- Displaying data on Home Screen with a minimum of 10 items.
- Use RecyclerView to display the data.
- Dispaying Avatar and User Information on Detail Screen.
- Use Parcelable as an Interface to sending data between Activity/Fragments.
- Use ViewModel to prevent losing the data when screen rotation.
- Implement a feature to Search User github.
- Using Retrofit to communicate with Rest Api.
- Show loading indicator when load the data.
- Show error state when error occured.
- Use Jetpack Navigation to navigate between Fragments.
- Use Jetpack Navigation SafeArgs to pass the data between Fragments.
- Implement a feature to save user to Favorite and remove a user from Favorite using ROOM Database as Local Database.
- Implement a feature to change Dark Mode Theme using DataStore.
- Implement a feature to share/send a user URL repository using Intent.