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// Code generated by "core generate -add-types"; DO NOT EDIT.
package main
import (
var _ = types.AddType(&types.Type{Name: "main.EnvConfig", IDName: "env-config", Doc: "EnvConfig has config params for environment\nnote: only adding fields for key Env params that matter for both Network and Env\nother params are set via the Env map data mechanism.", Fields: []types.Field{{Name: "Env", Doc: "env parameters -- can set any field/subfield on Env struct, using standard TOML formatting"}, {Name: "RunName", Doc: "environment run name"}, {Name: "SetNBlocks", Doc: "override the default number of blocks to run conditions with NBlocks"}, {Name: "NBlocks", Doc: "number of blocks to run if SetNBlocks is true"}}})
var _ = types.AddType(&types.Type{Name: "main.ParamConfig", IDName: "param-config", Doc: "ParamConfig has config parameters related to sim params", Fields: []types.Field{{Name: "Rubicon", Doc: "Rubicon parameters -- can set any field/subfield on Net.Rubicon params, using standard TOML formatting"}, {Name: "Network", Doc: "network parameters"}, {Name: "Sheet", Doc: "Extra Param Sheet name(s) to use (space separated if multiple) -- must be valid name as listed in compiled-in params or loaded params"}, {Name: "Tag", Doc: "extra tag to add to file names and logs saved from this run"}, {Name: "Note", Doc: "user note -- describe the run params etc -- like a git commit message for the run"}, {Name: "File", Doc: "Name of the JSON file to input saved parameters from."}, {Name: "SaveAll", Doc: "Save a snapshot of all current param and config settings in a directory named params_<datestamp> (or _good if Good is true), then quit -- useful for comparing to later changes and seeing multiple views of current params"}, {Name: "Good", Doc: "for SaveAll, save to params_good for a known good params state. This can be done prior to making a new release after all tests are passing -- add results to git to provide a full diff record of all params over time."}}})
var _ = types.AddType(&types.Type{Name: "main.RunConfig", IDName: "run-config", Doc: "RunConfig has config parameters related to running the sim", Fields: []types.Field{{Name: "GPU", Doc: "use the GPU for computation -- only for testing in this model -- not faster"}, {Name: "NThreads", Doc: "number of parallel threads for CPU computation -- 0 = use default"}, {Name: "ThetaCycles", Doc: "number of cycles per Theta phase (trial) -- either 200 or 300 (latter needed for motor actions)"}, {Name: "Run", Doc: "starting run number -- determines the random seed -- runs counts from there -- can do all runs in parallel by launching separate jobs with each run, runs = 1"}, {Name: "NRuns", Doc: "total number of runs to do when running Train"}}})
var _ = types.AddType(&types.Type{Name: "main.LogConfig", IDName: "log-config", Doc: "LogConfig has config parameters related to logging data", Fields: []types.Field{{Name: "AggStats", Doc: "stats to aggregate at higher levels"}, {Name: "SaveWts", Doc: "if true, save final weights after each run"}, {Name: "Block", Doc: "if true, save block log to file, as .blk.tsv typically"}, {Name: "Cond", Doc: "if true, save condition log to file, as .cnd.tsv typically"}, {Name: "Trial", Doc: "if true, save trial log to file, as .trl.tsv typically"}, {Name: "NetData", Doc: "if true, save network activation etc data from testing trials, for later viewing in netview"}}})
var _ = types.AddType(&types.Type{Name: "main.Config", IDName: "config", Doc: "Config is a standard Sim config -- use as a starting point.", Fields: []types.Field{{Name: "Includes", Doc: "specify include files here, and after configuration, it contains list of include files added"}, {Name: "GUI", Doc: "open the GUI -- does not automatically run -- if false, then runs automatically and quits"}, {Name: "Debug", Doc: "log debugging information"}, {Name: "Env", Doc: "environment configuration options"}, {Name: "Params", Doc: "parameter related configuration options"}, {Name: "Run", Doc: "sim running related configuration options"}, {Name: "Log", Doc: "data logging related configuration options"}}})
var _ = types.AddType(&types.Type{Name: "main.DrEffPlot", IDName: "dr-eff-plot", Doc: "DrEffPlot holds the params, table, etc", Methods: []types.Method{{Name: "EffortPlot", Doc: "EffortPlot plots the equation as a function of effort / time", Directives: []types.Directive{{Tool: "types", Directive: "add"}}}, {Name: "UrgencyPlot", Doc: "UrgencyPlot plots the equation as a function of effort / time", Directives: []types.Directive{{Tool: "types", Directive: "add"}}}, {Name: "TimeRun", Doc: "TimeRun runs the equation over time.", Directives: []types.Directive{{Tool: "types", Directive: "add"}}}}, Fields: []types.Field{{Name: "Context", Doc: "context just for plotting"}, {Name: "Rubicon", Doc: "Rubicon params"}, {Name: "TimeSteps", Doc: "total number of time steps to simulate"}, {Name: "USTime", Doc: "range for number of time steps between US receipt"}, {Name: "Effort", Doc: "range for random effort per step"}, {Name: "Table", Doc: "table for plot"}, {Name: "Plot", Doc: "the plot"}, {Name: "TimeTable", Doc: "table for plot"}, {Name: "TimePlot", Doc: "the plot"}, {Name: "Rand", Doc: "random number generator"}}})
var _ = types.AddType(&types.Type{Name: "main.Sim", IDName: "sim", Doc: "Sim encapsulates the entire simulation model, and we define all the\nfunctionality as methods on this struct. This structure keeps all relevant\nstate information organized and available without having to pass everything around\nas arguments to methods, and provides the core GUI interface (note the view tags\nfor the fields which provide hints to how things should be displayed).", Fields: []types.Field{{Name: "Config", Doc: "simulation configuration parameters -- set by .toml config file and / or args"}, {Name: "Net", Doc: "the network -- click to view / edit parameters for layers, paths, etc"}, {Name: "Params", Doc: "all parameter management"}, {Name: "Loops", Doc: "contains looper control loops for running sim"}, {Name: "Stats", Doc: "contains computed statistic values"}, {Name: "Logs", Doc: "Contains all the logs and information about the logs.'"}, {Name: "Envs", Doc: "Environments"}, {Name: "Context", Doc: "axon timing parameters and state"}, {Name: "ViewUpdate", Doc: "netview update parameters"}, {Name: "GUI", Doc: "manages all the gui elements"}, {Name: "RandSeeds", Doc: "a list of random seeds to use for each run"}}})