); // 1 point now is 10x10 pixels (minimum)

for (int i=0; i<countDraws; i++)

const float* data = someGeneratedData; // at least [SAMPLES x PORTIONS] of floats
for (int i=0; i<countDraws; i++)

More histograms with same data and different overpatterns


Code snippet (see end of the page for includes)


const int countROWS = 3, countCOLUMNS = 3;
DrawQWidget* pdraws[countROWS][countCOLUMNS];

// 1st row
pdraws[0][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogram(PR_STANDARD) );
pdraws[0][0]->setOverpattern(overpattern_thrs_plus(OP_CONTOUR, 0.0f, 0x00000000, // hex color is explicit color (black)
pdraws[0][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogram(PR_STANDARD) );
pdraws[0][1]->setOverpattern(overpattern_thrs_plus(OP_CONTOUR, 0.0f, 0x00000000, 2));

pdraws[0][2] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogram(PR_STANDARD) );
pdraws[0][2]->setOverpattern(overpattern_thrs_plus(OP_LINETOP, 0.0f, // float color is palette depending color
                                                   0.0f, 4));

// 2nd row
pdraws[1][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogram(0.0f, DE_TRIANGLE, 0.0f, PR_VALUEAROUND) );
pdraws[1][0]->setOverpattern(overpattern_any(OP_CONTOUR, 0.0f));

pdraws[1][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogram(PR_VALUEAROUND) );
pdraws[1][1]->setOverpattern(overpattern_thrs_plus(OP_CONTOUR, 0.0f, 0x00000000, 2));

pdraws[1][2] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(0.5f, DE_NONE) );
pdraws[1][2]->setOverpattern(overpattern_thrs_plus(OP_CONTOUR, 0.0f, 0x00000000, 1));

// 3rd row
pdraws[2][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogram(PR_VALUEONLY) );
pdraws[2][0]->setOverpattern(overpattern_thrs_plus(OP_CONTOUR, 0.0f, 0x00000000, 1));

pdraws[2][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogram(PR_SUMMARY) );
pdraws[2][1]->setOverpattern(overpattern_thrs_plus(OP_CONTOUR, 0.0f, 0x00000000, 2));

pdraws[2][2] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogram(PR_VALUEONLY) );
pdraws[2][2]->setOverpattern(overpattern_any(OP_LINELEFTTOP, 0x00333333, 1));

for (int r=0; r<countROWS; r++)
  for (int c=0; c<countCOLUMNS; c++)
    pdraws[r][c]->setScalingLimitsVert(8);    // 1 point now is 12x8 pixels (minimum)

for (int c=0; c<countCOLUMN; c++)
  QVBoxLayout* layV = new QVBoxLayout;
  for (int r=0; r<countROW; r++)

const float* data = someGeneratedData; // at least [SAMPLES x PORTIONS] of floats
for (int c=0; c<countCOLUMN; c++)
  for (int r=0; r<countROW; r++)

DrawGraph class supports 3 principal types of graph: histogram, dots and interpolated graph. Interpolation is done on shader

1st column is for 1 portion of data, 2nd is for 2 portions


Up-to-down: dots (dotsize 0), linear interpolation (dotsize 0), dots (dotsize > 0), linear interpolation (dotsize > 0), histogram

Code snippet (see end of the page for includes)

SAMPLES = 300;

const int countROWS = 5, countCOLUMNS = 2;
DrawQWidget* pdraws[countROWS][countCOLUMNS];
pdraws[0][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, 1, graphopts_t::goDots(DE_NONE, 0, 0.5f));
pdraws[0][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goDots(DE_NONE, 0, 0.5f));

pdraws[1][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, 1, graphopts_t::goInterp(DE_NONE, 0, 0.5f));
pdraws[1][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(DE_NONE, 0, 0.5f));

pdraws[2][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, 1, graphopts_t::goDots(DE_NONE, 3, 0.5f));
pdraws[2][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goDots(DE_NONE, 3, 0.5f));

pdraws[3][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, 1, graphopts_t::goInterp(DE_NONE, 4, 0.2f));
pdraws[3][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(DE_NONE, 4, 0.2f));

pdraws[4][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, 1, graphopts_t::goHistogramMesh(DE_NONE));
pdraws[4][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogramMesh(DE_NONE));

for (int c=0; c<countCOLUMN; c++)
  QVBoxLayout* layV = new QVBoxLayout;
  for (int r=0; r<countROW; r++)

const float* data = someGeneratedData; // at least [SAMPLES x PORTIONS] of floats
for (int c=0; c<countCOLUMN; c++)
  for (int r=0; r<countROW; r++)

In addition to linear interpolation there is an interpolation on 3 points and 4 points. Different types of interpolation and a composition of drawing graph and scaling graph are shown in the picture below


Code snippet (see end of the page for includes)


const int countDraws = 7;
DrawQWidget* pdraws[countDraws];
const float smoothcoeff = 0.2f;

pdraws[0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goDots(4, 0.8f));
pdraws[0]->ovlPushBack(new OTextColored("DE_NONE, ORIGINAL DATA DOTS", CR_XABS_YREL_NOSCALED, 10.0f, 0.65f, 12, 0x00000000, 0x11FFFFFF, 0x00000000));

pdraws[1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(smoothcoeff, DE_LINTERP_SCALINGLEFT, 4, 0.8f));
pdraws[1]->ovlPushBack(new OTextColored("DE_LINETERP_SCALINGLEFT", CR_XABS_YREL_NOSCALED, 10.0f, 0.65f, 12, 0x00000000, 0x11FFFFFF, 0x00000000));

pdraws[2] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(smoothcoeff, DE_LINTERP_SCALINGCENTER, 4, 0.8f));
pdraws[2]->ovlPushBack(new OTextColored("DE_LINETERP_SCALINGCENTER", CR_XABS_YREL_NOSCALED, 10.0f, 0.65f, 12, 0x00000000, 0x11FFFFFF, 0x00000000));

pdraws[3] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp2(smoothcoeff, DE_LINTERP, 4, 0.8f));
pdraws[3]->ovlPushBack(new OTextColored("DE_LINETERP #2 (glsl' smoothstep)", CR_XABS_YREL_NOSCALED, 10.0f, 0.65f, 12, 0x00000000, 0x11FFFFFF, 0x00000000));
pdraws[4] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(smoothcoeff, DE_SINTERP, 4, 0.8f));
pdraws[4]->ovlPushBack(new OTextColored("DE_SINETERP", CR_XABS_YREL_NOSCALED, 10.0f, 0.65f, 12, 0x00000000, 0x11FFFFFF, 0x00000000));
pdraws[5] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(smoothcoeff, DE_QINTERP, 4, 0.8f));
pdraws[5]->ovlPushBack(new OTextColored("DE_QINETERP", CR_XABS_YREL_NOSCALED, 10.0f, 0.65f, 12, 0x00000000, 0x11FFFFFF, 0x00000000));
pdraws[6] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(-1.0f, DE_LINTERP, 4, 0.8f));
pdraws[6]->ovlPushBack(new OTextColored("\"8bit\"-interp", CR_XABS_YREL_NOSCALED, 10.0f, 0.65f, 12, 0x00000000, 0x11FFFFFF, 0x00000000));

for (int i=0; i<countDraws; i++)

const float* data = someGeneratedData; // at least [SAMPLES x PORTIONS] of floats
for (int i=0; i<countDraws; i++)

Default palette can be changed by setDataPalette() method

And finally, graphopts_t struct adjust type of graph while coloropts_t struct adjust graph coloring.


Mechanics: data for multiple portions converts into 2d texture, palette converts into 2d texture; Palette texture applies to data texture in accordance with the color policy

Code snippet (see end of the page for includes)

SAMPLES = 100;

const int countROWS = 7, countCOLUMNS = 2;
DrawQWidget* pdraws[countROWS][countCOLUMNS];
const float label_xpos = 0.5f;

pdraws[0][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(0.3f, DE_QINTERP), coloropts_t::copts(CP_MONO, 0.0f, 1.0f));
pdraws[0][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogramCrossMax(0.0f), coloropts_t::copts(CP_MONO, 0.0f, 1.0f));
pdraws[0][1]->setOverpattern(overpattern_thrs_plus(OP_LINELEFT, 0.0f, color3f(0.3f,0.3f,0.3f)));

pdraws[1][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(0.3f, DE_QINTERP), coloropts_t::copts(CP_PAINTED, 0.0f, 1.0f));
pdraws[1][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogramCrossMax(0.0f), coloropts_t::copts(CP_PAINTED, 0.0f, 1.0f));
pdraws[1][1]->setOverpattern(overpattern_thrs_plus(OP_LINELEFT, 0.0f, color3f(0.3f,0.3f,0.3f)));

pdraws[2][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(0.3f, DE_QINTERP), coloropts_t::copts(CP_PAINTED_GROSS, 0.0f, 1.0f));
pdraws[2][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogramCrossMax(0.0f), coloropts_t::copts(CP_PAINTED_GROSS, 0.0f, 1.0f));
pdraws[2][1]->setOverpattern(overpattern_thrs_plus(OP_LINELEFT, 0.0f, color3f(0.3f,0.3f,0.3f)));

pdraws[3][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(0.3f, DE_QINTERP), coloropts_t::copts(CP_PAINTED_SYMMETRIC, 0.0f, 1.0f));
pdraws[3][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogramCrossMax(0.0f), coloropts_t::copts(CP_PAINTED_SYMMETRIC, 0.0f, 1.0f));
pdraws[3][1]->setOverpattern(overpattern_thrs_plus(OP_LINELEFT, 0.0f, color3f(0.3f,0.3f,0.3f)));

pdraws[4][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(0.3f, DE_QINTERP), coloropts_t::copts(CP_REPAINTED, 0.0f, 1.0f));
pdraws[4][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogramCrossMax(0.0f), coloropts_t::copts(CP_REPAINTED, 0.0f, 1.0f));
pdraws[4][1]->setOverpattern(overpattern_thrs_plus(OP_LINELEFT, 0.0f, color3f(0.3f,0.3f,0.3f)));

pdraws[5][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(0.3f, DE_QINTERP), coloropts_t::copts(CP_PALETTE, 0.0f, 1.0f));
pdraws[5][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogramCrossMax(0.0f), coloropts_t::copts(CP_PALETTE, 0.0f, 1.0f));
pdraws[5][1]->setOverpattern(overpattern_thrs_plus(OP_LINELEFT, 0.0f, color3f(0.3f,0.3f,0.3f)));

pdraws[6][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(0.3f, DE_QINTERP), coloropts_t::copts(CP_PALETTE_SPLIT, 0.0f, 1.0f));
pdraws[6][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogramCrossMax(0.0f), coloropts_t::copts(CP_PALETTE_SPLIT, 0.0f, 1.0f));
pdraws[6][1]->setOverpattern(overpattern_thrs_plus(OP_LINELEFT, 0.0f, color3f(0.3f,0.3f,0.3f)));

for (int c=0; c<countCOLUMN; c++)
  QVBoxLayout* layV = new QVBoxLayout;
  for (int r=0; r<countROW; r++)

const float* data = someGeneratedData; // at least [SAMPLES x PORTIONS] of floats
for (int c=0; c<countCOLUMN; c++)
  for (int r=0; r<countROW; r++)

Additional Features


Impulse feature for 2d draws - special shader code which smoothes border between scaled data


In example above each 2d draw has size 1 'row' and 5 'columns' what means 1x5 pixels for minimum size. Vertical scaling is manually set to 50+ and window enlarged in both sides, so real size is more than 300x50 pixels. Impulse applies for data who appears, when you resize your 2d draw

Code snippet (see end of the page for includes)

LINES = 1;

const int countROWS = 5, countCOLUMNS = 2;
DrawQWidget* pdraws[countROWS][countCOLUMNS];
impulsedata_t imp[] = { { impulsedata_t::IR_OFF },
                        { impulsedata_t::IR_A_COEFF, 5, 5/2, 0, { 0.1f, 0.2f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 0.1f } },
                        { impulsedata_t::IR_A_COEFF_NOSCALED, 5, 5/2, 0, { 0.1f, 0.2f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 0.1f } },
                        { impulsedata_t::IR_A_BORDERS_FIXEDCOUNT, 30, 4, 0, {} },
                        { impulsedata_t::IR_A_BORDERS_FIXEDCOUNT, 30, 8, 0, {} },
                        { impulsedata_t::IR_A_BORDERS, 30, 4, 0, {0.0f} },
                        { impulsedata_t::IR_A_BORDERS, 30, 4, 0, {0.2f} },
                        { impulsedata_t::IR_A_BORDERS, 30, 8, 0, {0.4f} },
                        { impulsedata_t::IR_A_BORDERS, 30, 4, 0, {0.8f} },
                        { impulsedata_t::IR_A_BORDERS, 30, 4, 0, {1.0f} },
                          "BORDERS c0.0f", "BORDERS c0.2f", "BORDERS c0.4f", "BORDERS c0.8f", "BORDERS c1.0f"

for (unsigned int r=0; r<countROWS; r++)
  for (unsigned int c=0; c<countCOLUMNS; c++)
    pdraws[r][c] = new DrawIntensity(SAMPLES, LINES, 1);
    pdraws[r][c]->setImpulse(imp[r*countCOLUMNS + c]);
    pdraws[r][c]->setScalingLimitsB(50); // our single 2d-row now takes at least 50 pixels
    pdraws[r][c]->ovlPushBack(new OTextColored(otextopts_t(cpnames[r*countCOLUMNS + c], 0, 10,2,10,2), CR_RELATIVE, 0.05f, 0.05f, 8, 0x00000000, 0x11FFFFFF, 0x00000000));
for (int c=0; c<countCOLUMN; c++)
  QVBoxLayout* layV = new QVBoxLayout;
  for (int r=0; r<countROW; r++)

const float* data = someGeneratedData; // at least [SAMPLES x PORTIONS] of floats
for (int c=0; c<countCOLUMN; c++)
  for (int r=0; r<countROW; r++)


Different smoothing for 1d linterp graph


Code snippet (see end of the page for includes)

SAMPLES = 280;

const int countROWS = 3, countCOLUMNS = 3;
DrawQWidget* pdraws[countROWS][countCOLUMNS];
float smoothtest[countROWS][countCOLUMNS] = 
        { -1.0f, -0.3f, 0.0f },
        { 0.2f,  0.3f,  0.4f },
        { 0.6f,  0.8f,  1.0f }

for (unsigned int r=0; r<countROWS; r++)
  for (unsigned int c=0; c<countCOLUMNS; c++)
    pdraws[r][c] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(smoothtest[r][c], DE_LINTERP));
... and same deploying and data applying like in other examples


Orientation for any type of draw can be set via setOrientation() method



Palettes for any type of draw can be set via setDataPalette() method


Simple palettes are collected in one array ppalettes_std[] i.e. paletteBkWh (black-white), paletteRdWh, paletteBkBlWh, etc; full list of simple palettes available in "bspalettes_std.h"

There exists trivial palettes with 1 color i.e. paletteBk, paletteWh etc

Advanced palettes are collected in one array ppalettes_adv[]; full list of advanced palettes available in "bspalettes_adv.h"

Special palettes available in "bspalettes_spec.h"

Code snippet (see end of the page for includes)


const int countROWS = 3, countCOLUMNS = 3;
DrawQWidget* pdraws[countROWS][countCOLUMNS];
pdraws[0][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goDots(DE_NONE, 3, 0.5f));
pdraws[0][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goDots(DE_NONE, 3, 0.5f));
pdraws[0][2] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goDots(DE_NONE, 3, 0.5f));
pdraws[0][2]->ovlPushBack(new OTextColored("Inverted palette", CR_RELATIVE, 0.25f, 0.05f,
                                       12, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000), OO_AREA_LRBT);

pdraws[1][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(DE_LINTERP));
pdraws[1][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(DE_LINTERP));
pdraws[1][2] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(DE_LINTERP));
pdraws[1][2]->ovlPushBack(new OTextColored("Inverted palette", CR_RELATIVE, 0.25f, 0.05f,
                                       12, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000), OO_AREA_LRBT);

pdraws[2][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogramMesh(DE_NONE));
pdraws[2][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogramMesh(DE_NONE));
pdraws[2][2] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goHistogramMesh(DE_NONE));

... and same deploying and data applying like in other examples

DrawMoveEx inherits DrawGraph. This type of graph saves previous data and setData() method appends data to graph


There is one more additional opportunity: background color of draw can be installed independently of palette

Code snippet (see end of the page for includes)

SAMPLES = 300;

const int countROWS = 3, countCOLUMNS = 3;
graphopts_t  gopts[countROWS][countCOLUMNS] =
    graphopts_t::goHistogram(0.4f, DE_NONE, 0.5f),
    graphopts_t::goHistogram(0.3f, DE_NONE, 0.5f),
    graphopts_t::goHistogram(0.4f, DE_NONE, 0.5f),
    graphopts_t::goInterp(0.4f, DE_NONE, 0, 0.0f),
    graphopts_t::goInterp(0.4f, DE_NONE, 0, 0.0f),
    graphopts_t::goInterp(0.4f, DE_NONE, 0, 0.0f),
    graphopts_t::goDots(2, 0.5f, DE_NONE),
    graphopts_t::goDots(2, 0.5f, DE_NONE),
    graphopts_t::goDots(2, 0.5f, DE_NONE)
DrawQWidget* pdraws[countROWS][countCOLUMNS];
const unsigned int HISTORY_LENGTH = SAMPLES*4;

for (unsigned int r=0; r<countROWS; r++)
  for (unsigned int c=0; c<countCOLUMNS; c++)
    coloropts_t copts = {   c == 2? CP_REPAINTED : CP_MONO, 0.0f, 1.0f, c == 1? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0x00999999 };
    pdraws[r][c] = new DrawGraphMoveEx(SAMPLES, 5, HISTORY_LENGTH, PORTIONS, 

... and same deploying and data applying like in other examples

SCALING (visual explanation)

Graph shader combines 2 mechanisms:

  1. type of graph (histogram, dots or interpolated graph), who describes how data values connects with each other

  2. type of descaling, who describes how stretched (when you resize draw) data value disintegrates into subvalues and connects with each other


first row:

draw00 has interpolation between data points and interpolation in horizontal scaling

draw01 has interpolation between data points and nothing in horizontal scaling - data values just repeats when you stretch draw width

draw02 has interpolation between data points and only central points in horz scaling

second row is the same like first, difference is vertical scaling. By default vertical scaling is set to 1 for draw, but you can change it

third row:

draw20 has nothing between data points and interpolation in horizontal scaling

draw21 has nothing between data points and nothing in horizontal scaling - data values just repeats when you stretch draw width

draw22 has nothing between data points and only central points in horz scaling

fourth row is the same like third, difference is vertical scaling

Code snippet (see end of the page for includes)


const int countROWS = 4, countCOLUMNS = 3;
DrawQWidget* pdraws[countROWS][countCOLUMNS];
const BSDESCALING third_de = DE_TRIANGLE2;
pdraws[0][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(DE_LINTERP));
pdraws[0][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(DE_NONE));
pdraws[0][2] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(third_de));

pdraws[1][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(DE_LINTERP));
pdraws[1][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(DE_NONE));
pdraws[1][2] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goInterp(third_de));
for (int c=0; c<countCOLUMNS; c++)

pdraws[2][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goDots(DE_LINTERP));
pdraws[2][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goDots(DE_NONE));
pdraws[2][2] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goDots(third_de));

pdraws[3][0] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goDots(DE_LINTERP));
pdraws[3][1] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goDots(DE_NONE));
pdraws[3][2] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, graphopts_t::goDots(third_de));
for (int c=0; c<countCOLUMNS; c++)

... and same deploying and data applying like in other examples

Draw Bars

DrawBars class constructs with pointer to DrawQWidget object. DrawBars incapusulates DrawQWidget functionality and adds 4 (left, top, right, bottom) bars (areas) for drawing axes, lines or labels. Drawing is done with QPainter and QStaticText.


DrawBars takes colors from parent QPalette or DrawQWidget palette

DrawBars counts bar sizes and controls DrawQWidget resize

Code snippet (see end of the page for includes)

SAMPLES = 180;

const int countDraws = 4;
DrawQWidget* pdraws[countDraws];
for (unsigned int i=0; i<countDraws; i++)
  pdraws[i] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, 
                            graphopts_t::goInterp(0.65f, DE_QINTERP), 
                            coloropts_t::copts(CP_MONO, 0.0f, 1.0f, i == 2? 0x00AAAAAA : 0xFFFFFFFF));

DrawBars* pdrawbars[countDraws];
pdrawbars[0] = new DrawBars(pdraws[0], DrawBars::CP_DEFAULT);
pdrawbars[0]->addEScalePixstepDrawbounds(AT_TOP, DBF_ENUMERATE_FROMZERO | DBF_ENUMERATE_SHOWLAST, 20);
pdrawbars[0]->addScaleNativeDrawbounds(AT_LEFT, 0, 0.1f, 1.0f, 21, 32);
pdrawbars[0]->addLabel(AT_LEFT, 0 | DBF_LABELAREA_FULLBAR, "colors: default", Qt::AlignCenter, Qt::Vertical);
pdrawbars[0]->addLabel(AT_TOP, 0, "Enumerator scale", Qt::AlignCenter, Qt::Horizontal);

pdrawbars[1] = new DrawBars(pdraws[1], DrawBars::CP_FROM_DRAWBACK);
  pdrawbars[1]->addContour(AT_LEFT, 0);
  pdrawbars[1]->addContour(AT_TOP, 0);
  pdrawbars[1]->addContour(AT_BOTTOM, 0);
  pdrawbars[1]->addContour(AT_RIGHT, 0);
pdrawbars[1]->addScalePixstepOwnbounds(AT_TOP, 0, 0.0, SAMPLES-1, SAMPLES);
pdrawbars[1]->addScaleNativeDrawbounds(AT_LEFT, 0, 0.1f, 1.0f, 21, 32);
pdrawbars[1]->addLabel(AT_LEFT, 0 | DBF_LABELAREA_FULLBAR, "colors: drawback", Qt::AlignCenter, Qt::Vertical);
pdrawbars[1]->addLabel(AT_TOP, 0, "Fixed scale, floating marks", Qt::AlignCenter, Qt::Horizontal);

pdrawbars[2] = new DrawBars(pdraws[2], DrawBars::CP_FROM_DRAWBACK);
  pdrawbars[2]->addContour(AT_LEFT, 0);
  pdrawbars[2]->addContour(AT_TOP, 0);
  pdrawbars[2]->addContour(AT_BOTTOM, 0);
  pdrawbars[2]->addContour(AT_RIGHT, 0);
pdrawbars[2]->addScaleRollingTapNM(AT_TOP, 0, standard_tap_symbolate<-1>, 4, nullptr, SAMPLES, 20);
pdrawbars[2]->addScaleNativeDrawbounds(AT_LEFT, 0, 0.1f, 1.0f, 21, 32);
pdrawbars[2]->addLabel(AT_LEFT, 0 | DBF_LABELAREA_FULLBAR, "colors: drawback", Qt::AlignCenter, Qt::Vertical);
pdrawbars[2]->addLabel(AT_TOP, 0, "Tap by alphabet", Qt::AlignCenter, Qt::Horizontal);

pdrawbars[3] = new DrawBars(pdraws[3], DrawBars::CP_FROM_DRAWPALETTE_INV);
pdrawbars[3]->addScaleSymmetricOwnbounds(AT_TOP, DBF_NOTE_BORDERS_ONLY | DBF_NOTESINSIDE, 0.0, 1.0, SAMPLES, 10);
pdrawbars[3]->addScaleNativeDrawbounds(AT_LEFT, 0, 0.1f, 1.0f, 21, 32);
pdrawbars[3]->addLabel(AT_LEFT, 0 | DBF_LABELAREA_FULLBAR, "colors: inversed", Qt::AlignCenter, Qt::Vertical);
pdrawbars[3]->addLabel(AT_TOP, 0, "Fixed minimal scale", Qt::AlignCenter, Qt::Horizontal);

for (int i=0; i<countDraws; i++)
  MEWPointer* mpH = pdrawbars[i]->addEPointer01Auto(AT_BOTTOM, DBF_NOTESINSIDE | DBF_ENUMERATE_FROMZERO, 0.0f);
  int oapH = pdrawbars[i]->getDraw()->ovlPushBack(new OActiveCursorCarrier(mpH->createReactor()));
  pdrawbars[i]->getDraw()->ovlPushBack(new OFLine(OFLine::LT_VERT_SYMMETRIC, CR_RELATIVE, 0,0, CR_RELATIVE, 0, -1, linestyle_stroks(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f)), oapH);
  MEWPointer* mpV = pdrawbars[i]->addPointerRelativeDrawbounds(AT_RIGHT, DBF_NOTESINSIDE, 0.0f);
  int oapV = pdrawbars[i]->getDraw()->ovlPushBack(new OActiveCursorCarrier(mpV->createReactor()));
  pdrawbars[i]->getDraw()->ovlPushBack(new OFLine(OFLine::LT_HORZ_SYMMETRIC, CR_RELATIVE, 0,0, CR_RELATIVE, 0, -1, linestyle_stroks(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f)), oapV);

for (int i=0; i<countDraws; i++)

const float* data = someGeneratedData; // at least [SAMPLES x PORTIONS] of floats
for (int i=0; i<countDraws; i++)

DrawBars class supports 3 principal types of scale on axis:

1 - smart 'native' scale. Marks placement depends of step and data bounds

2 - symmetric scale. Marks are placed so that the resizing of DrawBars adds new marks precisely between existing marks

3 - pixstep scale. Marks are placed so that the largest number of marks can fit on the scale


Unit of measurement can be placed for last mark' note (1st draw) or for each mark' note (2nd draw)

Explicit precision can be setted up for notes (3rd draw)

Code snippet (see end of the page for includes)


const int countDraws = 4;
DrawQWidget* pdraws[countDraws];
for (unsigned int i=0; i<countDraws; i++)
  pdraws[i] = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, 
                            graphopts_t::goInterp(0.45f, DE_LINTERP, 3, 0.85f), 
                            coloropts_t::copts(CP_MONO, 0.0f, 1.0f, i == 3? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0x00777777));

int dbflags = 0;
DrawBars* pdrawbars[countDraws];
pdrawbars[0] = new DrawBars(pdraws[0], DrawBars::CP_DEFAULT);
pdrawbars[0]->addScaleNativeOwnbounds(AT_TOP, dbflags | DBF_POSTFIX_ONLYLAST, 0.0f, 720.0f, 15.0f, 0.0f, 32, 40, 9, 0.0f, "°");
pdrawbars[0]->addLabel(AT_TOP, 0, "'Native' scale, mod off", Qt::AlignCenter, Qt::Horizontal);
pdrawbars[0]->addScaleNativeOwnbounds(AT_LEFT, dbflags, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f, 0.0f, 32, 40);
pdrawbars[0]->addScaleNativeOwnbounds(AT_BOTTOM, dbflags | DBF_POSTFIX_ONLYLAST, 0.0f, 720.0f, 15.0f, 0.0f, 32, 40, 9, 360.0f, "°");
pdrawbars[0]->addLabel(AT_BOTTOM, 0, "'Native' scale, mod 360.0f", Qt::AlignCenter, Qt::Horizontal);
pdrawbars[0]->addSpace(AT_BOTTOM, 16);
  pdrawbars[0]->getDraw()->ovlPushBack(new OGridRegular(OGridRegular::REGULAR_VERT, 
                                                        CR_RELATIVE, 0.0f, 60.0f/360.0f, 

pdrawbars[1] = new DrawBars(pdraws[1], DrawBars::CP_DEFAULT);
pdrawbars[1]->addScaleSymmetricOwnbounds(AT_TOP, dbflags, 0.0f, 720.0f, 32, 50, 9, 0.0f, "°");
pdrawbars[1]->addLabel(AT_TOP, 0, "Symmetric scale, mod off", Qt::AlignCenter, Qt::Horizontal);
pdrawbars[1]->addScaleSymmetricOwnbounds(AT_LEFT, dbflags, 0.0f, 1.0f, 16, 32);
pdrawbars[1]->addScaleSymmetricOwnbounds(AT_BOTTOM, dbflags, 0.0f, 720.0f, 32, 50, 9, 360.0f, "°");
pdrawbars[1]->addLabel(AT_BOTTOM, 0, "Symmetric scale, mod 360.0f", Qt::AlignCenter, Qt::Horizontal);
pdrawbars[1]->addSpace(AT_BOTTOM, 16);
  pdrawbars[1]->getDraw()->ovlPushBack(new OGridRegular(OGridRegular::REGULAR_VERT, 
                                                        CR_RELATIVE, 0.0f, 1.0f/8, 
                                                        linestyle_black(0,1,1), -1));

pdrawbars[2] = new DrawBars(pdraws[2], DrawBars::CP_DEFAULT);
pdrawbars[2]->addScalePixstepOwnbounds(AT_TOP, dbflags | DBF_PRECISION_EXACT_2, 0.0f, 720.0f, 32, 50, 9, 0.0f);
pdrawbars[2]->addLabel(AT_TOP, 0, "Pixstep scale, mod off", Qt::AlignCenter, Qt::Horizontal);
pdrawbars[2]->addScalePixstepOwnbounds(AT_LEFT, dbflags, 0.0f, 1.0f, 16, 32);
pdrawbars[2]->addScalePixstepOwnbounds(AT_BOTTOM, dbflags | DBF_PRECISION_EXACT_2, 0.0f, 720.0f, 32, 50, 9, 360.0f);
pdrawbars[2]->addLabel(AT_BOTTOM, 0, "Pixstep scale, mod 360.0f", Qt::AlignCenter, Qt::Horizontal);
pdrawbars[2]->addSpace(AT_BOTTOM, 16);

pdrawbars[3] = new DrawBars(pdraws[3], DrawBars::CP_DEFAULT);
pdrawbars[3]->addEScalePixstepOwnbounds(AT_TOP, dbflags, 32, 40, 1);
pdrawbars[3]->addLabel(AT_TOP, 0, "Enumerator scale", Qt::AlignCenter, Qt::Horizontal);
pdrawbars[3]->addScaleNativeOwnbounds(AT_LEFT, dbflags, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f, 0.0f, 16, 32);
pdrawbars[3]->addEScaleRollingOwnbounds(AT_BOTTOM, dbflags, 32, 40, 1);
pdrawbars[3]->addLabel(AT_BOTTOM, 0, "Rolling Enumerator scale", Qt::AlignCenter, Qt::Horizontal);
  pdrawbars[3]->getDraw()->ovlPushBack(new OGridCells(4, 12, linestyle_yellow(0,1,1)));

for (int i=0; i<countDraws; i++)

const float* data = someGeneratedData; // at least [SAMPLES x PORTIONS] of floats
for (int i=0; i<countDraws; i++)

DrawBars class supports pointers:


Pointer is a more complex element. He can be set up as nonmovable on his place but normally we attach pointer to user actions (clics or moves on draw). The following scheme is used there: we create special overlay object, who follow user action. We attach to him visual overlay (cross, dot, etc). And we attach to him our pointer. Example below

Code snippet (see end of the page for includes)


DrawQWidget* pdraw = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, 
                                    graphopts_t::goInterp(0.45f, DE_LINTERP), 
                                    coloropts_t::copts(CP_MONO, 0.0f, 0.75f));
// 2 overlays just for effects
  pdraw->ovlPushBack(new OGridCells(24, 16, linestyle_white(0,1,1)));
  pdraw->ovlPushBack(new OShadow(10,10,10,10, 0.75f, color3f_white()));

DrawBars* pdrawbars = new DrawBars(pdraw, DrawBars::CP_DEFAULT);
pdrawbars->addScaleSymmetricEmpty(AT_RIGHT, 0, 32, 20, 4);

// 4 pointers for all 4 sides, attached to one overlay
  MEWPointer* mpHL = pdrawbars->addPointerAbsoluteDrawbounds(AT_LEFT, DBF_NOTESINSIDE, 0.5f, 6, 0.0f, "°");
  MEWPointer* mpHR = pdrawbars->addPointerAbsoluteDrawbounds(AT_RIGHT,  DBF_NOTESINSIDE, 0.5f, 0, 0.0f, "°");
  MEWPointer* mpVT = pdrawbars->addPointerAbsoluteDrawbounds(AT_TOP, DBF_NOTESINSIDE, 0.5f, 6, 0.0f, "s");
  MEWPointer* mpVB = pdrawbars->addPointerAbsoluteDrawbounds(AT_BOTTOM, DBF_NOTESINSIDE, 0.5f, 4, 0.0f, "s");
  OActiveCursorCarrier4* oac = new OActiveCursorCarrier4(mpHL->createReactor(), mpHR->createReactor(), mpVB->createReactor(), mpVT->createReactor());
  int oap = pdrawbars->getDraw()->ovlPushBack(oac);
  pdrawbars->getDraw()->ovlPushBack(new OFLine(OFLine::LT_CROSS, CR_RELATIVE, 0,0, CR_RELATIVE, 0, -1, linestyle_red(1,0,0)), oap);

pdrawbars->addSpace(AT_BOTTOM, 8);
pdrawbars->addScaleNativeOwnbounds(AT_BOTTOM, 0, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f, 32, 40, 9);


const float* data = someGeneratedData; // at least [SAMPLES x PORTIONS] of floats


TFT is a method to add titles on draw. Deploy text record on special implicit texture called holding, so you can use text multiple times. Add static or dynamic titles, linked with text record. You can move and swap titles later. You also can rotate static and dynamic titles.



Code snippet


DrawQWidget* pdraw = new DrawGraph(SAMPLES, PORTIONS, 
                                    graphopts_t::goInterp(0.45f, DE_LINTERP), 
                                    coloropts_t::copts(CP_MONO, 0.0f, 0.75f, 0x00666666));
{ /// Static titles
  QFont fnt(this->font());
  pdraw->tftHoldingRegister(fnt, 32, 1);  // 1. Register holding
  pdraw->tftAddRecord("Hello world!");    // 2. Add record
  pdraw->tftAddRecord("Click me");
  pdraw->tftPushStatic(0, CR_RELATIVE, 0.48f, 0.52f);   // 3. Deploy title
  pdraw->tftPushStatic(1, CR_RELATIVE, 0.47f, 0.47f);

{ /// Dynamic records
  QFont fnt(this->font());
  pdraw->tftHoldingRegister(fnt, 6, 8);   // auto switching on new holding
  ovl_visir = pdraw->ovlPushBack(new OActiveCursor(CR_RELATIVE, 0.5f, 0.5f));
  char buffer[32];
  for (int i=0; i<360; i++)
    sprintf(buffer, "%d°", i);
  int TOT = 12*4;
  for (int i=0; i<TOT; i++)
    float pr = i/float(TOT)*M_PI*2.0f;
    pdraw->tftPushDynamicFA(i*360/TOT, CR_RELATIVE, 0.3f*sin(pr), 0.3f*cos(pr), ovl_visir);
  QTimer* tm = new QTimer();
  QObject::connect(tm, &QTimer::timeout, [=]()
    for (int j=0; j<pdraw->tftDynamicsCount(); j++)
      pdraw->tftSwitchTo(j, (pdraw->tftRecordIndex(j) + 1) % pdraw->tftRecordsCount());
  } );
  QTimer::singleShot(2000, tm, SLOT(start()));
DrawBars* pdrawbars = new DrawBars(pdraw, DrawBars::CP_DEFAULT);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(atto)/sizeof(ATTACHED_TO); i++)
  pdrawbars->addScaleSymmetricEmpty(atto[i], 0, 32, 20, 4);
  pdrawbars->addSpace(atto[i], 16);


const float* data = someGeneratedData; // at least [SAMPLES x PORTIONS] of floats

Examples Usage

  1. Build&Run example from example folder
  2. Choose test and press Accept button
  3. Additional tests available in folders: simple_example, simple_example_1D, simple_example_1D_with_scales, simple_example_2D, simple_example_2D_with_scales, simple_example_domain

Generated shader example

Generated shader snippet for 2D draw (DrawIntensity + overpattern)

#version 130
uniform highp sampler2D  texData;
uniform highp int        viewdimm_a;
uniform highp int        viewdimm_b;
uniform highp int        scaler_a;
uniform highp int        scaler_b;
uniform highp int        countPortions;
uniform highp sampler2D  texPalette;
uniform highp vec2       palrange;
in highp vec2            coords;
float getValue1D(in int portion, in float x){  return texture(texData, vec2(x, float(portion)/(float(countPortions)-1.0))).r; }
float getValue2D(in int portion, in vec2  x){  return texture(texData, vec2(x.x, float(x.y + float(portion))/float(countPortions))).r; }
vec3  insider(int i, ivec2 ifromvec) { float scaled01 = float(i - ifromvec[0])/float(ifromvec[1] - sign(float(ifromvec[1])));
  return vec3( step(0.0, scaled01)*(1.0-step(1.001, scaled01)), scaled01, sign(ifromvec[1])*ifromvec[1]); }
void main()
  float mixwell = 1.0;
  float dvalue = 0.0;
  vec4  ovl_cur_otss;
  ivec2 ovl_transfer_pos;
  vec2  ovl_cur_coords;
  ivec2 ab_indimms = ivec2(viewdimm_a, viewdimm_b);
  ivec2 ab_iscaler = ivec2(scaler_a, scaler_b);
  ivec2 ab_ibounds = ab_indimms*ab_iscaler;
  vec2  xy_coords = vec2(coords.xy*0.5 + vec2(0.5,0.5));
  vec2  ab_coords = xy_coords;             
  vec2  abc_coords = ab_coords;
  ivec2 ispcell = ivec2(0,0);
  ivec2 icells = ivec2(1,1);
  vec3  backcolor = texture(texPalette, vec2(0.0, 0.0)).rgb;
  vec3  result = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  vec4  post_mask = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
  ivec2  immod = ivec2( int(mod(abc_coords.x*ab_ibounds.x, float(ab_iscaler.x))), int(mod(abc_coords.y*ab_ibounds.y, float(ab_iscaler.y))));
  ivec4  imrect  = ivec4(immod.x, immod.y, ab_iscaler.x-1, ab_iscaler.y-1);
  const int allocatedPortions = 1;
  for (int i=0; i<countPortions; i++)
    float value = texture(texData, vec2(abc_coords.x, float(abc_coords.y + float(i))/float(countPortions))).r;
    dvalue = max(dvalue, value);
    value = palrange[0] + (palrange[1] - palrange[0])*value;
    result = result + texture(texPalette, vec2(value, float(i)/(allocatedPortions-1) )).rgb;
    post_mask[0] = mix(1.0, post_mask[0], step(value, post_mask[1]));
  float ppb_in = sign(step(imrect.x, post_mask[2]) + step(imrect.y, post_mask[2]) + step(imrect[2] - imrect.x, post_mask[2]) + step(imrect[3] - imrect.y, post_mask[2]));
  vec3   ppb_color = vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);
  result = mix(result, ppb_color, ppb_in * 1.0 );
  vec4 ovTrace;
  gl_FragColor = vec4(result, 0.0);

Generated shader snippet for 1D draw (DrawGraph + 2 overlays)

#version 130
uniform highp sampler2D  texData;
uniform highp int        viewdimm_a;
uniform highp int        viewdimm_b;
uniform highp int        scaler_a;
uniform highp int        scaler_b;
uniform highp int        countPortions;
uniform highp sampler2D  texPalette;
uniform highp vec2       palrange;
in highp vec2            coords;
float getValue1D(in int portion, in float x){  return texture(texData, vec2(x, float(portion)/(float(countPortions)-1.0))).r; }
float getValue2D(in int portion, in vec2  x){  return texture(texData, vec2(x.x, float(x.y + float(portion))/float(countPortions))).r; }
vec3  insider(int i, ivec2 ifromvec) { float scaled01 = float(i - ifromvec[0])/float(ifromvec[1] - sign(float(ifromvec[1])));
  return vec3( step(0.0, scaled01)*(1.0-step(1.001, scaled01)), scaled01, sign(ifromvec[1])*ifromvec[1]); }
uniform highp vec4 ovl_otss_001;
vec4 overlayOVCoords1(in ivec2 ispcell, in ivec2 ov_indimms, in ivec2 ov_iscaler, in ivec2 ov_ibounds, in vec2 coords, in float thick, in ivec2 mastercoords, in vec3 post_in, out ivec2 shapeself);
vec3 overlayColor1(in vec4 in_variant, in vec3 color);
uniform highp vec4 ovl_otss_002;
vec4 overlayOVCoords2(in ivec2 ispcell, in ivec2 ov_indimms, in ivec2 ov_iscaler, in ivec2 ov_ibounds, in vec2 coords, in float thick, in ivec2 mastercoords, in vec3 post_in, out ivec2 shapeself);
vec3 overlayColor2(in vec4 in_variant, in vec3 color);
void main()
  float mixwell = 1.0;
  float dvalue = 0.0;
  vec4  ovl_cur_otss;
  ivec2 ovl_transfer_pos;
  vec2  ovl_cur_coords;
  ivec2 ab_indimms = ivec2(viewdimm_a, viewdimm_b);
  ivec2 ab_iscaler = ivec2(scaler_a, scaler_b);
  ivec2 ab_ibounds = ab_indimms*ab_iscaler;
  vec2  xy_coords = vec2(coords.xy*0.5 + vec2(0.5,0.5));
  vec2  ab_coords = xy_coords;             
  vec2  abc_coords = ab_coords;
  ivec2 ispcell = ivec2(0,0);
  ivec2 icells = ivec2(1,1);
  vec3  backcolor = texture(texPalette, vec2(0.0, 0.0)).rgb;
  vec3  result = backcolor;
  vec4  post_mask = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  ivec2  immod = ivec2( int(mod(abc_coords.x*ab_ibounds.x, float(ab_iscaler.x))), int(mod(abc_coords.y*ab_ibounds.y, float(ab_iscaler.y))));
  ivec4  imrect  = ivec4(immod.x, immod.y, ab_iscaler.x-1, ab_iscaler.y-1);
  mixwell = 0.0;const float specopc = 1.0;
  vec2  ab_fndimms = vec2(viewdimm_a, viewdimm_b);
  vec2  ab_fbounds = vec2(ab_ibounds);
  float b_coord = abc_coords.y*ab_fbounds.y;
  float b_coord_ns = floor(abc_coords.y*ab_fndimms.y);
  const float specsmooth = 0.450000;
  vec3 fx = vec3(float(max(abc_coords.x*ab_indimms.x, 1) - 1)/ab_indimms.x, abc_coords.x, float(min(abc_coords.x*ab_indimms.x, ab_indimms.x-1)  + 1)/ab_indimms.x);
  for (int i=0; i<countPortions; i++)
    vec3  fy = vec3(getValue1D(i, fx[0]), getValue1D(i, fx[1]), getValue1D(i, fx[2]));
    vec3  fy_ns = floor(fy*ab_indimms.y);
    vec3  fy_view = fy*ab_ibounds.y;
    ivec3 iy_view = ivec3(floor(fy_view));
    vec3 fds = vec3(immod.x/float(ab_iscaler.x)) + vec3(-1.0/ab_iscaler.x, 0.0, 1.0/ab_iscaler.x);
    fy_view = vec3(
        mix(iy_view[1] + (iy_view[1] - iy_view[0])*fds.x, iy_view[1] + (iy_view[2] - iy_view[1])*fds.x, step(0.0, fds.x)),
        mix(iy_view[1] + (iy_view[1] - iy_view[0])*fds.y, iy_view[1] + (iy_view[2] - iy_view[1])*fds.y, step(0.0, fds.y)),
        mix(iy_view[1] + (iy_view[1] - iy_view[0])*fds.z, iy_view[1] + (iy_view[2] - iy_view[1])*fds.z, step(0.0, fds.z))
    iy_view = ivec3(floor(fy_view));
    fy_ns = floor(fy_view/(ab_iscaler.y));
    float fmix_self = abs(b_coord_ns - fy_ns[1]);
    fmix_self = (1.0-fmix_self + fmix_self*(0.25+specsmooth*0.375))*step(fmix_self, 2.0);
    float fsig_prev = sign(fy_ns[0] - fy_ns[1]);
    float fsig_next = sign(fy_ns[2] - fy_ns[1]);
    float fmix_prev = fy_ns[0] + fsig_prev;
    float fmix_next = fy_ns[2] + fsig_next;
    fmix_prev = (fmix_prev - b_coord_ns)/(fmix_prev-fy_ns[1]);
    fmix_next = (fmix_next - b_coord_ns)/(fmix_next-fy_ns[1]);
    fmix_prev = fmix_prev*step(0.0, fmix_prev)*(1.0 - step(1.0, fmix_prev));
    fmix_next = fmix_next*step(0.0, fmix_next)*(1.0 - step(1.0, fmix_next));
    float fmix_rej = step(1.0, fsig_prev*fsig_next)*0.25;
    fmix_prev = fmix_prev + (specsmooth-fmix_rej)*2.0*(0.25-(fmix_prev-0.5)*(fmix_prev-0.5));
    fmix_next = fmix_next + (specsmooth-fmix_rej)*2.0*(0.25-(fmix_next-0.5)*(fmix_next-0.5));
    fmix_prev = mix(fmix_prev, 0.2, (1.0-step(fmix_prev, 0.0))*step(fmix_prev, 0.2));
    fmix_next = mix(fmix_next, 0.2, (1.0-step(fmix_next, 0.0))*step(fmix_next, 0.2));
    fmix_prev = mix(fmix_prev, 1.0, step(1.0, fmix_prev));
    fmix_next = mix(fmix_next, 1.0, step(1.0, fmix_next));
    vec3 fhit = vec3(0.0, step(1.0, fmix_self), 0.0);
    float mixwellp =  max(fhit.y, specopc*max(max(fmix_prev, fmix_next), fmix_self ));
    fhit.x = 1.0 - step(mixwellp, 0.0);
    float VALCLR = b_coord_ns / ab_fndimms.y;
    post_mask[0] = post_mask[0]*(1.0 - (fhit.x + fhit.z)) + (fhit.x + fhit.z);
    const int allocatedPortions = 2;
    float porc = palrange[1] - (palrange[1] - palrange[0])/float(allocatedPortions)*(allocatedPortions - 1 - i);
    vec3  colorGraph = texture(texPalette, vec2(porc, 0.0)).rgb;
    result = mix(result, colorGraph, mixwellp);
    mixwell = max(mixwell, mixwellp);
    dvalue = mix(fy[1], dvalue, step(abs(b_coord - dvalue), abs(b_coord - fy[1])) );
  float ppb_in = 0.0;
  vec4 ovTrace;
  ovl_cur_otss = ovl_otss_001;
  ovl_transfer_pos = ivec2(0,0);
  ovl_cur_coords = abc_coords;
  bool ovl_visible_1 = step(1.0, ovl_cur_otss[0]) != 1;
  if  (ovl_visible_1)
    ovTrace = overlayOVCoords1(ispcell, ab_indimms.xy, ab_iscaler.xy, ab_ibounds, ovl_cur_coords, ovl_cur_otss[1], ivec2(0,0), vec3(post_mask[0], post_mask[3], ppb_in), ovl_transfer_pos);
    if (sign(ovTrace[3]) != 0.0 && (step(mixwell, 0.0) == 1 || (step(dvalue, ovl_cur_otss[2]) == 0 && step(ovl_cur_otss[3], dvalue) == 0)) )
    result = mix(result, overlayColor1(ovTrace, result), 1.0 - ovl_cur_otss[0]);
  ivec2 ovl_pos_1 = ovl_transfer_pos;
  ovl_cur_otss = ovl_otss_002;
  ovl_transfer_pos = ivec2(0,0);
  ovl_cur_coords = abc_coords;
  bool ovl_visible_2 = step(1.0, ovl_cur_otss[0]) != 1;
  if  (ovl_visible_2)
    ovTrace = overlayOVCoords2(ispcell, ab_indimms.xy, ab_iscaler.xy, ab_ibounds, ovl_cur_coords, ovl_cur_otss[1], ivec2(0,0), vec3(post_mask[0], post_mask[3], ppb_in), ovl_transfer_pos);
    if (sign(ovTrace[3]) != 0.0 && (step(mixwell, 0.0) == 1 || (step(dvalue, ovl_cur_otss[2]) == 0 && step(ovl_cur_otss[3], dvalue) == 0)) )
    result = mix(result, overlayColor2(ovTrace, result), 1.0 - ovl_cur_otss[0]);
  ivec2 ovl_pos_2 = ovl_transfer_pos;
  gl_FragColor = vec4(result, 0.0);
#version 130
vec3 insider(int i, ivec2 ifromvec);
vec4 overlayOVCoords1(in ivec2 ispcell, in ivec2 ov_indimms, in ivec2 ov_iscaler, in ivec2 ov_ibounds, in vec2 coords, in float thick, in ivec2 mastercoords, in vec3 post_in, out ivec2 selfposition)
  ivec2 icoords = ivec2(coords*ov_ibounds);
  vec3 result = vec3(0.0);
  float mixwell = 0.0;
  vec2 _mvar;  float _fvar;
  vec2 _tracepass = vec2(1.0,1.0);
  ivec2 ioffset = ivec2(0,0);
  ioffset = ioffset + mastercoords;
  ivec2 inormed = icoords - ioffset;
  ivec2 cr = ivec2(16, 24);
  vec2   cellsizepix = vec2(float(ov_ibounds.x-1) / cr.x, float(ov_ibounds.y-1) / cr.y);ivec2  optiid = ivec2(inormed.x / cellsizepix.x + 0.49, inormed.y / cellsizepix.y + 0.49);ioffset = ivec2(cellsizepix.x*optiid.x, 0);inormed = icoords - ioffset;_mvar[0] = 1.0 * (1.0+thick - clamp(abs(inormed[0] - floor(float(0.0))), 0.0, 1.0+thick))/(1.0+thick);_mvar[1] = inormed[1] - 0;
  _mvar[0] = _mvar[0] * step(0.0, _mvar[1]);
  result = mix(result, vec3(_mvar*_tracepass, 0.0), 1.0 - step(abs(_mvar[0]) - abs(result[0]), 0.0) );
  ioffset = ivec2(0, cellsizepix.y*optiid.y);inormed = icoords - ioffset;_mvar[0] = 1.0 * (1.0+thick - clamp(abs(inormed[1] - floor(float(0.0))), 0.0, 1.0+thick))/(1.0+thick);_mvar[1] = inormed[0] - 0;
  _mvar[0] = _mvar[0] * step(0.0, _mvar[1]);
  result = mix(result, vec3(_mvar*_tracepass, 0.0), 1.0 - step(abs(_mvar[0]) - abs(result[0]), 0.0) );
  mixwell = result[0];
  selfposition = ioffset; 
  return vec4(result, mixwell);

#version 130
vec3 overlayColor1(in vec4 in_variant, in vec3 undercolor) 
  vec3 result;
  float mixwell = 0.0;
  mixwell = in_variant[0];
  const int lenspace = 1;
  const int countdot = 1;
  int pos = int(mod(in_variant[1], float(2*countdot - 1 + lenspace)));
  int mixdot = int((1.0 - step(2.0*countdot, float(pos)))*step(1.0, mod(pos - (2.0*countdot-1.0), 2.0)));
  mixwell = mixwell*mixdot;
  result = vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);
  return mix(undercolor, result, mixwell);

#version 130
vec3 insider(int i, ivec2 ifromvec);
vec4 overlayOVCoords2(in ivec2 ispcell, in ivec2 ov_indimms, in ivec2 ov_iscaler, in ivec2 ov_ibounds, in vec2 coords, in float thick, in ivec2 mastercoords, in vec3 post_in, out ivec2 selfposition)
  ivec2 icoords = ivec2(coords*ov_ibounds);
  vec3 result = vec3(0.0);
  float mixwell = 0.0;
  vec2 _mvar;  float _fvar;
  vec2 _tracepass = vec2(1.0,1.0);
  ivec2 ioffset = ivec2(0,0);
  ioffset = ioffset + mastercoords;
  const float weight = 0.750000;
  ivec2 inormed = icoords - ioffset;
  ivec2 dd = ivec2(9999, 0);dd = (ivec2)mix(dd, ivec2(inormed.x, 9), step(float(inormed.x), float(dd[0])));dd = (ivec2)mix(dd, ivec2(ov_ibounds.y - 1 - inormed.y, 9), step(float(ov_ibounds.y - 1 - inormed.y), float(dd[0])));dd = (ivec2)mix(dd, ivec2(ov_ibounds.x - 1 - inormed.x, 9), step(float(ov_ibounds.x - 1 - inormed.x), float(dd[0])));dd = (ivec2)mix(dd, ivec2(inormed.y, 9), step(float(inormed.y), float(dd[0])));vec2 tms = vec2(abs(dd[0]), 0.0);
  tms[1] = clamp((1+dd[1] - tms[0])/float(1+dd[1]), 0.0, 1.0);
  tms[0] = tms[1]*(1.0 / (1 + 6.2*abs(weight)*(1.0 - tms[1])) );
  tms[1] = mix(2.0*tms[1] - tms[0], tms[0], step(0.0, weight));
  tms[0] = clamp(tms[1], 0.0, 1.0);
  mixwell = tms[1];
  selfposition = ioffset;
  return vec4(result, mixwell);

#version 130
vec3 overlayColor2(in vec4 in_variant, in vec3 undercolor) 
  vec3 result;
  float mixwell = 0.0;
  mixwell = in_variant[3];
  result = vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);
  return mix(undercolor, result, mixwell);


FOR COMPILATION (add to your Qt project):

  1. Required core files:
    bsdraw/core/bsidrawcore.h           # include for symbols. General structs, flags, enums, defines
    bsdraw/core/bsdraw.h                # include for symbols. base class DrawCore (Non-Qt)
    bsdraw/core/bsqdraw.h               # include for symbols. DrawCore + Qt
    bsdraw/core/bsqdraw.cpp             # translation unit
    bsdraw/core/sheigen/bsshgenmain.h   # include for symbols. shader generation funcs
    bsdraw/core/sheigen/bsshgenmain.cpp # translation unit
  1. For 2D draws:
    bsdraw/bsdrawintensity.h            # class DrawIntensity, declaration
    bsdraw/bsdrawintensity.cpp          # translation unit, definition
    bsdraw/bsdrawrecorder.h             # class DrawRecorder, declaration
    bsdraw/bsdrawrecorder.cpp           # translation unit, definition
    bsdraw/bsdrawdomain.h               # class DrawDomain, declaration
    bsdraw/bsdrawdomain.cpp             # translation unit, definition
  1. For 1D draws:
    bsdraw/bsdrawgraph.h                # class DrawGraph, declaration
    bsdraw/bsdrawgraph.cpp              # translation unit, definition
  1. For draw bars:
    bsdraw/bsdrawscales.h;              # class DrawBars, declaration
    bsdraw/bsdrawscales.cpp             # translation unit, definition
  1. For overlays:
    bsdraw/core/bsoverlay.h             # include for symbols. Overlay base classes
    bsdraw/core/bsoverlay.cpp           # translation unit
    bsdraw/core/bsqoverlay.h            # optionally. Qt signals&slots support for basic overlay methods
    bsdraw/core/bsqoverlay.cpp          # optionally. translation unit
    bsdraw/core/sheigen/bsshgencolor.h    # include for symbols. Shader generator for overlay coloring 
    bsdraw/core/sheigen/bsshgencolor.cpp  # translation unit
    bsdraw/core/sheigen/bsshgentrace.h    # include for symbols. Shader generator for overlay coordinates maths
    bsdraw/core/sheigen/bsshgentrace.cpp  # translation unit
    ... and overlays you need, i.e.
    bsdraw/overlays/bsborder.cpp & .h
    bsdraw/overlays/bsfigures.cpp & .h
    bsdraw/overlays/bsgrid.cpp & .h
    bsdraw/overlays/bspoints.cpp & .h
    bsdraw/overlays/bssprites.cpp & .h
    bsdraw/overlays/bstextstatic.cpp & .h
    bsdraw/overlays/special/bsmarks.cpp & .h
    bsdraw/overlays/special/bsblocker.cpp & .h
    bsdraw/overlays/bsinteractive.cpp & .h
    bsdraw/overlays/bscontour.cpp & .h
    bsdraw/overlays/bsimage.cpp & .h

FOR SYMBOLS (add to your header or source file):

  1. For 2D draws:
    bsdraw/bsdrawintensity.h            // class DrawIntensity
    bsdraw/bsdrawrecorder.h             // class DrawRecorder
    bsdraw/bsdrawdomain.h               // class DrawDomain
  1. For 1D draws:
    bsdraw/bsdrawgraph.h                // class DrawGraph
  1. For draw bars:
    bsdraw/bsdrawscales.h;              // class DrawBars
  1. For palettes:
    bsdraw/palettes/bspalettes_std.h    // simple palettes list and includes
    bsdraw/palettes/bspalettes_adv.h    // advanced palettes list and includes
    bsdraw/palettes/bspalettes_rgb.h    // 2d palettes list and includes
  1. For overlays you need:


  • shader precompilation
  • multiportional overpattern


Source code for 4 principal types of charts/graphs, drawed by fragment and vertex shaders. +Examples








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