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Releases: ergoplatform/ergo

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.36

01 Aug 11:53
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Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.36. It contains following PRs:

  • #1769 - after enough time passed we clear status for potentially stalled peer. Helps when the peer is still recognized as connected (but in fact could be disconnected), but the node can query it still because peer status from the past looks good
  • #1779 - locally submitted transaction now checked synchronously
  • #1785 - "Stats collector got strange input: SemanticallySuccessfulModifier(ADProofs..." log messages eliminated

maxDeliveryChecks value by default set to 100

Contributors: @jellymlg , @kushti , @pragmaxim

SHA-256 checksum (when built with Java 8): 0a787a5d1bab76b42f4f63d1389965f24d82eac89ea9695ef1b6b9dd723eb3c8

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.35

25 Jul 10:39
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Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.35 release. It contains following PRs:

  • #1765 - public API URL announcement got back, now serialized as a peer feature
  • #1767 - P2P code simplified, global sync message lock removed
  • #1772 - in case of non-delivery of a block section, the node is quickly switching to another peer now (and dropping connection with non-delivering peer)
  • #1776 - P2P layer simplified by hardcoding some settings.

Config changes

Following settings removed from the config: ,,

New setting scorex.restApi.publicUrl added, you can announce public API URL to the p2p network via this setting.

Semantics of changed, now this is a global limit for non-delivery, if you are overriding default value with a small value, please remove overridden value or increase it.

Contributors: @ccellado , @kushti , @pragmaxim

SHA-256 sum: 0eb0c119bdffb6b22a1ee8ad8fa6154665d3d7fb33f6c590716e0e1e3e2f84ba

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.34

05 Jul 10:38
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This release is rolling back changes introduced in #1662 , as updates in peer spec serialization are causing problems it seems. Aside of that, this release contains code refactoring done in #1763 .

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.33

04 Jul 15:45
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Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.33. It contains following PRs:

  • #1662 - the node can expose its open API to other peers , by setting scorex.restApi.publicUrl value , e.g. scorex.restApi.publicUrl = ""
  • #1706 - mass payment methods added to ergo-wallet Java API (along with an example)
  • #1737 - maxInclusionHeight and maxConfirmations parameters added to /scan API methods
  • #1760 - fix for possible parallel downloading issues when downloading block sections via a header taken from syncV2 message
  • #1762 - random test failures in ErgoNodeViewSynchronizerSpecification fixed

Contributors: @pragmaxim , @kushti

5.0.0 RC1 (for testnet)

30 Jun 15:30
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5.0.0 RC1 release for testnet.

It has auto-voting for 5.0 soft-fork by default, starting from height 4,096.

Please note, from this release the node has 9021 port for p2p interactions for the testnet by default (before, it was 9020). Magic network bytes also changed. Testnet relaunched with this release.

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.32

30 Jun 09:24
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Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.32. It contains following PRs:

  • #1709 - lazy UTXO set tree loading on node startup
  • #1728 - comparing pay-to-reemission trees by proposition in the testnet
  • #1730 - tests for forks switching
  • #1733 - PeerInfoSerializer code cleaning
  • #1735 - EIP-27 code improvements
  • #1738 - minor refactoring of P2P code
  • #1740 - catching possible null from getAddress
  • #1744 - apply new best header from syncV2 message, if it is there, and download corresponding block sections immediately
  • #1747 - peer filtering rules code externalized (tests added)
  • #1748 - invalidation for transactions with size above limit

SHA-256 sum (for sbt assembly on top of Java 8): 7666530ddf59630657626378ba0cc49f67ce0b6e8e38ce27d15e4b16077c02d1
Contributors: @jellymlg , @knizhnik , @kushti , @pragmaxim

Testnet Release With Fixed Post-EIP27 Sync

06 Jun 11:52
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This release is corresponding to 4.0.31 with #1728 (a fix for #1726) merged. The PR being merged allows for syncing with the longest known testnet blockchain where both v0 and v1 pay-to-reemission contract syntax trees appear now.

The testnet is full of forks anyway, for reliable bootstrapping, please use trusted peers via following config:

scorex {
 network {
    knownPeers = [
    peerDiscovery = false

and remove peers/ folder (along with history , state , wallet/registry sub-folders in data folder before restart, in case of resync.

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.31

31 May 10:32
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Ergo protocol reference client 4.0.31. It contains following changes:

  • #1646 - support for tokens whitelist, with auto-burn for non-whitelisted tokens. Whitelist is switched off by default and can be reconfigured via
    ergo.wallet.tokensWhitelist setting. If tokensWhitelist = null (by default), there's no whitelist enabled, so the wallet keeps all the tokens. If tokensWhitelist = [] , all the tokens are blacklisted, and so all the tokens in the inputs will be burnt on a transaction made. If, for example, tokensWhitelist = ["03faf2cb329f2e90d6d23b58d91bbb6c046aa143261cc21f52fbe2824bfcbf04","003bd19d0187117f130b62e1bcab0939929ff5c7709f843c5c4dd158949285d0"] (SigUSD, SigRSV) , then all the tokens in the inputs, except of SigUSD and SigRSV, will be burnt.

  • #1717 - as EIP-27 locked in now (and clients of versions 4.0.29 and 4.0.29 recognize it), client code could be simplified by removing lock-in logic. This version considering unconditional EIP-27 activation @ certain height (777,217 in the mainnet).

  • #1719 - if emission box somehow lost during tracking, find it again in block transactions

Also, if mining = true, chain.reemission.checkReemissionRules must be true from now . So if your node is mining, please check that your config has the following setting:

  chain {
    reemission {
      checkReemissionRules = true

Contributors: @ccellado , @kushti

SHA-256 checksum: 83fd655d0123fa5f2de120f5c37682da0178149d57d048e70cca343e1c034ae6

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.30

23 May 11:47
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Ergo protocol reference client version 4.0.30. It contains following PRs:

  • #1683 - fix for #1687 (int can't be casted to byte for a custom scan), maxPeerHeight added to /info
  • #1691 - a small correction in sync info serialization (format is the same)
  • #1703 - sync progress card added to the /panel
  • #1715 - fix for slow headers application (#1714)

Contributors: @deadit , @jellymlg, @kushti , @satsen

SHA-256 checksum (if built with Java 8): 25eb9f9add83b28d7767f4d09d203c20f3714df85afb072494a65bf8117f74d1

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.29

18 May 12:40
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This release has support for EIP-27 lock-in and rules. Please check EIP-27 for details: ergoplatform/eips#52

To vote for EIP-27, use the following setting:

ergo {
  voting {
    8 = 1000

To check EIP-27 rules after successful activation, the following setting is needed, which is off by default but needed for mining nodes (to be on proper chain in case of chain-split where old nodes can generate blocks not compatible with EIP-27):

ergo {
  chain {
    reemission {
      checkReemissionRules = true

To make proper EIP-27 compatible transactions in the presence of re-emission tokens in the node wallet, another setting is needed:

ergo {
  wallet {
    checkEIP27 = true

So combined config (for a pool node also doing payments) could be like:

ergo {
  networkType = "mainnet"
  node {
    mining = true
  voting {
    8 = 1000
  chain {
    reemission {
      checkReemissionRules = true
  wallet {
    checkEIP27 = true

Also, this release has a new setting to switch peer discovery off (discovery is on by default), for that, use the following setting:

scorex {
  network {
    peerDiscovery = true