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Brian Tristam Williams edited this page Aug 23, 2020 · 5 revisions

AT+CIPSEND – Send data

Type Instruction Response Function
Set AT+CIPSEND=length SEND OK Set length of the data that will be sent. For normal send (single connection).
Set AT+CIPSEND=id,length SEND OK Set length of the data that will be sent. For normal send (multiple connection).
Execute AT+CIPSEND Send data.

After command is executed “>” is returned to indicate 'ready to accept data of specified length'.

Send data of designated length. When data length defined by length is met, the transmission of data starts. If the connection cannot be established or gets disrupted during data transmission, the system returns: ERROR

If data is transmitted successfully, the system returns: SEND OK

Normal Mode

Parameter description:
id: ID no. of transmit connection
length: data length, MAX 2048 bytes

Transparent Transmission Mode

Depends on transmission mode (AT+CIPMODE). Enters transparent transmission, 20ms interval between each packet, maximum 2048 bytes per packet. When single packet containing “+++” is received, it returns to command mode.

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