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A Whirlwind Tour of Python

The main repository for this project is:


Slides from the "Python: a quick introduction" presentation (created using reveal.js) may be found in the slides subdirectory of this repository, and may also be viewed online here.

A "Python 101"-level tour of the language syntax is available in

Sequencing Core downloader

A small-but-complete Python application is included which downloads sequencing results from the CCHMC Sequencing Core web site.

You might like to view the source here on GitHub.

It has a --help option; if you provide the --with-curl command line option, the results include an authentication cookie which allows you to pipe the results directly into bash or parallel.

Sample invocation of

What you'll need to run the example script

  • some small bit of command line experience (e.g., where to find the Terminal / Command Prompt application for your OS)
  • an installation of Git on your computer
    • probably already available on macOS / OS X
    • sudo apt-get install git on Debian/Ubuntu or sudo yum install git on CentOS/Fedora/RHEL
    • optionally, maybe also a GUI like GitHub's or Syntevo SmartGit
  • a code editor like Atom or Sublime Text; Windows' Notepad or OS X's are not suitable for this activity

Decide on a nice home for your copy of the project. (Git calls this a "clone"). I like putting projects in a folder called "devel" in my home directory ($HOME/devel on Unix or OS X, C:\Users\YourName\devel on Windows).


# on Windows, this might look like 'cd /d "C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\dev\stuff"
cd /to/the/place/where/you/do/dev/stuff

git clone

# install dependencies; use a virtualenv if that's your choice
cd whirlwind*
python3 -m venv venv
# on Windows, I think it's just '.\venv\Scripts\activate'
source venv/bin/activate

# skip the above two 'venv'-related commands and add '--user' if you're OK
# with installing to your "personal" Python 'site-packages' directory
pip install -r requirements.txt

# test to see if the '' script works
# on Windows, leave off the './'
./ --help

Reporting bugs

Please report bugs on the Weirauch Lab internal issue tracker here.

The output of --help also has a shortlink that takes you to the same place.

Getting help

Please see the "Getting started" slide (#5) from the included presentation.

You may also find these slides useful:


Kevin Ernst (kevin.ernst -at-


Reveal.js is provided under the MIT license, as are the example Python scripts.