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fix(gw): use more conservative set of DTLS options #12180

merged 9 commits into from
Dec 20, 2023
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions apps/emqx/test/emqx_common_test_helpers.erl
Expand Up @@ -65,6 +65,11 @@


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1421,3 +1426,24 @@ group_path(Config) ->
_:_ ->

%% almost verify_none equivalent, but only ignores 'hostname_check_failed'
ssl_verify_fun_allow_any_host_impl(_Cert, Event, State) ->
case Event of
valid ->
{valid, State};
valid_peer ->
{valid, State};
{bad_cert, hostname_check_failed} ->
{valid, State};
{bad_cert, _} ->
{fail, Event};
{extension, _} ->
{unknown, State}

ssl_verify_fun_allow_any_host() ->
{verify, verify_peer},
{verify_fun, {fun ?MODULE:ssl_verify_fun_allow_any_host_impl/3, _State = #{}}}
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion apps/emqx/test/emqx_cth_suite.erl
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339 changes: 339 additions & 0 deletions apps/emqx/test/emqx_cth_tls.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
%% Copyright (c) 2023 EMQ Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
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%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.



Comment on lines +21 to +24
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Too late I found out about emqx_common_test_helpers:gen_ca/2 and friends. 😓

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Certificate Issuing
%% Heavily inspired by: ${ERL_SRC}/lib/public_key/test/erl_make_certs.erl
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------

-type pem_entry() :: public_key:pem_entry().
-type certificate() :: pem_entry().
-type private_key() :: pem_entry().

-type cert_subject() :: #{
name => string(),
email => string(),
city => string(),
state => string(),
org => string(),
org_unit => string(),
country => string(),
serial => string(),
title => string(),
dnQualifer => string()

-type cert_validity() ::
{_From :: calendar:date(), _To :: calendar:date()}.

-type cert_extensions() :: #{
basic_constraints => false | ca | _PathLenContraint :: pos_integer(),
key_usage => false | certsign

%% @doc Generate a certificate and a private key.
%% If you need root (CA) certificate, use `root` as `issuer` option. By default, the
%% generated certificate will have according extensions (constraints, key usage, etc).
%% Once root certificate + private key pair is generated, you can use the result
%% as `issuer` option to generate other certificates signed by this root.
-spec gen_cert(Opts) -> {certificate(), private_key()} when
Opts :: #{
key := ec | rsa | PrivKeyIn,
issuer := root | {CertificateIn, PrivKeyIn},
subject => cert_subject(),
validity => cert_validity(),
extensions => cert_extensions() | false
CertificateIn :: certificate() | public_key:der_encoded() | #'OTPCertificate'{},
PrivKeyIn :: private_key() | _PEM :: binary().
gen_cert(Opts) ->
SubjectPrivateKey = get_privkey(Opts),
{TBSCert, IssuerKey} = make_tbs(SubjectPrivateKey, Opts),
Cert = public_key:pkix_sign(TBSCert, IssuerKey),
true = verify_signature(Cert, IssuerKey),
{encode_cert(Cert), encode_privkey(SubjectPrivateKey)}.

get_privkey(#{key := Algo}) when is_atom(Algo) ->
get_privkey(#{key := Key}) ->

make_tbs(SubjectKey, Opts) ->
{Issuer, IssuerKey} = issuer(Opts, SubjectKey),
Subject =
case Opts of
#{issuer := root} ->
#{} ->
version = v3,
serialNumber = rand:uniform(1000000000000),
signature = sign_algorithm(IssuerKey, Opts),
issuer = Issuer,
validity = validity(Opts),
subject = Subject,
subjectPublicKeyInfo = publickey(SubjectKey),
extensions = extensions(Opts)

issuer(Opts = #{issuer := root}, SubjectKey) ->
%% Self signed
{subject(Opts), SubjectKey};
issuer(#{issuer := {Issuer, IssuerKey}}, _SubjectKey) ->
{issuer_subject(Issuer), decode_privkey(IssuerKey)}.

issuer_subject({'Certificate', IssuerDer, _}) when is_binary(IssuerDer) ->
issuer_subject(IssuerDer) when is_binary(IssuerDer) ->
issuer_subject(public_key:pkix_decode_cert(IssuerDer, otp));
issuer_subject(#'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = #'OTPTBSCertificate'{subject = Subject}}) ->

subject(Opts = #{}) ->
Subject = maps:get(subject, Opts, #{}),
Entries = maps:map(
fun(N, V) -> [subject_entry(N, V)] end,
maps:merge(default_subject(Opts), Subject)
{rdnSequence, maps:values(Entries)}.

subject_entry(name, Name) ->
typed_attr(?'id-at-commonName', {printableString, Name});
subject_entry(email, Email) ->
typed_attr(?'id-emailAddress', Email);
subject_entry(city, City) ->
typed_attr(?'id-at-localityName', {printableString, City});
subject_entry(state, State) ->
typed_attr(?'id-at-stateOrProvinceName', {printableString, State});
subject_entry(org, Org) ->
typed_attr(?'id-at-organizationName', {printableString, Org});
subject_entry(org_unit, OrgUnit) ->
typed_attr(?'id-at-organizationalUnitName', {printableString, OrgUnit});
subject_entry(country, Country) ->
typed_attr(?'id-at-countryName', Country);
subject_entry(serial, Serial) ->
typed_attr(?'id-at-serialNumber', Serial);
subject_entry(title, Title) ->
typed_attr(?'id-at-title', {printableString, Title});
subject_entry(dnQualifer, DnQ) ->
typed_attr(?'id-at-dnQualifier', DnQ).

subject_info(Info, Subject, Default) ->
case subject_info(Info, Subject) of
undefined -> Default;
Value -> Value

subject_info(Info, {rdnSequence, Entries}) ->
subject_info(Info, Entries);
subject_info(name, Entries) when is_list(Entries) ->
get_string(find_subject_entry(?'id-at-commonName', Entries));
subject_info(org, Entries) when is_list(Entries) ->
get_string(find_subject_entry(?'id-at-organizationName', Entries));
subject_info(org_unit, Entries) when is_list(Entries) ->
get_string(find_subject_entry(?'id-at-organizationalUnitName', Entries));
subject_info(country, Entries) when is_list(Entries) ->
find_subject_entry(?'id-at-countryName', Entries).

find_subject_entry(Oid, Entries) ->
|| Attrs <- Entries,
#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{type = T, value = Value} <- Attrs,
T =:= Oid

get_string({printableString, String}) ->
get_string(undefined) ->

typed_attr(Type, Value) ->
#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{type = Type, value = Value}.

sign_algorithm(#'ECPrivateKey'{parameters = Parms}, _Opts) ->
algorithm = ?'ecdsa-with-SHA256',
parameters = Parms

validity(Opts) ->
{From, To} = maps:get(validity, Opts, default_validity()),
notBefore = {generalTime, format_date(From)},
notAfter = {generalTime, format_date(To)}

publickey(#'ECPrivateKey'{parameters = Params, publicKey = PubKey}) ->
algorithm = #'PublicKeyAlgorithm'{
algorithm = ?'id-ecPublicKey',
parameters = Params
subjectPublicKey = #'ECPoint'{point = PubKey}

extensions(#{extensions := false}) ->
extensions(Opts) ->
Exts = maps:get(extensions, Opts, #{}),
Default = default_extensions(Opts),
fun(Name, Data, Acc) -> Acc ++ extension(Name, Data) end,
maps:merge(Default, Exts)

extension(basic_constraints, false) ->
extension(basic_constraints, ca) ->
extnID = ?'id-ce-basicConstraints',
extnValue = #'BasicConstraints'{cA = true},
critical = true
extension(basic_constraints, Len) when is_integer(Len) ->
extnID = ?'id-ce-basicConstraints',
extnValue = #'BasicConstraints'{cA = true, pathLenConstraint = Len},
critical = true
extension(key_usage, false) ->
extension(key_usage, certsign) ->
extnID = ?'id-ce-keyUsage',
extnValue = [keyCertSign],
critical = true

default_validity() ->
{shift_date(date(), -1), shift_date(date(), +7)}.

default_subject(#{issuer := root}) ->
name => "RootCA",
org => "EMQ",
org_unit => "EMQX",
country => "CN"
default_subject(#{}) ->
name => "Server",
org => "EMQ",
org_unit => "EMQX",
country => "CN"

default_extensions(#{issuer := root}) ->
basic_constraints => ca,
key_usage => certsign
default_extensions(#{}) ->

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------

verify_signature(CertDer, #'ECPrivateKey'{parameters = Params, publicKey = PubKey}) ->
public_key:pkix_verify(CertDer, {#'ECPoint'{point = PubKey}, Params});
verify_signature(CertDer, KeyPem) ->
verify_signature(CertDer, decode_privkey(KeyPem)).

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------

gen_privkey(ec) ->
public_key:generate_key({namedCurve, secp256k1});
gen_privkey(rsa) ->
public_key:generate_key({rsa, 2048, 17}).

decode_privkey(#'ECPrivateKey'{} = Key) ->
decode_privkey(#'RSAPrivateKey'{} = Key) ->
decode_privkey(PemEntry = {_, _, _}) ->
decode_privkey(PemBinary) when is_binary(PemBinary) ->
[KeyInfo] = public_key:pem_decode(PemBinary),

-spec encode_privkey(#'ECPrivateKey'{} | #'RSAPrivateKey'{}) -> private_key().
encode_privkey(Key = #'ECPrivateKey'{}) ->
{ok, Der} = 'OTP-PUB-KEY':encode('ECPrivateKey', Key),
{'ECPrivateKey', Der, not_encrypted};
encode_privkey(Key = #'RSAPrivateKey'{}) ->
{ok, Der} = 'OTP-PUB-KEY':encode('RSAPrivateKey', Key),
{'RSAPrivateKey', Der, not_encrypted}.

-spec encode_cert(public_key:der_encoded()) -> certificate().
encode_cert(Der) ->
{'Certificate', Der, not_encrypted}.

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------

shift_date(Date, Offset) ->
calendar:gregorian_days_to_date(calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(Date) + Offset).

format_date({Y, M, D}) ->
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w~2..0w~2..0w000000Z", [Y, M, D])).

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------

%% @doc Write certificate + private key pair to respective files.
%% Files are created in the given directory. The filenames are derived
%% from the subject information in the certificate.
-spec write_cert(_Dir :: file:name(), {certificate(), private_key()}) ->
{file:name(), file:name()}.
write_cert(Dir, {Cert, Key}) ->
Subject = issuer_subject(Cert),
Filename = subject_info(org, Subject, "ORG") ++ "." ++ subject_info(name, Subject, "XXX"),
write_cert(Dir, Filename, {Cert, Key}).

-spec write_cert(_Dir :: file:name(), _Prefix :: string(), {certificate(), private_key()}) ->
{file:name(), file:name()}.
write_cert(Dir, Filename, {Cert, Key}) ->
Certfile = filename:join(Dir, Filename ++ ".crt"),
Keyfile = filename:join(Dir, Filename ++ ".key"),
ok = write_pem(Certfile, Cert),
ok = write_pem(Keyfile, Key),
{Certfile, Keyfile}.

-spec write_pem(file:name(), pem_entry() | [pem_entry()]) ->
ok | {error, file:posix()}.
write_pem(Name, Entries = [_ | _]) ->
file:write_file(Name, public_key:pem_encode(Entries));
write_pem(Name, Entry) ->
write_pem(Name, [Entry]).
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/emqx_gateway/src/emqx_gateway_schema.erl
Expand Up @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ fields(dtls_opts) ->
reuse_sessions => true,
versions => dtls_all_available
_IsRanchListener = false

desc(gateway) ->
Expand Down