let aespaOption = AespaOption(albumName: "YOUR_ALBUM_NAME")
let aespaSession = Aespa.session(with: aespaOption)
// Done!
- Introduction
- Functionality
- Installation
- Usage
- Implementation Examples
- SwiftUI Integration
- Contributing
- License
Aespa is a robust and intuitive Swift package for video and photo capturing, built with a focus on the ease of setting up and usage.
It is designed to be easy to use from beginners to intermediate developers. If you're new to video recording on iOS or if you're looking to simplify your existing camera setup, Aespa could be the perfect fit for your project.
Zip the boring configuration for session & album
graph LR
User --> RP["Permission Request"]
RP -- "Granted" --> AS["AVCaptureSession"]
AS -- "Connect" --> AI["AVCaptureVideoInput"]
AS -- "Connect" --> AIA["AVCaptureAudioInput"]
AS -- "Add" --> FO["AVCaptureFileOutput"]
FO --> PHCollectionListChangeRequest
graph LR
User --> Aespa --> Session & Album
- Aespa provides an accessible API that abstracts the complexity of
, allowing you to manage video capturing tasks with ease.
Offer essential preset configuration & customization
graph TD
AS --> RV["Recording a new video"]
AS --> Se["Change zoom, video quailty, camera position, ..."]
AS --> AV["Set options like stabilization, orientation ,..."]
AS --> D["Fetching asset files"]
- With Aespa, you can readily adjust a variety of settings.
- For a higher degree of customization, it also supports the creation of custom tunings for the recording session, offering flexible control over your recording needs.
Comprehensive error handling
- The package provides comprehensive error handling, allowing you to build robust applications with minimal effort.
Combine support
graph LR;
A[Session update] -->|Trigger| B[previewLayerPublisher, ...]
B -->|React to Changes| C[Subscribers]
E[Background Thread] --Async--> F["Configure session"] --Finish--> A
- Aespa's API leverages Swift's latest concurrency model to provide asynchronous functions, ensuring smooth and efficient execution of tasks.
- Additionally, it is built with
in mind, enabling you to handle updates such as video output and preview layer reactively using publishers and subscribers.
- Automated system permission management.
- Seamless image and video capture within a single preview session.
- Thread-safe.
- Support SPM.
You can access our official documentation for more comprehensive and up-to-date explanations in here
Common | Description |
✨ zoom |
Modifies the zoom factor. |
✨ position |
Changes the camera position. |
orientation |
Modifies the orientation. |
focus |
Alters the autofocusing mode. |
quality |
Adjusts the video quality preset for the recording session. |
doctor |
Checks if essential conditions to start recording are satisfied. |
previewLayerPublisher |
Responsible for emitting updates to the preview layer. |
Video | Description |
✨ startRecording |
Initiates the recording of a video session. |
✨ stopRecording |
Terminates the current video recording session and attempts to save the video file. |
mute |
Mutes the audio input. |
unmute |
Restores the audio input. |
stabilization |
Alters the stabilization mode. |
torch |
Adjusts the torch mode and level. |
customize |
Customizes the session with a specific tuning configuration. |
✨ fetchVideoFiles |
Fetches a list of recorded video files. |
videoFilePublisher |
Emits a Result object containing a latest video file data. |
Photo | Description |
✨ capturePhoto |
Capture a photo and returns a result image file. |
✨ flashMode |
Sets the flash mode for the photo capture session. |
redEyeReduction |
Enables or disables red-eye reduction for the photo capture session. |
customize |
Customizes the photo capture session with a specific AVCapturePhotoSettings . |
✨ fetchPhotoFiles |
Fetches a list of captured photos files. |
photoFilePublisher |
Emits a Result object containing a latest image file data. |
One of main features, InteractivePreview
provides a preset session for those who don't want to do complicated configurations.
Features | Description |
Double tap to change camera | Switches between the front and back camera upon double tapping. |
Pinch zoom | Allows zooming in or out on the preview by using a pinch gesture. |
Follow these steps to install Aespa using SPM:
- From within Xcode 13 or later, choose
>Swift Packages
>Add Package Dependency
. - At the next screen, enter the URL for the Aespa repository in the search bar then click
- For the
Version rule
, selectUp to Next Minor
and specify the current Aespa version then clickNext
. - On the final screen, select the
library and then clickFinish
Aespa should now be integrated into your project 🚀.
We offer an extensively detailed and ready-to-use code base for a SwiftUI app that showcases most of the package's features. You can access it here, the demo app.
- Swift 5.5+
- iOS 14.0+
import Aespa
let option = AespaOption(albumName: "YOUR_ALBUM_NAME")
let aespaSession = Aespa.session(with: option)
// Common setting
.common(.focus(mode: .continuousAutoFocus))
.common(.changeMonitoring(enabled: true))
.common(.orientation(orientation: .portrait))
.common(.quality(preset: .high))
.common(.custom(tuner: WideColorCameraTuner())) { result in
if case .failure(let error) = result {
print("Error: ", error)
// Photo-only setting
.photo(.flashMode(mode: .on))
.photo(.redEyeReduction(enabled: true))
// Video-only setting
.video(.stabilization(mode: .auto))
// Start recording
// Later... stop recording
// Capture photo
aespaSession.stopRecording { result in
switch result {
case .success(let file):
print(file.path) // file://some/path
case .failure(let error):
// or...
Task {
let files = await aespaSession.fetchVideoFiles(limit: 1)
// or you can use publisher
aespaSession.videoFilePublisher.sink { result in
Aespa also provides a super-easy way to integrate video capture functionality into SwiftUI applications. AespaSession
includes a helper method to create a SwiftUI UIViewRepresentable
that provides a preview of the video capture.
import Aespa
import SwiftUI
struct VideoContentView: View {
@StateObject private var viewModel = VideoContentViewModel()
var body: some View {
ZStack {
.frame(minWidth: 0,
maxWidth: .infinity,
minHeight: 0,
maxHeight: .infinity)
class VideoContentViewModel: ObservableObject {
let aespaSession: AespaSession
var preview: some View {
init() {
let option = AespaOption(albumName: "YOUR_ALBUM_NAME")
self.aespaSession = Aespa.session(with: option)
func setUp() {
.common(.quality(preset: .high))
// Other options
// ...
, you can access the preview through thepreviewLayer
property ofAespaSession
. For more details, refer to the AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer in the official Apple documentation.
Contributions to Aespa are warmly welcomed. Please feel free to submit a pull request or create an issue if you find a bug or have a feature request.
Aespa is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.