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This is the official developer guide for the Kayzen HTML theme. If you are a customer of the theme you are entitled to access the private Kayzen repository located here:

Click Here to view the more simple user guide if you just want to get setup with the default Kayzen files.

View Demo | View Sass Documentation

Kayzen - Premium HTML Theme Framework

Table of Contents

Getting Started

It's great that you've decided to checkout Kayzen! How you go about building your next project with it depends on many things such as your prefered workflow, your skill level, amount of time you have etc. This page will cover the basics of all the different ways Kayzen can be adapted to suit any need. It is assumed that you have at least basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript/jQuery understanding.

You should have included with your purchase the following files and directories:

-- assets/
-- builder/
-- templates/
-- Gruntfile.js
-- package.json
-- app/
-- pages/
-- themes/

The dev directory contains all source files and build tools required for building and compiling Kayzen. The prod directory contains only the compiled assets, pages and themes ready to be edited and uploaded to a server.

To start from the bottom up, Kayzen is built using HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. At the bare minimum, each Kayzen wepage should be served the following JavaScript and CSS assets:

  • app/scripts/jquery.js
  • app/scripts/pseudojQuery-start.js
  • app/scripts/pseudojQuery-end.js
  • app/themes/Kayzen/app.css
  • app/themes/Kayzen/app.js

The only files that would ever need to be modified are app.js and app.css. The other files (jQuery and pseudojQuery) are JavaScript libraries which can be left untouched. Read more about pseudojQuery here.

Kayzen comes with further JavaScript and CSS files which are only used for certain pages, these will be covered later. If you're desired workflow is to directly work on these files without touching the source files they are generated from (i.e. you are not comfortable with pre-processing and concatening), a lot of this documentation may not apply to you, and you will lose out on many of the fantastic features Kayzen has to offer.

If you are not yet familiar with Sass/SCSS or CSS pre-processing, checkout this article to understand the basis about what it is and why it's beneficial. Once you've decided to make the leap, you can read about how to setup your workflow to include Sass by reading this article.

Building Kayzen

Full Requirements

[1] - Required for Grunt, the automated build tool and task runner (optional)

[2] - Required to generate responsive image variants (optional)

[3] - Required to convert the PHP templates into HTML files (optional)

To build Kayzen, run the following sequence of commands from the command line, ensuring you are in the root of the dev directory:

Add third party libraries
git clone assets/vendor
Initialise third party libraries

This may take some time...

git submodule update --init --recursive
Install NPM modules
npm install
Compile third party resources

This only ever needs to be ran once, during the initial setup

grunt setup
Compile all themes
grunt themes
Generate images

Requires GraphicsMagick

grunt images

Your theme assets should now be compiled into the app directory.

Click here for a list of more Grunt tasks.

Both the default provided app.js and app.css contain code from several third party libraries and plugins. The source files for these libraries and plugins reside in the assets/vendor folder, and include the following:

You will notice that all of the used third party resources exist on Github, and as such are included as Git Submodules.

Official Kayzen Repository

Alternatively, if you have purchased a license for Kayzen you are entitled to access to the private Github repository located here, which also comes with the required submodules. If you do not already have access, get in touch with us to gain access.

If this section is not relevent to you (i.e you have already cloned the vendor assets), head over to the Configure section.

To clone Kayzen from the official repository and all of its submodules, run the following code on your command line in the directory you wish Kayzen to be cloned into:

git clone --recursive

The --recursive flag is required to install all the git submodules.

If you are using Node, you can run npm install to allow you to use Grunt to build Kayzen from the source files. Once installed, you should first run grunt setup to run the initial setup tasks (learn more). After running npm install you should now have the following Node modules in the node_modules directory:

Ehnanced Workflow Features

Installing php-cgi

One of the tasks provided in Gruntfile.js generates HTML pages from PHP templates. For this to function, php-cgi must be installed.


The php-cgi binary can be installed via Homebrew by tapping the homebrew-php repository:

brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew tap homebrew/homebrew-php
brew install php56

The php-cgi binary can be installed via XAMPP. Here is how you can add the binary to your PATH: Link

sudo apt-get install php5-cgi
Installing GraphicsMagick

One of the tasks provided in Gruntfile.js creates small and tall variants of some images. For this to function, GraphicsMagick is required.

If you're a Mac user and have Homebrew installed, run:

brew install GraphicsMagick

Otherwise, visit the GraphicsMagick downloads page.

Alternate Build Methods

If you are using another build tool or want to build Kayzen manually, here are the key things it should encompass to successfully build Kayzen:


The app/scripts/app.js file contains the following third party JavaScript files:

  • assets/vendor/Owl-Carousel/src/js/owl.carousel.js
  • assets/vendor/Owl-Carousel/src/js/owl.animate.js
  • assets/vendor/Owl-Carousel/src/js/owl.autoheight.js
  • assets/vendor/Owl-Carousel/src/js/owl.autoplay.js
  • assets/vendor/Owl-Carousel/src/js/owl.compiled.js
  • assets/vendor/Owl-Carousel/src/js/owl.hash.js
  • assets/vendor/Owl-Carousel/src/js/owl.lazyload.js
  • assets/vendor/Owl-Carousel/src/js/owl.navigation.js
  • assets/vendor/Owl-Carousel/src/js/
  • assets/vendor/Magnific-Popup/src/js/core.js
  • assets/vendor/Magnific-Popup/src/js/gallery.js
  • assets/vendor/Magnific-Popup/src/js/image.js
  • assets/vendor/Magnific-Popup/src/js/retina.js
  • assets/vendor/matchMedia/matchMedia.js
  • assets/vendor/Synergy/dist/synergy.js
  • assets/vendor/jquery-animateNumber/jquery.animateNumber.js
  • assets/vendor/Kayzen.ScrollSpy/src/Kayzen.ScrollSpy.js
  • assets/vendor/ScrollTrigger/src/ScrollTrigger.js
  • assets/vendor/Stellar/src/jquery.stellar.js
  • assets/vendor/TweeCool/src/tweecool.js

The other files which are includes in app.js are:

  • assets/modules/utilities/core/core.js
  • assets/includes/*.js
  • assets/modules/elements/**/*.js
  • assets/modules/objects/**/*.js
  • assets/themes/YOURTHEME/YOURTHEME.js

Some pages use certain JavaScript files on an opt-in basis, and as such these files are not part of app.js and will need to be copied over into the app directory (app/scripts). These files include:

  • assets/vendor/jQuery/dist/jquery.js
  • assets/vendor/pseudojQuery/src/pseudojQuery-start.js
  • assets/vendor/pseudojQuery/src/pseudojQuery-end.js
  • assets/vendor/Masonry/dist/masonry.pkgd.js
  • assets/vendor/Isotope/dist/isotope.pkgd.js
  • assets/vendor/Infinite-AJAX-Scroll/dist/jquery-ias.js
  • assets/vendor/Enlighter/Build/EnlighterJS.js
  • assets/vendor/MooTools-Core/build/mootools-core.js

To reiterate, the above files should be copied (duplicated) into app/scripts.


The app/styles/app.css file contains the following third party stylesheet files, which are all impored at the top of assets/app.scss by default:

  • assets/vendor/normalize-scss/sass/_normalize.scss
  • assets/vendor/Kayzen-GS/src/kayzen-gs.scss
  • assets/vendor/Magnific-Popup/src/css/main.scss
  • assets/vendor/Owl-Carousel/src/scss/owl.animate.scss
  • assets/vendor/Owl-Carousel/src/scss/owl.autoheight.scss
  • assets/vendor/Owl-Carousel/src/scss/owl.carousel.scss
  • assets/vendor/Owl-Carousel/src/scss/owl.lazyload.scss
  • assets/vendor/Owl-Carousel/src/scss/
  • assets/vendor/Font-Awesome/scss/font-awesome.scss
  • assets/vendor/Modular/src/_modular.scss
  • assets/vendor/SassyJSON/stylesheets/_SassyJSON.scss

Some pages use certain CSS files on an opt-in basis, and as such these files are not part of app.css and will need to be copied over into the app directory (app/styles). These files include:

  • assets/vendor/Enlighter/Build/EnlighterJS.css

To reiterate, the above files should be copied (duplicated) into app/styles.


Kayzen uses PostCSS in order to use Autoprefixer. It does not use Compass or any other Sass libraries to handle vendor prefixing, so ensure your build process involves Autoprefixer with the following browser support options:

  • last 2 versions
  • ie >= 9

Kayzen requires a minimum Sass version of 3.4, so ensure that your Sass compiler is upto date with at least this version.


The images in the assets directory need to be copied (duplicated) into the app directory (app/images). This allows you to keep your source image files separate from your production ones, which may be compressed during your build process. These are located in the assets directory:

  • assets/images/

The default HTML templates will look for small and tall variants of the hero images provided in the demo sub-directory of /images. This point will likely be rendered moot as you add your own images.


The FontAwesome font files need to be copied (duplicated) into the app directory (app/fonts). These are located here:

  • assets/vendor/Font-Awesome/fonts/

This step is only required if you intend to use the Enlighter syntax highlighter plugin.

The Enlighter plugin which is used by the Kayzen demo pages requires MooTools. MooTools requires you to build the file manually. Details on how to do so can be found on the MooTools repository page. Once you have built the file, it should now be available at assets/vendor/MooTools-Core/build/mootools-core.js. This file should then be copied to Kayzen's app directory (app/scripts).


Kayzen is structured in a modular way, which makes things easier for everyone. Kayzen is built using the Synergy Sass Framework. As well as global configuration each module can be individually configured, giving you complete control and flexibility when customizing them for your project. This will also make updating your project in the future easier when new modules or module updates for Kayzen come out.

Every module is imported in the main app.scss file:

  • assets/app.scss

This is the root file for your project. As well as importing all the Sass modules it is also used to set which theme your project should use (more on this later), the path to your assets, and the option to output all the configuration to JSON to allow it to be accessed in your project's JavaScript (again, more on this later).

In terms of the Kayzen modules that are imported, for the most part importing the file will not output any code, it merely gives your codebase the ability to include it should you so desire. This is to allow you to create different themes which may or may not use all avilable modules. Any modules your theme doesn't use won't get output in the compiled CSS.

Themes are located in the themes directory. Each theme comes with a .scss file and a .js file. Kayzen provides several default themes for you to choose from:

To set which theme your project should use, set the $theme variable at the top of app.scss. By default this is set to Kayzen.

You can now control every configurable aspect of your project from assets/themes/Kayzen/_kayzen.scss. This file is where all the modules which are used by the theme are included, and also where you can pass any custom options to them. There are three types of modules:




To modify any of the above modules, pass your custom option to the desired module in your theme's file (e.g. assets/themes/Kayzen/_kayzen.scss) like so:

@include accordions((
    'section-margin'      : 1.4em,
    'title-radius'        : 0.4em,
    'title-active-radius' : 0.4em 0.4em 0 0,
    'content-radius'      : 0 0 0.4em 0.4em

If the module you are editing has nestable options, you would change them like so:

@include palettes((
    'brand': (
        'primary'   : #61BD6D,
        'secondary' : #00A885
    'validation': (
        'valid'     : MediumSeaGreen 

To get started quickly, some of the most common modules you might want to configure might include:

  • Colors: assets/modules/utilities/color-palette
  • Breakpoints: assets/modules/utilities/grid
  • Fonts: assets/modules/utilities/typography
  • Header: assets/modules/objects/header
  • Footer: assets/modules/objects/footer

Once you have configured all of your desired opions, you can preview all the modules on the Cheatsheet page.


Once you have configured all of your modules, you're ready to sart building your pages. Kayzen comes with numerous templates ready-made for you to use for your pages located in the prototype/pages directory, you can view them here. New templates are added all the time, so be sure to regularly check for updates.

HTML Templates

To edit the various features of the provided HTML templates, see the following sections.

To change the visual appearance of the UI components, see the Modules page.


Sticky Header

A sticky header will become fixed as it's scroll position reaches the top of the browser window.

Locate app-header module in your HTML file. It should look something like:

<header class="app-header" id="app-header">

It may have one or more modifiers, and if so will look something like:

<header class="app-header-bar-absolute" id="app-header">

To achieve a sticky header, add the sticky modifier by adding -sticky to the header's class, like so:

<header class="app-header-sticky" id="app-header">
<header class="app-header-absolute-sticky-bar" id="app-header">

Read the header module page for more information.

Fixed Top Bar

A fixed top-bar will remain in a fixed position on screen.

Locate top-bar module in your HTML file. It should look something like:

<div class="top-bar">

To achieve a fixed top-bar, add the fixed modifier by adding -fixed to the top-bar's class, like so:

<div class="top-bar-fixed">

Do not use a fixed top-bar in conjunction with a sticky header.

Read the top-bar module page for more information.

Footer Twitter Feed

The easiest way to set which Twitter handle to use for the footer feed is to set it as the value for the data-twitter-handle attibute in the Twitter feed's HTML:

<div id="footer-twitter-feed" data-twitter-handle="esr360">

Alternatively, you can leave this blank and in app/scripts/app.js (or app/YOURTHEME/scripts/app.js), locate the following code:


Reaplce with the following code, replacing your desired Twitter username to show tweets from:

    twitterFeed   : {
        username  : 'esr360'

Read the footer module page for more information.

Google Map

To change the google map colors, locate the following code in app/scripts/app.js (or app/YOURTHEME/scripts/app.js):


Grab your desired styles array (e.g. and pass it to the styles option:

    styles: [...]

To change the google map longitude/latitude, locate the following code in app/scripts/app.js (or app/YOURTHEME/scripts/app.js):


And pass your desired longitude/latitude values to the function (you can use this website to grab your values:

    longitude: 48.195387,
    latitude: -63.171387,

To change the default zoom for your google map, locate the following code in app/scripts/app.js (or app/YOURTHEME/scripts/app.js):


And pass your desired longitude/latitude values to the function (you can use this website to grab your values:

    zoom: 10

Read the google-map module page for more information.

Social Share Widgets

Any page which uses the social share widgets (widgets which show how many shares a page has) will have the following JavasScript included on the page:

$(document).ready(function() {

By default, the current page that the script is loaded on will be used to get the share information, but should you decide to use a different url, you can pass it as an option like so:

$(document).ready(function() {
        url : ''
Get In Touch Form

The contact form uses Formspree; a quick and easy to use solution which requires no setup, just substitute your email address in the action attribute on the form element and you're good to go.

<form action="" id="contactForm" method="post">

To change which page your users get sent to upon completing the form, add the below hidden input field with your desired URL value, ensuring it has a name attribute of _next:

<form action="" id="contactForm" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="_next" value="thankyou.html" />

For more features and examples, check out the Formspree homepage.


Parallax Billboard Background

To add a parallax effect to the billboard background, you can add the data-stellar-background-ratio data attribute to activate the Stellar jQuery plugin.

<section class="billboard-overlay-full-screen" data-stellar-background-ratio="0.5">
Parallax Billboard Content

To add a faded parallax effect to the billboard content (as opposed to the background), structure your billboard's HTML like so:

<section class="billboard-full-screen">
    <div class="billboard_wrapper container">
        <div class="billboard_content" id="billboard-fade-parallax">

The key to achieving the effect is the billboard-fade-parallax id on your billboard's content element.

Portfolio/Blog Pages


You can easily change the number of columns for any of the provided portfolio/blog templates by changing the span-x class of the respective items. Kayzen uses a 12 column grid system, so for example, to change a 3 column layout where the items will have a class of span-4 to a 4 column layout, you would change the class for each item to span-3.

Masonry Items

To create columns with masonry items, you can either use one of the provided templates, or you can convert a non-masonry template into one by doing the following:

Load Required Script(s)

Load app/scripts/isotope.pkgd.js at the bottom of the page right underneath all other scripts:

<script src="/app/themes/Kayzen/app.js"></script>     
<script src="/app/scripts/isotope.pkgd.js"></script>
Call The Isotope Plugin

Finally you need to call the loaded plugin on the relevant container, ensuring the code is inside a document.ready function, and window.load function:

    $(document).ready(function() {

        $(window).load(function() {


Where #blog-items is the direct container of your portfolio/blog items.

Filterable Items

To create a set of filterable items, you can either use one of the provided templates, or you can convert a non-filterable template into one by doing the following:

Load Required Script(s)

Load app/scripts/isotope.pkgd.js at the bottom of the page right underneath all other scripts:

<script src="/app/scripts/app.js"></script>    
<script src="/app/scripts/isotope.pkgd.js"></script>
Create The Navigation

Add the following code wherever you want the filter navigation to appear, changing id="blog-types" to whatever you desire and swapping out the example filter attributes for your own:

<ul class="tabs_nav-pills" id="blog-types">
    <li class="tabs_nav_item active" data-filter="*">View All</li>
    <li class="tabs_nav_item" data-filter="[data-image]">Image</li>
    <li class="tabs_nav_item" data-filter="[data-carousel]">Carousel</li>
    <li class="tabs_nav_item" data-filter="[data-vimeo], [data-youtube]">Video</li>
    <li class="tabs_nav_item" data-filter="[data-audio]">Audio</li>
Call The Isotope Plugin

Finally you need to call the loaded plugin on the relevant container, ensuring the code is inside a document.ready function, and window.load function:

    $(document).ready(function() {

        $(window).load(function() {
            $('#blog-types').on('click', 'li', function() {
                var filterValue = $(this).attr('data-filter');
                    filter: filterValue 


Where #blog-items is the direct container of your portfolio/blog items, and #blog-items is the container for your filter navigation items.

Infinite Scroll Items

To create a set of infinitely-scrollable items, you can either use one of the provided templates, or you can convert a non infinite-scroll template into one by doing the following:

Load Required Script(s)

Load app/scripts/jquery-ias.js at the bottom of the page right underneath all other scripts:

<script src="/app/scripts/app.js"></script> 
<script src="/app/scripts/jquery-ias.js"></script>
Create The Pagination

For each set of 'loaded' content, there needs to be a separate HTML file with the content for the infinite scroll page to fetch the next set of items from. You can duplicate the first page and just update the pagination link as appropriate. The plugin will by default look for an element with an id of pagination to get the next page to pull the content from.

<ul id="pagination">
    <li class="next"><a href="3-cols-infinite-scroll-2.php">2</a></li>
Call the Infinite Scroll Plugin

You then need to call the loaded plugin on the relevant container, ensuring the code is inside a document.ready function:

    $(document).ready(function() {

            isotopeGrid : false


Where #blog-items is the direct container for your portfolio/blog items.

If you are calling other functions on your portfolio items, perhaps a carousel function, you will need to pass it to the infinite-scroll plugin so it can be re-called on the newly loaded items. This can be done like so:

    $(document).ready(function() {

        function articlesCarousel() {


            isotopeGrid : false
        }, articlesCarousel);


PHP Templates

The Kayzen demo pages are genrated from custom PHP source files. You are completely free to utilise these PHP templates for your own use. Whilst the PHP framework Kayzen is built from is extremely basic, it allows you to rapidly prototype pages using all the various components Kayzen has to offer. All the PHP templates are located in the templates directory.

The core configuration file for the PHP templates can be found at templates/app.php and should be included in any Kayzen PHP page. This is where all configurable templates are imported and all global constants are set, which include the following:

Constant Default Value Description
theme Kayzen Set which theme's assets you would like to load.
realm demo Can either be demo or live, currently only used to serve placeholder images instead of stock photos.
env dev Can be either dev or prod. If prod, the code will look for minified (.min.*) assets.
path root Can either be root or relative, and defines how asset paths should be loaded.
themes true If enabled, templates will look to assets nested inside a self-named directory, e.g. app/themes/Kayzen/scripts/app.js.

Basic Template

Several things are required to create a PHP page using Kayzen. Below shows the minimum requirements to set up a blank page with all global modules and assets:

    include ('../app.php');
    $title = 'Documentation';
    $tagline = 'Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet';

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <?php head() ?>


        <!-- Site Canvas -->
        <div id="site-content">

            <?php<!-- begin php -->

                <!-- Topbar Module -->

                <!-- Header Module -->
                    'modifiers' => 'bar-absolute-dark-sticky'

                <!-- Billboard Module -->
                    'title'    => $title,
                    'tag-line' => $tagLine

            ?><!-- end php -->

            <!-- YOUR HTML/PHP CONTENT -->

            <?php appFooter(); ?>

        </div><!-- Site Canvas -->

        <?php include (ROOT.'/includes/ui-enhancements.php'); ?>

        <?php scripts() ?>



If you are using Grunt and the provided Gruntfile.js, you can easily compile and build your app for development and production envrionments generating appropriate HTML files from your source PHP templates - see the below Grunt tasks.

Drag & Drop Page Builder

You can alternatively use the provided drag and drop page builder to construct your own pages using the various premade sections which are seen throughout the demo pages.

In order to use the page builder, you need to upload the neccessery files and folders to a server, as the builder requires PHP to save/preview/export the created HTML files. You can of course set up a localhost server for this if you want to run it locally.

Upload the following directories to your desired server:

  • app - contains all required assets (JS & CSS)
  • templates - contains the templates used by the page builder
  • builder - contains the page builder files

In order for the builder to function correctly, the above directories should be uploaded to the root of your server (i.e.

The builder can now be accessed by visiting You can now begin to create your pages using the pre built sections. If you come across errors when attempging to preview or export your pages, you may need to update the permissions of the dist/tmp directory to 777.

The page builder is only used to create new HTML pages to add to your existing Kayzen project; exporting the pages using the page builder does not include the CSS and JS in the .zip file, so when you include the generated HTML files in your project ensure they have the correct paths to your CSS and JS files.

Grunt Tasks

Executable Tasks

Task Description
grunt The default grunt task - runs the below compile task as well as the watch task
grunt setup This runs npm install and any neccessery Grunt tasks for vendor assets. This only needs to be done once during your initial setup
grunt test This will execute code linters and unit tests on your .scss and .js files
grunt images Create all images for the project
grunt compile This will compile your assets using the default value for the 'env' option
grunt theme Compile assets for a specific theme (e.g. $ grunt theme:Kayzen)
grunt themes Compile assets for all themes
grunt templates Used to generate HTML pages from your PHP templates (will only look for templates in the '/pages' and '/themes' directories)
grunt prototype This task creates a fully useable prototype for the entire app which can be uploaded to a server
grunt release Package and release a new version of your project
grunt compress:images This will compress all images in the 'demo' directory using the TinyPNG API - use liberally

Grunt Options

Using the grunt.option API, you can pass several parameters on the command line when running the above tasks:

The below values will also automatically be updated in app.php.

Variable Default Value Description
version 1.2.0 Set the version of your project
realm demo ('live'
env dev ('dev'
path root ('root'
multiThemes true If enabled, assets will be compiled into individual theme folders (e.g. app/themes/Kayzen/scripts/app.js).

The above options would be used when calling the grunt task, like so:

grunt compile --env=prod --multiThemes=false
grunt release --realm=live --env=dev --tag=1.2.0

Test & Deploy

So you've created all your pages and configured all your modules, the front end for your project is now ready to test and then launch! There are several things you may want to test before you make your website live to ensure your users have the best experience possible. Below is a checklist of recommendations you can do to check your website is working properly and has no errors, as well as improving things like page load times etc.

Minified Assets

You should be serving your users with minified versions of your assets (CSS and Javascript), as the file sizes will be smaller and load times faster. If you are using grunt, you can generate minified assets by running grunt compile:prod, otherwise you can use the minified assets provided with your download.

Code Linting

If you are using our Gruntfile.js file, you can run Javascript and Scss linters on your code. Simply run grunt test to run both linters. To run only Javasctipt linting, run the grunt jshint task, and to run only Scss linting run the grunt scsslint task.

Console Errors

Check that you have no Javascript errors and are correctly loading assets by looking at the console. Right click anywhere on the page and click "inspect" (or "inspect element"). On the window that opens click the "console" tab. Any errors will be listed in red.

Unit Tests

We are currently writing unit tests for all custom Javascripts. These, along with other such automated tests, will be released in future releases of Kayzen, so stay tuned.

Cross-Browser Tests

Before you launch your site, check it in different browsers to makse sure it all works. Kayzen supports all modern browsers and degrades grecefully until Internet Explorer 9.

Mobile/Responsive Tests

Check your website on multiple mobile devices before you launch to ensure there are no issues. Kayzen is fully responsive and should work and look great on all modern devices.


Github Issues

We encourage our customers to submit all support requests as Github Issues. This allows us to track bugs more easily, and link our code updates to specific bugs/features/requests.

Access The Private Github Repo

To access the private Kayzen repository on Github, send us a message with your Github username and we will grant you access.

Other support

If you encounter any issues which you cannot resolve, you can get in touch on ThemeForest with us to receive free support.


Version 1.2.0

Released: 10th August 2016

Release Notes
  • Fixing issue with builder looking for minified files
  • Improving documentation
  • Updating to Font-Awesome 4.6.3
  • Updating to Isotope 3.0.1
  • Updating to jquery-animateNumber 0.0.13
  • Updating to Masonry 4.1.0
  • Updating to normalize-scss 5.0.3
  • Updating to Owl-Carousel 2.1.6

Version 1.1.0

Released: 21st July 2016

Release Notes
  • Upgrading Kayzen.builder to HTML Builder version 2.25
  • Allowing location and zoom options to be passed to google map
  • updating git submodules
  • updating HTML Builder
  • fixing HTML validation issues