Personal collection of examples and tests of libraries and how to use them. Dummy code dump folder.
Tests included:
- Chainer: a neural network library developed in Tokyo University. Documentation is in english but the community that uses is it Japanese.
- Tensorflow: a neural network library developed by Google. It is very verbose so I have a working example just in case I get errors in another project.
- Tflearn: a less verbose high level abstraction wrapper for Tensorflow.
- SVM K-folds: scikit-learn: I use scikit-learn to write my own K-folds method that returns F1, Accuracy, Precision and Recall. Included methods usually only return Accuracy or F1.
- LDA: gensim: I use gensim to do an LDA model based on probability distribution analysis, with the objective of topic clustering.
- Stanford NLP POS Tagger: Chinese part-of-speech tagging. I use my own library and test it out here.
- MeCab: A Japanese language parser, POS tagger and tokenizer.