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Dmitriy Pavlikovskiy edited this page May 2, 2017 · 7 revisions

'frontcache-jsp' - Frontcache as Servlet Filter (with plain JSP app)

Example project path: ./examples/frontcache-jsp

Steps to run

    git clone
    cd frontcache/examples/frontcache-jsp/
    gradle clean jettyRun

point browser to http://localhost:8080/example/index.jsp

More about frontcache-jsp example

'frontcache-spring' - Frontcache as Servlet Filter (with Spring app)

Example project path: ./examples/frontcache-spring

Steps to run

    git clone
    cd frontcache/examples/frontcache-spring/
    mvn clean install spring-boot:run

point browser to http://localhost:8080/

More about frontcache-spring example

'frontcache-php' - Integrating Frontcache with PHP application

Example project path: ./examples/frontcache-php

Steps to run

    setup apache + php
    git clone
    copy `/examples/frontcache-php/*` in to `DocumentRoot`
    update /frontcache-server/FRONTCACHE_HOME/conf/
    cd frontcache
    `./gradlew build`
    run `/frontcache-server/bin/frontcache`
    open http://localhost:9080/ in your browser

More about frontcache-php example