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AthenaYu edited this page Nov 10, 2014 · 2 revisions
Command Description Set / Execute Query Test Parameters
AT General test
AT+RST Soft reset
AT+GMR Show software and SDK version
AT+CWJAP Join a AP (only in mode 1 or 3) AT+CWJAP="ssid","password" AT+CWJAP? replace ssid with your network name and password with the network password (leave the quotes)
AT+CWLAP List the discoverd APs AT+CWLAP
AT+CWQAP Disconnect from AP AT+CWQAP
AT+CWSAP Set the AP configuration (only in mode 2 and 3) AT+CWSAP="ssid","password",channel,enc
AT+CWLIF Return ip address of stations which are connected to ESP8266 softAP (only in mode 2 or 3) AT+CWLIF
AT+CIFSR Get IP address of ESP8266
AT+CIPSTATUS Return the connected tcp/udp clients/servers AT+CIPSTATUS
AT+CIPSTART ESP8266 starts a connection as client. single connection (+CIPMUX=0) AT+CIPSTART= type,addr, multiple connection (+CIPMUX=1) AT+CIPSTART= id,type,addr, port id = 0-4, type = TCP/UDP, addr = IP address, port= port; eg. Connect to another TCP server, set multiple connection first: AT+CIPMUX=1; connect: AT+CIPSTART=4,"TCP","X1.X2.X3.X4",9999
AT+CIPCLOSE Close the socket AT+CIPCLOSE or AT+CIPCLOSE=id replace id with the socket id
AT+CIPSEND Send data to socket 1)For single connection:(+CIPMUX=0) AT+CIPSEND= 2) For multiple connection: (+CIPMUX=1) AT+CIPSEND= id,length AT+CIPSEND=length
AT+CIPMUX Set whether multi-connection or not AT+CIPMUX=mode mode:0 single connection; 1 multiple connection
AT+CIPSERVER Configure ESP8266 as server AT+CIPSERVER=mode[,port] mode: 0 Delete server (need to follow by restart), 1 Create server;port: port number, default is 333
AT+CIPMODE Set transfer mode AT+CIPMODE=mode mode:0 normal mode , 1 unvarnished transmission mode
AT+CIPSTO Set Server timeout AT+CIPSTO=time time: server timeout, range 0~28800 seconds
AT+CIUPDATE Update through network AT+ CIUPDATE upgrade contains 4 steps: 1.found server, 2.connect server, edition, 4.start update
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