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rendrs is a poorly named ray-marching raytracer. It has a scene description language that's s-expression based, and documented in the language section.


cargo run --release -- render scenes/complicated.scene


rendrs can be run in one of two modes, as an offline renderer that will output the render targets of the scene description, or in an interactive mode where it will refresh the render targets in a web-browser window as the scene description is edited and saved.

The first mode is run via the render sub-command. It expects a scene file as an argument, and has an optional --threads argument to control the number of threads spawned during rendering.

The second mode is run via the serve sub-command. It will watch the scene file provided, and will open your web-browser to when started. The port used can be controlled via the --port argument, and the --threads argument is also valid here.


  • .obj file mesh loading
  • Global illumination integrator
  • Handle non-square pixels for ascii rendering
  • Transparent objects
  • Sub-pixel sampling strategies


The scene description language is made up of s-expressions. Top-level declarations are used to define nodes, lights, patterns, materials, and cameras, which are all used by render targets to produce a final output.

Single-line comments start with the ; character.

The following conventions are used in the descriptions below:

  • <name> - an identifier, starting with a lower-case ascii letter, followed by ascii letters, digits or the symbols -, _, !, or ?
  • <number> - a number, with an optional decimal component
  • <vector> - a three dimensional vector, specified as (<x> <y> <z>), where each of the components are expected to be number literals
  • <point> - a three dimensional point, specified in the same format as <vector>
  • <string> - a double-quoted string
  • <symbol> - the same format as <name>, but with a leading :
  • <color> - a hex color, specified as #rrggbb
  • <angle> - either a number specifyin the value in radians, or (degrees <number>) to specify it in degrees.


Node declarations take the form:

(node <name> <shape-description>)

The following shape descriptions are available:

  • (plane <vector>) - a plane whose normal is given by the vector.
  • (sphere <number>) - a sphere whose radius is given by the number.
  • (box <number> <number> <number>) - a box whose width, height, and depth are given by the three numeric literal arguments.
  • (torus <number> <number>) - a torus with the given hole diameter, and outer radius.
  • (group <node>...) - Group together the following nodes into one node. The nodes can be either inlined shape definitions, or the names of nodes introduced through a top-level (node ...) declaration.
  • (union <node>...) - Union together nodes. This behaves similarly to (group <node>...), but the difference is that for material application it's considered to be a single object, wheras the members of a group are still considered to be separate objects.
  • (smooth-union <number> <node>...) - Union the nodes together, but smoothly blend between the nodes according to the numeric parameter given.
  • (subtract <node> <node>) - Subtract the second node from the first. The material from the second node will be used as the material for the cutout, giving some control over how the removal looks.
  • (intersect <node>...) - The intersection of all of the objects.
  • (transform <transform> <node>) - Apply the given transform to the node when rendering it.
  • (paint <material> <node>) - Apply the given material to the node when rendering.


Transforms can be used to transform nodes or patterns in the scene graph during rendering.

  • (compose <transform>...) - Compose all the transformations left-to-right.
  • (rotate <vector>) - A rotation specified in axis-angle notation.
  • (uniform-scale <number>) - Uniform scaling in all dimensions.
  • (scale <vector>) - Non-uniform scaling in all dimensions. WARNING: this doesn't function exactly correctly for SDFs, and may have unexpected behavior as a result.
  • (look-at <point> <point> <vector>) - Compose the look-at transform to orient the first point, the eye, towards the second point, the target. Especially useful for orienting cameras.


Lights can be added to the scene with a light declaration:

(light <light>)

The light value can take one of the following forms:

  • (diffuse <color>) - A diffuse light applied to the entire scene.
  • (point <color> <point>) - A point light with the given color, positioned at the point.


Patterns can be declared with the following form:

(pattern <name> <pattern>)

The pattern values can take one of the following forms:

  • (solid <color>) - The solid color pattern.
  • (gradient <color> <color>) - Blending between the two colors given the object-space coordinate's x-value.
  • (stripes <pattern> <pattern>) - Alternating between the two patterns in vertical stripes, based on the object space coordinate's x-value.
  • (checkers <pattern> <pattern>) - A checkerboard pattern that alternates between the two patterns. The checkers are three-dimensional volumes, so they're more like cubes in space.
  • (shells <pattern> <pattern>) - Rings of alternating patterns, centered at the origin.
  • (transform <transform> <pattern>) - Apply the transformation to the object-space point before determing the color produced by the sub-pattern.


Materials can be declared with the following form:

(material <name> <material>)

The material values can take one of the following forms:

  • (phong <args>) - The Phong reflection model, with the following arguments:
    • :pattern <pattern> - (required) the pattern to use for the surface
    • :ambient <number> - (default 0.1) the ambient light contribution, [0,1]
    • :diffuse <number> - (default 0.9) the diffuse light contribution, [0,1]
    • :specular <number> - (default 0.9) the specular light contribution, [0,1]
    • :shininess <number> - (default 200) the specular light contribution
    • :reflective <number> - (default 0) how reflective the surface is, [0,1]
    • :transparent <number> - (default 0) how transparent the surface is, [0,1]
    • :refractive_index <number> - (default 0) the index of refraction for the surface, must be positive.
  • (emissive <pattern>) - The surface behaves as a light source. This is currently not very helpful, as the only integrator available is a Whitted ray-tracer, that doesn't handle emissive objects well.


Cameras can be declared at the top-level with the following form:

(camera <name> <camera>)

There is currently only one type of camera, a pinhole camera. It takes the following form:

(pinhole <number> <number> <transform> <angle>)

The first two numbers are width and height of the canvas produced, the transform is the world-to-camera transform, and the last angle is the field of view of the transform.

Render Targets

Render targets are declared as follows:

(render <target> <integrator> <node>)

<target> is one of the following forms:

  • (file <string>) - write the output to the file specified in the string
  • (ascii <string>) - Render the output as ascii, and use the string name to disambiguate it from other ascii targets.

There is currently only one <integrator> supported, the whitted integrator. It takes as an argument a <sampler> and <camera> value. The only sampler currently implemented is the (uniform <number> <number>) sampler, where the two numeric parameters are the number of horizontal and vertical samples to collect for a single pixel.

Finally, the <node> argument will be the root of the scene, and only nodes reachable from that node will be rendered.