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Streaming computations over sparse vectors and matrices


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Streaming computations over sparse vectors and matrices for use in text mining and NLP

svec contains a collection of subcommands that operate on a common format for sparse vectors and matrices. Each vector or matrix is a text file each line of which contains space-separated alpha-numeric labels for the dimensions, followed by a tab, followed by the numeric value of that particular cell in the vector or matrix. Canonically, files are sorted by dimension. For instance, the 2x2 matrix with dimensions a and b would have the following representation:

a a	1
a b	2
b a	3
b b	4

The subcommands all operate on this common format, and emphasize streaming and disk-based computations in order to handle large matrices that cannot fit in memory.


svec - Streaming computations over sparse vectors and matrices for use in text mining and NLP

General Options:
	-g	Specifies decimal precision of arithmetic

	--help|-h|help [SUBCOMMAND]	Prints help text for SUBCOMMAND. If SUBCOMMAND omitted, prints list of subcommands.
	abs MATRIX	Element-wise absolute value
	add MATRIX [MATRIX...]	Element-wise sum of 2 or more matrices
	analogy VECTOR VECTOR VECTOR	Computes the analogy vector from 3 word2vec embeddings man:king::woman:queen => king-man+woman=queen
	analogicalinfluence VECTOR VECTOR VECTOR VECTOR	Given the analogy man:king::woman:queen, computes how much each dimension of the imputed gender relationship vector woman-man contributes to the empirical relationship vector queen-king. Specifically, |q-k| - |(q-k) – (w-m)|, or the distance between the empirical relationship and the error introduced by the approximation, which measures which dimensions cover the most distance in the correct direction, discounted as high error makes them miss their mark. High positive values contribute more, low negatives less.
	counts TOKENS	Prints a vector of counts from a newline-separated stream of tokens
	deserialize SERIALIZED	Deserializes Julia SparseMatrixCSC or SparseVector to ASCII svec format. 
	dimensions MATRIX	Print only the dimensions (dropping the values).
	dot MATRIX [MATRIX...]	Dot product of multiple vectors
	index MATRIX	Generates a symbolic-numeric index of dimensions and maps an existing matrix from symbolic->numeric or numeric->symbolic dimensions. 
	join MATRIX [MATRIX...]	Concatenates numerical values with the same indices together for further processing (summation, multiplication, etc.). Empty rows are filled with 0, but if multiple vectors are joined, there may be fewer 0s than vectors.
	julia [PROGRAM] SERIALIZED	Loads a serialized object into a Julia instance as svec. Symbolic dimensions are loaded as _dims. If -i is not specified, PROGRAM is interpreted as a function body and its return value is serialized along with _dims. Any value may be serialized for subsequent processing with the julia command, but only SparseArrays can be deserialized into ASCII svec format.
	map EXPRESSION MATRIX	Performs an element-wise arithmetic calculation to the numeric value of each matrix index. The current value can be accessed as $2 or $NF. Results of the arithmetic expression are automatically assigned to the numeric value.
	minmax 	Filters values to be within the specified minimum and/or maximum.
	negate MATRIX	Negates a vector
	neighbors VECTOR 2D-MATRIX	Accepts a 2D matrix and a vector and outputs a vector of cosine distances between the rows of the matrix and the input vector
	norm MATRIX	Computes the entry-wise Euclidean norm of a matrix
	normalize VECTOR	Normalizes VECTOR using the Euclidean norm.
	row DIMENSION MATRIX	Filters by rows where the leftmost column matches DIMENSION and returns an N-1 matrix by removing the leftmost dimension.
	pmi BIGRAMCOUNTS	Compute the pointwise mutual information of the BIGRAMCOUNTS as produced by running count on a bigram stream.
	scale CONSTANT MATRIX	Scale all elements by a constant
	serialize MATRIX	Serializes 1D or 2D MATRIX to a Julia SparseArray. Output is a pair of a SparseArray and a map from numeric to symbolic dimensions to be used for deserializing.
	sparse MATRIX	Removes 0 valued dimensions to create sparse vector or matrix
	sqrt MATRIX	Elementwise square root
	square MATRIX	Elementwise square
	subtract MINUEND SUBTRAHEND...	Subtract one or more SUBTRAHEND matrices from MINUEND
	sum MATRIX	Sums all elements and returns a constant
	symmetric LOWERTRIANGULAR	Converts a LOWERTRIANGULAR matrix into a symmetric matrix by reflecting the lower half across the diagonal.
	triangular MATRIX	Converts between lower triangular and square 2D matrices by copying/dropping across the diagonal.
	vecnorm MATRIX	Eliminates the rightmost dimension of a matrix and computes the Euclidean norms to use as values for the remaining indices
	vecnormalize MATRIX	Normalizes vectors defined by the first N-1 dimension of MATRIX
	vecsum MATRIX	Eliminates the rightmost dimension of a matrix and computes the sums to use as values for the remaining indices


  • optimize neighbors
  • add -s sorted flag to counts to add extra sorting step. maybe should be global
  • extend caching to all subcommands
  • join behaves incorrectly when presented with the zero vector (a completely empty file) using auto. recursively pass number of files processed and manually compute join output. test with subtract
  • experiment with </dev/tty for interactive julia, as in kb


Streaming computations over sparse vectors and matrices







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