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Gas Jot

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Gas Jot is an iOS application for collecting gas purchase and other data about your vehicle. It's a fun application to use to track your gas purchase and utilization history.

Table of Contents

About the Gas Jot System

The Gas Jot system serves as nice a reference implementation for a set of client-side and server-side libraries. The Gas Jot system is a client/server one. This repo, GasJot-ios, represents a client-side application of the Gas Jot system. The libraries it uses are generic, and thus are not coupled to Gas Jot. These libraries are the PE* iOS library suite.

Server-side Application

The server-side application of Gas Jot provides a REST API endpoint (written in Clojure) for the client applications to consume: pe-gasjot-app.

Web Application

Web interface for Gas Jot. The Gas Jot web application allows users to manage their data records and see a few charts. The web application provides a minimal set of functionality; it is not nearly as featureful as the iOS application.

Component Layering

The following diagram attempts to illustrate the layered architecture of the Gas Jot iOS client application. The Gas Jot model appears largest because it encapsulates the bulk of the application; the core logic, model and data access functionality.

Dependency Graph

The following diagram attempts to illustrates the dependencies among the main components of the Gas Jot iOS client application.

App Specific Libraries

(The following libraries are specific to the Gas Jot application domain, but are not GUI-related.)

  • GasJot-ios-common: contains application agnostic constant definitions.
  • GasJot-ios-model: encapsulates the object model, local data access, web service access and core logic of the application. This library effectively implements the core of the Gas Jot application domain. The Gas Jot iOS application (this repo) is dependent on it for all its core logic, model and data access / persistence functionality. This library for example, could be used to create a command-line version of Gas Jot.

PE* iOS Library Suite

(Each library is implemented as a CocoaPod-enabled iOS static library.)


The Gas Jot app used to leverage the PEAppTransaction Logging Framework (PELF) for capturing application events / logs; but going forward will leverage Google Analytics.

The PELF is comprised of 3 main tiers: (1) the core data layer, (2) the web service layer and (3) client libraries (currently only iOS).


To give a sense for what Gas Jot is about, below is a sample of actual screenshots.


Gas Jot's splash screen. The top portion of the screen is an image carousel showing a glimpse of functionality within the app.

Home Screen

Gas Jot does not suffer from the login barrier anti-pattern. Instead, users can start using the app immediately (adding vehicles, recording gas and odometer logs, etc.), without having to sign up for an account or log in.

Upon launching, the app invites you to create your first vehicle record.

Creating a vehicle is pretty simple; just 3 fields: name, default octane and fuel capacity. Only the name field is required.

Successful creation of a vehicle record. At this point the vehicle record is saved locally in the app and the user can now start recording gas and odometer logs.

The home screen now updates to reflect that you have at least 1 vehicle record.

Adding an Odometer Log

Odometer logs are used for recording your vehicle's current odometer, the vehicle's reported average miles per gallon and miles per hour, the vehicle's reported distance-to-empty (DTE) and the outside temperature.

Odometer logs can be recorded at anytime.

Adding a Gas Purchase Log

Adding a gas purchase log requires the user to pick the associated vehicle and gas station. The Pre-fillup Reported DTE field is the vehicle's distance-to-empty (DTE) indicator before you pump the gas; the Post-fillup Reported DTE field is the DTE indicated by the vehicle after you're done pumping the gas. If both of these fields are provided, then 2 odometer logs will be created in addition to the gas log to record all the information.

Adding a Gas Station

Adding a gas station (which is needed in order to log gas purchases).

Jot Button

The Jot button conveniently allows you to create any type of data record at any time.

Records Screen

The records screen lets you explore and navigate all of your data records.

Home Screen with Charts

The home screen displays a series of charts and aggregate data points.

Gas Jot Account

Users can create an account or log into their existing Gas Jot account. Creating an account enables users' records to be saved to the Gas Jot server so they can be accessed from multiple devices.

Account Creation

Creating an account is fairly simple affair. Upon successfully creating an account, the user will receive a verification email.

Account Log In

Logging in is also a simple affair. Password reset functionality is provided.

Account Screen

When logged in, the Account screen is where the user can log out, view and edit their account details and drill into several stats and trends screens.

Data Record Detail

From a data record's detail screen, the record can be edited or deleted. In addition, the download button on the navigation bar allow edits made to the record on other devices to be downloaded and merged.

Child records can also be navigated to (gas and odometer logs for vehicles; gas logs for gas stations).

Data Record Stats

Stats and trend information can be drilled-into for vehicle and gas station records (and at the user-level too; giving stats trends across ALL vehicles or ALL gas stations).

The above is an example showing the average number of days between fill-ups stats and trend information.

A Compare button is usually present to compare aggregate values.

Conflict Detection

With a distributed system like Gas Jot's, it's wholly possible for conflicts to arise vis-a-vis the editing of data records. If a data record was changed on the server at some point after it was last downloaded to the device, a conflict will be detected by the server if the user attempts to edit the record on their device without having downloaded the latest from the server.

Gas Jot is smart enough to know if merging is possible. If the fields of the data record edited by the user on the device differ than the fields of the record that were updated on the server, then automatic merging will be possible. If the fields being edited locally are the same as the ones edited on the record on the server, an automatic merge will not be possible, and the user will be presented with a manual merge screen.

In this example, the vehicle record on the server had been updated at some point AFTER the record was last downloaded to the user's device. Specifically it's name was updated to Fairlady Z. The user was trying to update the vehicle record on their device to change the name to 300ZX TT. In this case, an automatic merge cannot be done; so the user is presented with the conflict resolver screen. For each field in conflict, the user chooses which they want: the local value, or the server copy's value.


From the Settings screen, the user can tap the Download all changes button to download records from the server that have been updated/added/deleted from other devices. Doing this keeps the data records on users' devices up-to-date and consistent.

Offline mode allows just that; it prevents communication with the Gas Jot server when doing adds and edits, in order to keep those operations very fast, since they'll be local-only. Later, from the Records screen, all unsynced edits can up uploaded to the Gas Jot server in 1 bulk operation.

Export allows the user to export their Gas Jot data to CSV files.


Users can export their Gas Jot data to CSV files and download them to their computer through the File Sharing feature of iTunes.


Gas Jot iOS application.






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