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Sample Datasets

Kevin Egger edited this page Dec 6, 2017 · 7 revisions

These article points to datasets that can be used with maplab and ROVIOLI.

CLA dataset (from the paper)

Description Rosbag VI map
Calibration data for CLA rosbags Link -
CLA floor F for map building Link Link
CLA floor G for map building Link Link
CLA floor H for map building Link Link
CLA floor J for map building Link Link
CLA floor F for localization Link -
Merged and optimized VI map of CLA floors F, G, H and J - coming soon

Zurich old town dataset (from the paper)

Description Type Link
Optimized map VI map Link

EuRoC MAV datasets (from the paper)

Description Rosbag VI map (unoptimized) VI map for reconstruction (with images)
MH01 Link Link Link
MH02 Link Link Link
MH03 Link Link Link

Rosbags for the other EuRoC datasets can be downloaded from here.

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