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Releases: emissary-ingress/emissary

Emissary Ingress 3.5.1

24 Feb 16:25
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🎉 Emissary Ingress 3.5.1 🎉

Emissary Ingress is an open source, Kubernetes-native microservices API gateway built on the Envoy Proxy.

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  • Bugfix: No changes made to Emissary-ingress but this patch release addresses a regression where
    the Module resource fails validation when setting the ambassador_id after upgrading to

    Thanks to pie-r

Emissary Ingress Chart 8.5.1

24 Feb 16:23
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Emissary Ingress 3.5.0

15 Feb 15:27
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🎉 Emissary Ingress 3.5.0 🎉

Emissary Ingress is an open source, Kubernetes-native microservices API gateway built on the Envoy Proxy.

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  • Security: Upgrading to the latest release of Golang as part of our general dependency upgrade
    process. This includes security fixes for CVE-2022-41725, CVE-2022-41723.

  • Feature: In Envoy 1.24, experimental support for a native OpenTelemetry tracing driver was
    introduced that allows exporting spans in the otlp format. Many Observability platforms accept
    that format and is the recommend replacement for the LightStep driver. Emissary-ingress now
    supports setting the TracingService.spec.driver=opentelemetry to export spans in otlp

    Thanks to Paul for helping us
    get this tested and implemented!

  • Bugfix: When wanting to expose traffic to clients on ports other than 80/443, users will set a
    port in the Host.hostname ( The config generated allowed
    matching on the :authority header. This worked in v1.Y series due to the way emissary was
    generating Envoy configuration under a single wild-card virtual_host and matching on

    In v2.Y/v3.Y+, the way emissary generates Envoy configuration changed to address
    memory pressure and improve route lookup speed in Envoy. However, when including a port in the
    hostname, an incorrect configuration was generated with an sni match including the port. This has
    been fixed and the correct envoy configuration is being generated. (fix: hostname port issue)

  • Change: Previously, specifying backend ports by name in Ingress was not supported and would result
    in defaulting to port 80. This allows emissary-ingress to now resolve port names for backend
    services. If the port number cannot be resolved by the name (e.g named port in the Service doesn't
    exist) then it defaults back to the original behavior. (Thanks to Anton Ustyuzhanin!). (#4809)

  • Change: The emissary-apiext server is a Kubernetes Conversion Webhook that converts between the
    Emissary-ingress CRD versions. On startup, it ensures that a self-signed cert is available so that
    K8s API Server can talk to the conversion webhook (TLS is required by K8s). We have introduced
    a startupProbe to ensure that emissary-apiext server has enough time to configure the webhooks
    before running liveness and readiness probes. This is to ensure slow startup doesn't cause K8s to
    needlessly restart the pod.

Emissary Ingress Chart 8.5.0

15 Feb 15:22
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Emissary Ingress 3.4.1

07 Feb 22:25
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🎉 Emissary Ingress 3.4.1 🎉

Emissary Ingress is an open source, Kubernetes-native microservices API gateway built on the Envoy Proxy.

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  • Security: This upgrades emissary-ingress to be built on Envoy v1.24.2. This captures a patch to
    boringssl to address CVE-2023-0286. It also includes an update to c-ares dependency to address
    issue with cname wildcard dns resolution for upstream clusters.

Emissary Ingress Chart 8.4.1

07 Feb 22:23
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Emissary Ingress 3.4.0

03 Jan 15:21
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🎉 Emissary Ingress 3.4.0 🎉

Emissary Ingress is an open source, Kubernetes-native microservices API gateway built on the Envoy Proxy.

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  • Feature: Support for the apiVersion has been re-introduced, in order to
    facilitate smoother migrations from Emissary-ingress 1.y. Previously, in order to make migrations
    possible, an "unserved" v1 version was declared to Kubernetes, but was unsupported by
    Emissary-ingress. That unserved v1 could cause an excess of errors to be logged by the
    Kubernetes Nodes (regardless of whether the installation was migrated from 1.y or was a fresh 2.y
    install); fully supporting v1 again should resolve these errors.

  • Feature: It is now possible to configure active healhchecking for upstreams within a Mapping. If
    the upstream fails its configured health check then Envoy will mark the upstream as unhealthy and
    no longer send traffic to that upstream. Single pods within a group may can be marked as
    unhealthy. The healthy pods will continue to receive traffic normally while the unhealthy pods
    will not receive any traffic until they recover by passing the health check.

  • Feature: The healthcheck server's bind address, bind port and IP family can now be configured
    using environment variables:

    • AMBASSADOR_HEALTHCHECK_BIND_ADDRESS: The address to bind the
      healthcheck server to.
    • AMBASSADOR_HEALTHCHECK_BIND_PORT: The port to bind the healthcheck
      server to.
    • AMBASSADOR_HEALTHCHECK_IP_FAMILY: The IP family to use for the healthcheck
      This allows the healthcheck server to be configured to use IPv6-only k8s environments.
      (Thanks to Dmitry Golushko!).
  • Feature: This upgrades Emissary-ingress to be built on Envoy v1.24.1. One notable change is that
    the team at LightStep and Envoy Maintainers have decided to no longer support the native
    LightStep tracing driver in favor of using the Open Telemetry driver. The code for LightStep
    driver has been completely removed from Envoy code base so Emissary-ingress will no longer
    support it either.
    The recommended upgrade path is to leverage a supported Tracing driver such as
    Zipkin and use the Open Telemetry Collector to
    collect and forward Observabity data to LightStep.

Emissary Ingress Chart 8.4.0

03 Jan 15:19
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Emissary Ingress 3.3.1

09 Dec 20:26
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🎉 Emissary Ingress 3.3.1 🎉

Emissary Ingress is an open source, Kubernetes-native microservices API gateway built on the Envoy Proxy.

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  • Security: Update Golang to release 1.19.4. Two CVE's were annouced in this z patch release.
    CVE-2022-41720 only affects Windows environments and Emissary-ingress runs in linux. The second
    one CVE-2022-41717 only affects HTTP/2 server connections exposed to external clients.
    Emissary-ingress does not expose any Golang http servers to outside clients. The data-plane of
    Envoy is not affected by either of these.

Emissary Ingress 2.5.1

09 Dec 19:55
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🎉 Emissary Ingress 2.5.1 🎉

Emissary Ingress is an open source, Kubernetes-native microservices API gateway built on the Envoy Proxy.

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Get started with Emissary on Kubernetes -

  • Feature: Support for the apiVersion has been re-introduced, in order to
    facilitate smoother migrations from Emissary-ingress 1.y. Previously, in order to make migrations
    possible, an "unserved" v1 version was declared to Kubernetes, but was unsupported by
    Emissary-ingress. That unserved v1 could cause an excess of errors to be logged by the
    Kubernetes Nodes (regardless of whether the installation was migrated from 1.y or was a fresh 2.y
    install); fully supporting v1 again should resolve these errors.

  • Security: Update Golang to release 1.19.4. Two CVE's were annouced in this z patch release.
    CVE-2022-41720 only affects Windows environments and Emissary-ingress runs in linux. The second
    one CVE-2022-41717 only affects HTTP/2 server connections exposed to external clients.
    Emissary-ingress does not expose any Golang http servers to outside clients. The data-plane of
    Envoy is not affected by either of these.

  • Security: Updated Golang to the latest z patch. We are not vulnerable to the CVE-2022-3602 that
    was released in 1.19.3 and you can read more about it here:
    Updating to the latest z patch as part of our normal dependency update process and this will help
    reduce the noise of security scanners.