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ESP-MQTT is an implementation of [MQTT]( protocol client (MQTT is a lightweight publish/subscribe messaging protocol).


  • Supports MQTT over TCP, SSL with mbedtls, MQTT over Websocket, MQTT over Websocket Secure.
  • Easy to setup with URI
  • Multiple instances (Multiple clients in one application)
  • Support subscribing, publishing, authentication, last will messages, keep alive pings and all 3 QoS levels (it should be a fully functional client).

Application Example


The configuration is made by setting fields in esp_mqtt_client_config_t struct. The configuration struct has the following sub structs to configure different aspects of the client operation.

In the following session the most common aspects are detailed.



Broker address can be set by usage of broker.address struct. The configuration can be made by usage of uri field or the combination of hostname, transport and port. Optionally, path could be set, this field is useful in websocket connections.

The uri field is used in the following format scheme://hostname:port/path. - Curently support mqtt, mqtts, ws, wss schemes - MQTT over TCP samples:

  • mqtt:// MQTT over TCP, default port 1883:
  • mqtt:// MQTT over TCP, port 1884:
  • mqtt:// MQTT over TCP, port 1884, with username and password
  • MQTT over SSL samples:
    • mqtts:// MQTT over SSL, port 8883
    • mqtts:// MQTT over SSL, port 8884
  • MQTT over Websocket samples:
    • ws://
  • MQTT over Websocket Secure samples:
    • wss://
  • Minimal configurations:
const esp_mqtt_client_config_t mqtt_cfg = {
    .broker.address.uri = "mqtt://",
esp_mqtt_client_handle_t client = esp_mqtt_client_init(&mqtt_cfg);
esp_mqtt_client_register_event(client, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, mqtt_event_handler, client);
  • Note: By default mqtt client uses event loop library to post related mqtt events (connected, subscribed, published, etc.)


For secure connections TLS is used, and to guarantee Broker's identity the broker.verification struct must be set. The broker certificate may be set in PEM or DER format. To select DER the equivalent _len field must be set, otherwise a NULL terminated string in PEM format should be provided to certificate field.

  • Get certificate from server, example: openssl s_client -showcerts -connect </dev/null 2>/dev/null|openssl x509 -outform PEM >mqtt_eclipse_org.pem
  • Check the sample application: examples/mqtt_ssl
  • Configuration:
const esp_mqtt_client_config_t mqtt_cfg = {
    .broker = {
      .address.uri = "mqtts://",
      .verification.certificate = (const char *)mqtt_eclipse_org_pem_start,

To details on other fields check the Reference API and :ref:`esp_tls_server_verification`.

Client Credentials

All client related credentials are under the credentials field.

  • username: pointer to the username used for connecting to the broker, can also be set by URI.
  • client_id: pointer to the client id, defaults to ESP32_%CHIPID% where %CHIPID% are the last 3 bytes of MAC address in hex format


It's possible to set authentication parameters through the authentication field. The client supports the following authentication methods:

  • Using a password by setting authentication.password.
  • Muthual authentication with TLS by setting authentication.certificate and authentication.key, both can be provided in PEM or DER format.
  • Using secure element available in ESP32-WROOM-32SE, setting authentication.use_secure_element.
  • Using Digital Signature Peripheral available in some Espressif devices, setting authentication.ds_data.


For MQTT session related configurations section fields should be used.

Last Will and Testament

MQTT allows for a last will and testament (LWT) message to notify other clients when a client ungracefully disconnects. This is configured by the following fields in the esp_mqtt_client_config_t.session.last_will-struct.

  • topic: pointer to the LWT message topic
  • msg: pointer to the LWT message
  • msg_len: length of the LWT message, required if msg is not null-terminated
  • qos: quality of service for the LWT message
  • retain: specifies the retain flag of the LWT message

Change settings in Project Configuration Menu

The settings for MQTT can be found using menuconfig, under Component config -> ESP-MQTT Configuration

The following settings are available:


The following events may be posted by the MQTT client:

  • MQTT_EVENT_BEFORE_CONNECT: The client is initialized and about to start connecting to the broker.
  • MQTT_EVENT_CONNECTED: The client has successfully established a connection to the broker. The client is now ready to send and receive data.
  • MQTT_EVENT_DISCONNECTED: The client has aborted the connection due to being unable to read or write data, e.g. because the server is unavailable.
  • MQTT_EVENT_SUBSCRIBED: The broker has acknowledged the client's subscribe request. The event data will contain the message ID of the subscribe message.
  • MQTT_EVENT_UNSUBSCRIBED: The broker has acknowledged the client's unsubscribe request. The event data will contain the message ID of the unsubscribe message.
  • MQTT_EVENT_PUBLISHED: The broker has acknowledged the client's publish message. This will only be posted for Quality of Service level 1 and 2, as level 0 does not use acknowledgements. The event data will contain the message ID of the publish message.
  • MQTT_EVENT_DATA: The client has received a publish message. The event data contains: message ID, name of the topic it was published to, received data and its length. For data that exceeds the internal buffer multiple MQTT_EVENT_DATA will be posted and current_data_offset and total_data_len from event data updated to keep track of the fragmented message.
  • MQTT_EVENT_ERROR: The client has encountered an error. esp_mqtt_error_type_t from error_handle in the event data can be used to further determine the type of the error. The type of error will determine which parts of the error_handle struct is filled.

API Reference

.. include-build-file:: inc/