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Releases: ergoplatform/ergo

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 5.0.21

01 Apr 10:42
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Ergo reference protocol 5.0.21

  • #2100 - fix for large integer overflows in swagger-ui
  • #2113 - refactoring of Message class hierarchy (p2p messages)
  • #2116 - a fix for ErgoStateContextSpec sporadic failures
  • #2119 - better error message for wallet unlocking failure
  • #2125 - token burning added to panel UI
  • #2132 - ergo-core tests reffactoring
  • #2135 - fix for ergo-core publishing in build.sbt
  • #2139 - fixes for integrations tests

Contributors: @ccellado @deadit @salmanahmad22 @SethDusek @stenolog

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 5.0.20

09 Feb 19:05
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Ergo protocol reference client 5.0.20 release. It contains following PRs:

  • #2102 - fix for binaries auto-publishing
  • #2103 - refactoring and documentation for ergo-core module
  • #2104 - more tests for ContextExtension semantics
  • #2109 - fix for proofsHash related sporadic concurrency bug
  • #2110 - fix for limit in chainSlice API method

and README updated with modules info

Contributors: @ccellado , @kushti , @stenolog

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 5.0.19

18 Jan 20:00
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Candidate for 5.0.19 release. It contains following PRs:

  • #2081 - compile ergo-core and avldb to Scala 2.11 & 2.13
  • #2082 - release bundled binaries for MacOS, Windows, Linux | x64, aarch64
  • #2090 - fix akka-specific logging
  • #2094 - fixed empty address bug in /blockchain API methods

Contributors: @ccellado , @jellymlg

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 5.0.18

22 Dec 10:26
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Candidate for 5.0.18 release. It contains following PRs:

  • #2085 - script which is ensuring that proper Java version was used to build .jar and also that version in config files is corresponding to release git tag
  • #2087 - first IPv6 seed node added to the seed list
  • #2088 - fix for block sections hashCode() (caused issues in NiPoPoWs comparison)

Contributors: @kushti , @ross-weir

Thanks @satsen for proposing new seed node and testing

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 5.0.17

19 Dec 18:07
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Ergo Protocol Reference Client 5.0.17 reference client release. It contains following PRs:

  • #2054 - by default, 7 days of logs stored now by default (instead of 30)
  • #2059 - tests for collecting storage rent from utxos with invalid ergo-tree
  • #2060 & #2070 - ergo-core module extracted (with dedicated publishing), containing PoW, NiPoPoWs and other basic functionalities for building alternative clients
  • #2074 - limit and offset parameters added to /wallet/boxes/unspent
  • #2078 - extra indexer reworked, to fix issues with missing tokens and indexer being stuck

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 5.0.16

23 Nov 21:06
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5.0.16 release, contains only update of sigma-state dependency ( which is fixing serialization bug happened in previous version (fix: ScorexFoundation/sigmastate-interpreter#941).

Update for 5.0.15 to this version is mandatory for miners and recommended for others. Update from other version is not strictly needed.

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 5.0.15

23 Oct 21:22
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Ergo Protocol Reference Client 5.0.15 release. It contains following PRs:

  • #1456 - /script/p2shAddress API method which is generating P2SH for a script provided is enabled again
  • #1907 - /scan/p2sRule API method added which is allowing to track boxes associated with a P2S address
  • #2029 - /blockchain/box/unspent/byAddress and /blockchain/box/unspent/byErgoTree can now also include mempool boxes, see new includeUnconfirmed flag
  • #2033 - estimated next block header is now used in mempool and API validation
  • #1959 & #2048 - simplified p2p logic - lastStoredActivity time field now removed from ConnectedPeer
  • #2036 - IndexedErgoBox API schema fixed in openapi.yaml
  • #2040 - ErgoTree interpreter and ErgoScript compiler updated to 5.0.12 version, its release notes @
  • #2042 - /utxo/withPool/byIds API method added to get multiple boxes from the current UTXO set and mempool
  • #2043 - /blocks/headerIds API method added to get multiple full-blocks for given header ids
  • #2044 - new API methods /blockchain/box/byTokenId/{tokenId} and /blockchain​/box​/unspent​/byTokenId​/{tokenId} to track tokens

Contributors: @aslesarenko , @ccellado , @jellymlg , @kushti

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 5.0.14

28 Aug 11:37
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Ergo Protocol Reference Client 5.0.14 release. It contains following PRs:

  • #2008 - ChatGPT plugin for API, see hackernoon article for details
  • #2012 - improving CPU footprint of offchain transactions processing
  • #2021 - the client now dropping connections with peers having version < 4.0.100
  • #2022 - the client is now reporting to peers if it was bootstrapped via UTXO set snapshot
  • #2024 - dropping connections to local networks (if localOnly == false , which is by default)
  • #2025 - more descriptive comments for Extension section of a block
  • #2027 - sigma interpreter updated to 5.0.10 (release notes)
  • #2028 - readme updated with information on running the client in different modes etc

Contributors: @aslesarenko , @glasgowm148 , @jellymlg , @kushti , @pragmaxim

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 5.0.13

29 Jul 22:33
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It contains following PRs:

  • #1937 , #2017, #2018 - headers - chain bootstrapping via NiPoPoWs. Bootstrapping is configured via ergo.node.nipopow section:
    # settings related to headers-chain bootstrapping via NiPoPoWs
    nipopow {
        # Download PoPoW proof on node bootstrap
        nipopowBootstrap = false

        # how many different proofs we are downloading from other peers
        # and comparing with each other, before choosing best one
        p2pNipopows = 2

You can use NiPoPoW-based bootstrapping with UXTO-set snapshot based bootstrapping or stateless client mode with keeping less than 52,224 full blocks suffix. The latter mode is not tested and not recommended now (will be tested and polished in next versions).

To combine NiPoPoW-based and UXTO-set snapshot based bootstrapping, set

ergo.node.nipopow.nipopowBootstrap = true
ergo.node.utxo.utxoBootstrap = true
  • #2009 - fixed /blockchain API paging - fixed an issue with address segment paging that happened when the first segments were retrieved. The bug caused duplicate segments the be returned.

There is no need to update nodes to this version for miners and exchanges!

Contributors: @ApexTheory , @kushti , @jellymlg

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 5.0.12

14 Jun 10:07
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5.0.12 release. It contains following PRs:

  • #1985 & #1444 & #1999 - support for bootstrapping with UTXO set snapshots

creating and using UTXO set snapshots is configured via new ergo.node.utxo section:

ergo {
 node {
    utxo {
        # Download and apply UTXO set snapshot and full-blocks after that
        utxoBootstrap = false

        # how many utxo set snapshots to store, 0 means that they are not stored at all
        storingUtxoSnapshots = 2

        # how many utxo set snapshots for a height with same id we need to find in p2p network
        # in order to start downloading it
        p2pUtxoSnapshots = 2

If ergo.node.utxo.utxoBootstrap is set to true, the new node will download headers in the first place, then ask its peers for UTXO set snapshots and when p2pUtxoSnapshots same snapshots found around, download their chunks, restore UTXO set and apply full blocks after the UTXO set. As UTXO set snapshots stored every 52224 blocks, please do not try to bootstrap with UTXO set snapshot before height 1,044,480 (there are only two nodes having some snapshots before that height, so little chance to get snapshots from them)

There's also new API method /utxo/getSnapshotsInfo which returns information (height and id) about stored UTXO set snapshots.

  • #2003 - sigma interpreter update to 5.0.8

There is no need to update nodes to this version for miners and exchanges!

Contributors: @aslesarenko , @kushti